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Posts posted by Akim

  1. Anyone have the lyrics for...

    Lover Boy










    Isn’t it enough

    Isn’t it enough, just to feel?

    Wild and free

    Caught up in the rough

    Caught up in the rough of life looking at me


    You think you’re in love boy

    You don’t really know what love is

    You think you’re in love girl, but honey

    Let me show you where you’re heart is


    Loverboy is just an illusion to me

    Anyboy, I‘ll show you what you would feel


    A pretty boy with a nasty trace

    A funny boy with an ugly face

    Love is just a superficial reaction


    Isn’t it enough

    Isn’t it enough, just to feel?

    Wild and free

    Caught up in the rough

    Caught up in the rough of life looking at me


    You think you’re in love boy

    You don’t really know what love is

    You think you’re in love girl, but honey

    Let me show you where you’re heart is


    Loverboy is just an illusion to me

    Anyboy, I‘ll show you what you would feel


    A pretty boy with a nasty trace

    A funny boy with an ugly face


    Love is just a functionary, momentary cautionary,


    Loverboy is just an illusion to me

    Anyboy, I‘ll show you what you would feel

    A pretty boy with a nasty trace

    A funny boy with an ugly face

    Love is just a superficial reaction

  2. Anyone have the lyrics for...

    Lover Boy






    Would you hate me if I stood out?

    Would you make me walk out of the door?

    Are you worried to discover all the things about me you don’t know?


    Keep me

    Keep me

    Keep me and

    Keep me




    Un-jaded in this god damned world



    Long enough to keep me…



    Can’t you see that my life is something more?

    Paint me any colour that you swear you’ve never seen before


    Keep me and

    Keep me

    Keep me and

    Keep me




    Un-jaded in this god damned world



    Long enough to keep me…



    In this state of rest

    In this perfect place where you’ve seen me

    In honorary out of ?




    Keep me

    Keep me

    Keep me and

    Keep me




    Un-jaded in this god damned world




    Long enough to keep me…


    Ooo ah haa haa ooo

  3. Hiya all, here's my account of one of the best nights of my life!


    Arrive around 4.15pm, in pouring rain! We were not the first either, 3 people were there before us! Rats!


    They told us that someone was about to get Mika to come out, at which point I started to shake. We waited for a good while then all the security came out, YES, that means Mika is almost here.


    When he arrived we all had to queue to speak to him. Me, GITB, Kath & Abby gave him the trousers, he seemed really pleased, he asked if they would fit and we told him that Martin had given us his measurements. (I have it all on video, but please bare with me, I have to figure out how to download it). I also gave Mika a "Making of the Tartan Trousers" scrapbook with photos of the day we made them!


    I then handed him the gift from Rainbow and Postcard from Hootchatootch and asked him to say hi to Rainbow and Tootch, he did, WOOO HOOOO!


    I then got autographs for me, Rainbow & Tootch, (my friend Sandra asked for Wendi's one, cause by then the security were getting really p'd off with us taking up so much time).


    They didn't want anymore photos to be taken, but GITB said to Mika, "Can we get a photo cause we made you the trousers" he said YYYEYEEESSSSSS!


    His mum passed us in the queue and said she liked our teeshirts! We met Big Girl too! Martan came out at one point and we were the only ones who knew who he was, so we shouted after him and got a wave! He had a bad limp (hope it gets better soon).


    We then wait another 90mins in the cold rain. Mika came out again and was whisked off in a car, with his mum and sister. The doors open, me and GITB run up the huge flight of stairs to get prime position, we were told off by 2 different people and asked to walk!


    Anyway we got to the front and put the MFC banners up and our tartan scarfs. We then met lollipop girl, who loved our teeshirts and gave us all lollies, we got a photo with her.


    Support group were good, but enough about them.


    Mika was fantastic, as were the whole band, we were on a mega high already, so hearing him sing was the icing on the cake. Sweet Dreams was absolutely fantastic, crowd loved it! As was I want you Back. OOOOOHHHH all the songs were amazing, the show was longer than in February, didn't feel short changed at all!


    Martin was watching ME singing along and when I made eye contact with him, I got a lovely big smile! :blush-anim-cl:


    We were all doing the actions in Love Today and MIKA saw me making the L sign, (which he had forgotten to do himself), and he then started doing it!






    Almost the end of the gig, and Mika leaves the stage, joking I turn to my friend to say he's gone to get the tartan trousers!



    I am screaming and screaming and screaming, jumping up and down with tartan scarf waving like mad (as are the rest of the tartan clad crew). It is the biggest rush I have EVER HAD, think it was more exciting than actually meeting him.


    He then tells the crowd that 5 friends from scotland made him the trousers, THEN POINTS OVER TO US, AND SAYS THERE THEY ARE, MORE SCREAMING AND JUMPING AND SCARF WAVING!!!!! I didn't get any of that bit on video cause I was shaking like a leaf and could not stop screaming. He did comment that they were a bit tight around the arse, and looked at GITB when he said it, she had a big thumbs up! His arse looked tremendous in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    Managed to calm down a bit and start to tape some of Grace Kelly (MY PERSONAL FAVOURITE), with Mika dancing around in the tartan.


    He finished up with Lollipop, balloons, streamers, the works.


    By then we were absolutely mentally and physically drained. We decided not to wait at the end, we'd decided to let other have a chance of speaking with him, we'd taken up enough of his time!




    (have re-read this so it may be full of mistakes and jump around a bit, but, hey, I'm past caring!):biggrin2:



    You sound like you had so much fun....It really comes through in your "report"!!! Well done....

  4. Ok, here's what I think is being said:


    (there are so many parts that I can't quite hear, and its not really a great song, Mika can't do the rock scene IMO as well as the pop/opera)





    Bye bye sally

    Bye bye sally

    By , bye sally


    She took a ride on another train,

    She couldn’t cry cause her face was bleeding

    She booked a ticket in another name

    She never thought it would be so easy

    She’s never ever been together but she’s never been too far apart

    It hurts her either way

    Couldn’t put back together all the pieces of a broken heart

    Hurts you anyway

    When you don’t know shouldn’t be?

    Where the lies should have been?



    Sally, don’t let the rain get you down, look out the window

    Somethings coming in that’s gonna chase away the sorrow

    don’t let the rain get you down, look out the window

    gonna shine again like??


    Sally, who turned on you

    Made you black eyed sally blue

    Sally, who turned on you

    Made you black eyed sally


    Took a ride on another train,

    She couldn’t cry cause her face was bleeding

    She booked a ticket in another name

    She never thought it would be so easy

    She’s never ever been together but she’s never been too far apart

    It hurts her either way

    Couldn’t put back them back together all the pieces of a broken heart

    It hurts you anyway

    ………She could have been

    and the bruises that she says …loves you….

  5. To be honest with you, if I had been seeing Mika for the first time that night, I would think the same; Mika entertained and that was it, but I know from previous experience that Mika is much much more...


    I don't see the difference between childish and childlike- unless childish is being seen as being sillly and childlike is an angelic quality???

  6. I don't think this review is bad in any way...It doesn't give a sense of strong feeling either way- just commentating in a descriptive manner.


    “his energy is unrelentingâ€


    “personal freedomâ€â€¦â€œis his declaration of libertyâ€.


    “the feeling in the crowd is friendly, not fanaticalâ€

    Disagree: The crowd WAS fanatical; I was there!! Do I need to remind you of the reception for “Love Today� Mika couldn’t really get a word in edge ways- the crowd was on a high with Mika…

    “Mika is prodigious in effort, not yet anything more ineffable. His is a willed, constructed pop dream, still showing the joinsâ€

    Ok, Mika has said that this is what he’s worked for as long as he can remember:

    Attitude 2007

    “I was too busy being obsessed with what the future held.â€

    “If I had to sum up my teenage years, I’d say I spent them standing in the wings, waiting and preparing. I was a watcher.â€

    “When I was young, I would sit on the couch, literally biting my nails thinking about it and waiting. It was like I was waiting for someone to come up and tap me and say “ok, you’re on stage now: 2 minutes, Mika.†And of course the two minutes turned into years and I was still waiting, thinking of every little thing, what could go wrong, what could go right, and how to deal with it.â€

    He has been marketed in all the right places:

    Guardian Weekend 2007

    “His Manager, Iain Watt, had spent years promoting stroppy indie bands who didn’t wan to be promoted, and says working with Mika is a joy. There is so much one can do with pop stars these days, if only they are willing. Now they can be marketed on YouTube and MySpace, and you can use them to sell myriad products. In America, Mika’s music was selling mobile phones before his first record was released. In Britain, his face was flogging Paul Smith before the public knew him as Mika.â€

    “Mika is an honest, entertaining showbiz trooper. There's no shame, or glory, in that.â€

    Agreed. There’s nothing negative with that statement. Mika did entertain us and he was good at it. The only thing that I can say that goes against this statement is that, Mika is a singer/song writer- those of us who have experienced the acoustic sessions and smaller venues can vouch for this, it isn’t just about going crazy and letting go, Mika has so much to say through his music.

    On a final note:

    Mika is being childish when he expresses himself in a chicken suit at a "Teddy Bears Picnic party", I don't know how it cannot be seen as otherwise...Mika has said it himself-

    Attitude 2007

    “I feel like I’m getting younger the older I get. The more freedom and the more confident I become, the more badly behaved and childlike I become as well.â€

  7. Thanks for the thoughtful report, Akim -- I was wondering how you'd enjoyed the show! Again, hearing all this makes me so anxious for when Mika comes to DC! Although I hope that we won't have the crushing crowd problem...


    dcdeb <27 days 12 hours 30 minutes to Mika in DC!>



    Despite all the pushing and shoving Mika's peformance was more then enough to let you forget all of that. He really does have stage presence- and gives it his all- just amazing...

  8. I know, I know, I'm late I'm late...but I have been recovering from yesterday as I now have a cold courtesy of the Air Con...but here's what I thought of the gig last night...

    BTW it was great meeting some of the members of MFC- I'ts a shame that Mika didnt't come out of a great length of time...

    Mika Shephards Bush Empire- 14/05/07

    This gig wasn’t about Mika’s ability to sing and perform and entertain; he had nothing to prove- he had made it. This gig was about showing Mika the love his fans had for him and his music.

    He had the crowd, love them or hate them, in the palms of his hands- and he lapped it up. The only time the crowd didn’t sing along (or, over shall I say?) to Mika was when he sang Holy Johnny, a relatively new demo having been heard only a couple of times at his gigs in the USA and now here in the UK- this unfortunately meant that his cover’s for The Eurhythmic’s- Sweet Dreams, The Jackson Five’s- I want you back and his “Happy Endingâ€, which is the second time that he has sung this number live onstage, could not be heard.

    I wasn’t too sure as to why Mika wasn’t talking to the crowd as much; but then again even if he had been, he wouldn’t have been heard…however he did at one point ask who had come in “Fantastical dress†as requested…there were a handful of people who had gone all out- but I get the feeling that he had expected more, although the crowd’s participation had more then made up for this “disappointmentâ€â€¦you may remember the turmoil and struggle that I was having in response to this request; well now I wonder why I had taken this request to heart, to the point of being stressed out and worried that I wouldn’t fit in, I needn’t have bothered. I now know I did this because I wanted to be accepted by Mika, as it seemed that this is the language he understands and the world he is in.

    Now I could rave about Mika’s performance- he was fantastic and, as someone having experienced the gig he did in Leeds said “was on fireâ€â€¦ who wouldn’t have gotten an ego boost from being literally “worshipped†by the crowd? Mika leaped and bounded on stage, he teased and played to the crowd and we loved it!!! There was a point where he banged away on a big old dustbin bin; hitting it with such fever- it was electrifying. Now if this had been the first time I was seeing Mika, I would have only been impressed with the entertainment factor: you could not hear him sing and therefore could not appreciate this talent of his- so next time maybe louder speakers are called for? The encore was such a let down for me despite knowing from the forum what to expect: Teddy Bear’s Picnic Party…I wasn’t ready for it and I don’t think I ever will be…I just can’t take Mika seriously in a chicken suit, I don’t get it- but maybe that is the point, who knows? He more then made up for it when he took it off just as he was walking off stage and kicking big balloons into the crowd; we got a glimpse of his torso- but it wasn’t enough!!!

    I now come onto what bugged me and ruined my evening for me: the crowd. Mika may have loved the reception that he was getting, but I along with other members of the crowd where getting crushed with all the enthusiasm (to put it kindly). At one point I had two hands on my shoulders pushing me under- Once I had recovered I discovered it had been my friend who despite her height, had had to stop herself from falling over- because a whole group behind her were just pushing forward. If there had been security there, they could not have done a single thing about it!! There were just too many people in the stalls and inconsiderate, selfish individuals who couldn’t care less about the effects of pushing and shoving in a crowd.

    When I do see Mika again I will opt for sitting down, my chair can’t get crushed now can it?? And since Mika is a born entertainer- he has enough energy that can infuse a crowd of this size, I won’t feel cheated from the experience, but I may ask for one of those in earphones that he has, just so I can hear HIM sing as well and maybe carry binoculars so I can see him too…

  9. Obviously Mika's version is the BEST!!! It is about him after all....but I really do think this guy was having fun doing it and it was entertaining to watch...there were times that he actually didn't do a bad job of it....so good on him!!!

  10. I dont know Kata - I am only going by the opening post - if that was all he said - then I kinda agree. If he went on to insult or humiliate her, then yes, I think that is wrong.


    I think Mika was referrring to Jade Goody in terms of her position in the celebrity media. Just my view.

    Mika always talks about not wanting to be a 'taboidy' person or be well known purely on the strength of media column inches. Jade Goody could be seen to be the antithesis of Mika in this sense.

    Didn't he say in a recent interview (can't think which one) "Who wants to be like Jade Goody? Not me" (paraphrasing).


    I hope it WASN'T just a dig at Jade Goody for the sake of it (though he wouldn't be the first!).



    You're right, he did say who wants to be a "Jade Goody" I could only reference The Sunday Herald though, but I have read it in numerous places- and I know that papers are always misquoting or exaggerating them- because I'm sure I read somewhere as Mika saying "who wants to be a Jade F***ing Goody"? I reserve judgement on that one. Anyway see this link if you want to listen to the broadcast yourself: Mika - Takeover (Sendspace link)


    Mika - Takeover (Zshare Link)



    Sou posted this originally.

  11. :roftl: No body seems to get it but in this country the "UK".


    Jade Goody a nobody who represents the "BULLY" not to mention racist.


    So you seem to have all forgotten that MIKA was bullied and on top of that he is in the minority, in this country, being from the Lebanon as well ~ hell ~ you could be here for 99yrs but still you are not "English" in the eyes of the Jade Goodies!!!


    M x x x:wub2:


    I have no idea what you are referring to here....but the thread was about Mika making cheap jibes at Jade Goody (whether or not she is, as some people have said: deserving of it) and that is NOT good. You refer to him being bullied- I say that his experience should have taught him that it is not nice being on the receiving end...if anyone wants to listen to the recording I think Sou posted a thread on it, have a listen he pretends that he is speaking to her on the phone and continually makes fun of her...I'll leave it to you to decide- If Mika is being "nice" or "not nice"....

  12. who is jade goody?


    unfortunately (??), if you didn't have the good fortune of watching Big Brother in England, then Jade Goody is hard to explain...


    Basically she took part in a reality show- she isn't bright and admits all this- and is "famous" for this. She then took part in "Celebrity Big Brother" and became "famous" for her bullying tactics towards another contestant Shilpa Shetty, who is Indian, and was seen as being racist as well!!! She has apologised but hasn't been well liked because of this...but then again I don't think she was well liked because of her "simple mindedness" either...


    Regardless of all this, I think its always better to be the better person and lead by being a good example...

  13. Radio 1 take over 07/05/07:


    I actually forgot that he made fun of Jade Goody- I don't think that was nice kind or funny in any way. Mika should know better then to poke fun at somebody else's expense- he himself was a victim once.


    Does anyone know if Mika has met Jade Goody or if she has said something about him to provoke this kind of treatment from Mika?


    This isn't the first time either:

    "Why does anyone want to be like Jade Goody?" Mika Interview Sunday Herald-03/02/07



  14. I actually forgot that he made fun of Jade Goody- I don't think that was nice kind or funny in any way. Mika should know better then to poke fun at somebody else's expense- he himself was a victim once. Does anyone know if Mika has met Jade Goody or if she has said something about him to provoke this kind of treatment from Mika?


    "Why does anyone want to be like Jade Goody?" Sunday Herald-03/02/07

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