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Posts posted by Akim

  1. :roftl:

    What a great discovery your friend has made to be sure! Is she going to be joining us on MFC?

    And Akim, I like your signature, are you a Morrissey fan by chance, if so, :punk: :punk: :punk:

    Hey thanks for the thumbs up...I am an 80's fan- straight from the heart. I have had poems dedicated to me on account of this and yes Morrissey fits my bill...

    My friend and I sit next to each other at work and it is pure Mika conversations...so whatever I get from MFC is already fed through to my friend...I think she feels she won't be able to contain her feelings if she were to have direct contact with "Mika"- Mika watch out!!!

  2. I've already mentioned how I came to "find" Mika: a friend of mine had roped me in...well this is an account of how she came to find him...(if that's not too confusing). I took it from her myspace page (with her permission) to share for all...see what you think...


    Mika Mania

    Current mood: giggly.gif giggly


    artistic.gifI'm feeling all inspiration this morning!. I should of really started this blog yesterday, or even perhaps at the begining of the year but its taken me all this time to get my arse in gear and finally join the ' myspace movement '. So here it is, my first atempt at ' blog speak '....

    I supose everyone has an obsession; whether healthy or not. Last summer began my James Morrison obsession. He, the blue-eyed Brit award winner. (of which i can now honestly put hand on heart and call it my border line unhealthy obsession-methinks i was experiencing some sort of premature mid- life crisis!amused.gif).

    Its funny how things can flip-reverse, then smack you right between the eyes. Let me introduce you to my new 'healthy' obsession ....Enter Mika!...Mika the 'flamboyant showman, Mika the genius!!calm.gif

    It all began late last December when i first heard those all telling lines; "do i attract you, do i repulse you".I was immediatley hooked..Then came the sample tracks of his album and at this point i was happily blown away. How can one album be sooooo diverse- every kind of emotion is put out for public display.

    It soon occured to me that i was too late in deveolping my appreciation of this man of great talent and was going to miss out on the opportunity of witnessing this intelligent species of a man, perform his biggest gig to date in London. However, little did i know that a second chance awaited- an annoucement of a free acoustic showcase!!..Oh, i should mention, that at this stage in my obsession with all things Mika, i had successfully recruited a friend (that's me=Akim!!:thumb_yello:) to join me in 'Mika World'.

    Suffice to say, on a cold winters day in January (Jan 29th to be exact) my love of Mika truly commenced and the fun hasn't stopped! Its been Mika, Mika, and more Mika, with a little bit of James Morrison thrown in for good measure......giggly.gif

    I'm off to see him again in May, and July with my fellow Mika obssesive friend, who, can i just add, is more obsessed than i am- to the point of joining his ever increasing messageboard and fan club!!...This guy is highy contagious!

    So, in conclusion to this blog, and whilst offering some food for thought, i'll end it with some very choice words from Mika himself. For all those who choose to be more concerned with Mika's sexual orientation, rather than his music and creativity;

    "Sexuality in pop is genderless. Over-sexualising a record is delicious and amazing"

  3. God !! People !! You really have to relax !! Maaaaaaaaaaan !!!! :rasta: I can't believe it...


    And this is a democratic country : you can discuss about whatever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone...


    Pfiou !!! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:



    I agree!!! Chill out everyone...In any case Mika can look after himself...

  4. on ARD they said that he borrowed Freddie Mercury's piano just to see how it feels....


    In the interview by Ian Usher, Attitude, Mika is quoted as saying:


    "...can I just say that I did not demand Freddie Mercury's piano to be shipped in so I could record three acoustic tracks. Its B*******!! It makes good reading, butnone of it is true."

  5. I never get those emails :boxed: Only got one promoting Patrick Wolf, what the hell was that :blink: Oh well :sneaky2:


    You know what I agree with "what the hell was all that about with Patrick wolf"!! I think it's just a marketing ploy to promote other bands and artists (coincidently on the same label) off the back of Mika. Ok, Patrick Wolf comes close since he is just as quirky- but the same musical genre? I don't think so...


    Mika want's his fans to dress up...ok. And then he wants the dressed up fans to warm up for the gigs by listening to "Pull Tiger Tail"? Get real!! Have you listened to them?? It was announced in the same email that this group would be supporting Mika...


    No I won't be dressing up- never have done, never will- but who says I can't enjoy his music without dressing up???

  6. ....my colleague and I noticed this quite some time ago...they do have this obvious chemistry, but whether there's more to it- I doubt if you could tell just by looking at them. Unless of course you've witnessed some serious *snogging* LOL!!


    Seriously though I just think they're really good friends and both enjoy performing together. Martin even sings just as well as Mika and has accompanied Mika on most gigs, tours and appearances where it's just the two of them playing- and probably has been for a while. In any case Martin has said that he is married...:wink2:

  7. wow ! someone got up on the wrong side of the bed ! I know everyone's entitled to his own opinion... but you should be somewhat objective and recognise the fact that Mika is talented. He know how to sing and you can't deny that, even if you don't like his style.


    well isn't it Mika himself who said the wise words : "My music is like mackerel and tomato sauce.... either you love it, or you f*ckin' hate it !"


    I think he wouldn't let a bad review like that put him down... if anything he likes it that way. He said in an interview that he prefers provoking very polarised reaction than having everybody agree that he is just ok...


    He's a marmite artist and he is proud of it !!! ROCK ON MIKA !!! :punk:


    I totally agree!! I was at such a loss of words, when I read Max Salsbury's review; but what you say puts into words what I feel...I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it feels as if he tried TOO hard to be negative as possible (someone else has already mentioned this) and I fail to see how you can totally miss the fact that Mika is talented, whether or not you like his style of music...

  8. OMG this is sooo funny!!!

    I can't believe it...how can they do that?? Mika's album is for children???


    anyway..I don't think that children can catch the REAL MEANING between the lines of a song like Lollipop..and if they do..they'll learn something.As far as I know that song was written by Mika for his little daughter, it has a quite good lesson! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

    I'm sure Mika had said that he'd written it for his little sister..? His message was not to lose her virginity too quickly as it would probably mean something "different" for "her partner" then it would for her...And I'm definetly sure that he doesn't have a daughter!!

  9. I have to say that I did not like the bib shirt...I remember when I first saw it, I was wondering if it was a real Bib he was wearing....sorry doesn't do it for me!!

    I like him best in the black bolero jacket and when he performed in Milan with the tailored black and white striped jacket...of course he always looks great in a T-Shirt...by the way who thinks that Mika is looking more toned? I saw him in a video performing Over my shoulder, his biceps are definetly more defined...:blush-anim-cl:

  10. My daughter's is almost 4 year's old and she LOVES Mika!! In no way is she scared or intimidated by his music. She recognises the theme of Mika's songs (esp. Love Today and Grace Kelly) if we happen to hear it on the radio or TV and sings along. Obviously I won't be going into the meaning of what Love Today represents- but as Mika says it can mean anything to anyone regardless of age. My daughter loves the fact that there is a song she can sing that talks about lollipops!! She's has a terrible sweet tooth (courtesy of moi!).

    It appeals to all ages...I certainly won't be giving her the facts of life any time soon and tell her "well really, that's not what the song is about...". :blush-anim-cl:

  11. My colleague introduced me to Mika's album sometime in January- she'd somehow manged to get hold of it before it's release- the James Morrison forum had people raving about Mika, that's how she heard of him- and from the first hearing of "Relax-Take it Easy, (iTunes download) she was hooked!!! She'd managed to track down the album all in one night from that "first hearing"!!


    She knew I would "dig" it too!!! Anyway that's when I learnt that he'd been on the music scene a lot longer then that...I can't fathom how we missed it all!!! He'd even played near where I live in East London in the winter, I was soooo gutted, but I got to see him when he played @ FOPP...yay!!...and will do when he play's at Shepherd's Bush Empire in May.


    What did it feel like...the first time? Being hit from all sides- his album is so diverse, there's something for everyone...

  12. When I first heard of the scrapbook idea, I thought that it would be impossible to get it to Mika and also does he have the time to note it?....ovbiously he does. It so heart warming to know Mika does acknowledge his fans and that he is such a gentleman. Although I didn't get a chance to add anything to the book, (I wish I had now...) I'd like to say thankyou Sivan for all the effort you (and everyone else who put into it) put into this idea.


    Just goes to show that fame doesn't always go to the head... :cool:

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