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Posts posted by Sity

  1. i don't thinks he has ever been on gig in finland. and if he has don't tell me or i am going to jump down of my window, which leave me to the balcony, and i'll jump down from there. really i am not kidding :mf_rosetinted:


    Ei sentään, kyllä mä tietäisin jos olis. :wink2:


    I still hope your balcony sits in the first floor!


    And he better be coming here, if not yet, then later.

    They say it's the country of heavy metal and rock but hey, it's not like you

    can't trick them in to Hartwall Arena saying it's umm... KISS again in a

    different mask.


    And here's some more carrot:


    Marimekko raitapaita - Finnish trademark




    Choose a color :mf_rosetinted:

  2. "Extremely exciting and fast- paced: a sonic lifestyle"


    Thank you guys!:wub2:

    This forum is the best english teacher ever!:thumb_yello:

    You're so right!

    It's such a sonic teacher!


    It's amazing though how that story didn't tell me much new!

    "He's obsessed with the new album, doesn't know the exact date when it's coming out but wants to make it a good one."

    Maybe I should be glad he's not trying to blow it.


    What Im (poorly) trying to say is I trust him as what I've heard to this date.


    I wonder what the 2nd album will be called. Life in Cartoon Motion is a great name, can he think up something just as great?


    Second Life In Cartoon Motion :naughty:

  3. Äiti suunnittelee kunnon tollast putkee.... Et autol damii ja sen jälkeen ranskaan kahelle mikan keikalle ja sit käytäis espanias ja toivotaan et se tulee espaniaan tai saksaan keikalle ja sit kaikki ois wooow ! Ja päästäis sinnekki !


    Mä ainakin oon wooow, aika mahtavaa!

    Toivottavasti pääset! :yay:


    Martin kertoi nähneensä mut monesti vaikka nyt vasta tavattiin ekaa kertaa! :stretcher:


    Ei ihme... monesko keikka tää nyt sulle olikaan?

    Voit olla varma, että tuun lukemaan sun raportit! :fisch:


    "I can't wait to come to Finland!"

    Mitä siis, yksinkö se nyt on tulossa? Parasta raahata :band: mukanaan tänne!

  4. Ooh, I've got a great tip for you.

    Adjust the camera for macro status so you're set to get this super cool blur

    effect, be ready to capture only the best frames. :wink2:


    Here's an example:


    April the 7th








    Im proud I borrowed the camera from my friend so it was set to macro during

    the whole concert...

  5. Hei btw onko tää nyt niinku teh official Mika fan club?


    Ei vielä virallinen fanisivu. Tulee olemaan, kyllä!


    Mul on mun t-paita ja huppari, jota oon käyttäny vaan Mikan keikoilla - oikeestaan jokaisessa missä oon ollu. :blink:


    ettei ollut teistä joku? XD


    Haha, nauroin!


    No tota mulla on laukussa iso mikan life in cartoon motionin kannen kuva... Ja soittoäänenä love today relax ja erase... =)


    ...mutta ilmeisesti me ollaan aika pieni piiri!

    Onkohan se ainoo Mika-laukku koko maassa! No? Muut? Laukkuja? :naughty:

  7. That's because I'm a self-confessed perfectionist. If I see something wrong I go back and edit it even if it's days later, that's why half of my posts say "edited" at the bottom. :blush-anim-cl:


    Now when I do know someone else does it too for sure, Im tempted to let it go and edit everything I've wanted to but not bothered. Then again I don't care what other people do, I live my own life, walk my own path.


    I am also a perfectionist but I have this bizarre aversion to seeing "edited" under my posts. To me that makes the post more flawed than a couple of errors displayed within.


    Fortunately this forum has a grace period of a minute or two so I can catch some of them before the post is defaced with the dreaded "edited" stamp.


    Bless the after-posting-period of a minute, curse the no-life bitch who comes and quotes your whole pre-edited post and adds a stupid smiley face with a one line comment of whatever.


    I actually printed them out and brought them with me to my summerhouse because it took me some time to read and understand everything, but it was interesting and absolutely worth the effort!:thumb_yello:


    I find that so sweet thing to do. I take time to read long posts too - not always.


    But I have to tell you when I joined this forum; I had difficulties to understand the contemporary and informal language.:blush-anim-cl:


    Early days - Took me couple of days to realise it was "chin wagging", like your mouth with the chin, wagging. :naughty:

    I won't tell you more.

  8. because yes mmmh..seems that beween apples&lemons the new rule is "write your post in 2 words"..so I deal with it:glasses3:


    Made a stupid post of everything except the quote I was going to.


    It was possibly my first two-words-post ever and looks like Im not tryin that again. :naughty:


    Maybe I should start posting about the mighty difference of being silly and being

    funny in different threads just to make people around the world realise,

    which one of them I personally feel more comfortable with. :punk:

  9. lol

    because it's funny how in one post someone can make you (general "you") feel lower than expected... just playing with words ! that's something interesting and quite "artistic" in its way :wink2:


    I hope that wasn't me (ever), I don't want anyone feel low (especially because of my stupid-ass posts). :blink:


    is this the sarcasm ghetto.. ? :blink:


    No :mf_rosetinted:


    What IS it with you lovely apples?


    Your thread always seems to attract the weirdos, the duplicate accounts, the previously banned users, and the mysterious don't-you-wanna-know-who-I-am posters, who always seem to be on the opposite side of the world from where they say they are. :roftl:


    You'd think it would get old, but so far, it hasn't seemed to...


    we're attractive :mf_rosetinted:


    Sex and booze sells :cool:




    (old I know -__-)

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