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Posts posted by Akim

  1. Hi everyone! I almost forgot that Mika was playing in Ibiza Rocks...it was really nice to read all the reports and see the pics, so thank you. :thumb_yello:


    I may have missed it, but how was the show itself? I remember thinking at previous shows that his Love Today and cover of Sweet Dreams were evolving in a way that would suggest he was preparing for an audience such as one typical of Ibiza. Did it exceed other performances? I know from the reports he wasn't as healthy, so maybe not? It'd be interesting to know...:wink2:

  2. Wow! This really will be a collectors item.


    Thanks for posting Da Mango. :thumb_yello:


    I personally don't like the jacket- Orange, ugh!! But having said that it does look good on him...:wink2:


    I like that we can see how the sketch started out and the finished product.


    I see that he's wearing a ring...interesting, its the first picture I've seen him wearing one in...

  3. London Lite eh?


    I received a copy of London Lite on the streets last week and I didn't really like the general tone of voice of that 'newspaper'. This was in there too. Nah, not my idea of 'objective' journalism. :wink2:


    You have to admit, This "pose" raises a lot more questions then answering them. Personally speaking I didn't see it as inflammatory or as a rebuke...Mika will keep everyone speculating- as is his right to do so and in turn questions will always be raised...

  4. SPiBLOG

    All your gossip from Lite's army of citizen reporters


    Signatute for charity?

    You're taking the Mika


    THERE wasn't much love from Mika at T4 On The Beach. The posh boy refused to sign a T-shirt to raise money for a Weston-super-Mare youth group, Barcode - because other celebs had signed it. The Love Today singer instead stormed off. Our source revealed: "He was insulted that he was part of a group of celebrities who had been asked to contribute."


    This particular piece was reported by a "citizen"- so they are not a journalist by profession and is meant to be taken as "gossip"...I'd be interested to know what Mika actually said though...

  5. Well, I am sorry but I can't help you solve this riddle, because when I saw the first picure of the Summerset gig I thought:

    "Why the hell did he dress like Jacko in the 80s?"

    :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:


    That’s exactly what I thought when I saw him in the sequinned black jacket!!!:naughty:

    As for the look with the top hat and jacket (one of my favourite)…it goes without saying: Ring Master hence the circus theme etc, etc… :doh:

  6. Funnily enough the "reporters" name was not given...


    I'm going to be a bit cynical on this one. Judging from most of what people have already mentioned on the forum; Mika wasn't himself on the day. For whatever reason, he PROBABLY wasn't in the mood, in a rush- if that serves as a justifiable excuse...at least I hope so!!

  7. SPiBLOG

    All your gossip from Lite's army of citizen reporters


    Signatute for charity?

    You're taking the Mika


    THERE wasn't much love from Mika at T4 On The Beach. The posh boy refused to sign a T-shirt to raise money for a Weston-super-Mare youth group, Barcode - because other celebs had signed it. The Love Today singer instead stormed off. Our source revealed: "He was insulted that he was part of a group of celebrities who had been asked to contribute."

  8. Umm..if I read your post how you intended it to be then I kind of agree with what you are saying.

    Mika definetly plays to his audience- brace twanging etc...his poses have been getting more and more prominent, shall we say? And its been after particular mention on this forum...i.e.


    Grey boxers

    brace twanging

    Going topless



    Its all in good fun though...I find it amusing to watch. He is confident and plays it well...

  9. Ok. Firstly, a complete nightmare getting there. It took us 3 hours to get somewhere that should take 1 hour 15 mins..........


    Stopped to get food - 2 burgers and 3 chips costing me £17.50! Nearly collapsed!!!!! The chips were those crappy tiny trays that you could fit about 20 on!! 25 if you're lucky and don't drop any!!!

    My jeans were soaked pretty much straight away but nevermind. Got a Carlsberg and enjoyed Akon. (Missed Calvin Harris as we had only just got there and needed a waz.)

    Went to go and change baby but they wouldn't let us out after we were in!!!!! Wish somebody had told us - luckily we did have the change bag and everything with us.It's just that we would have had a bit of space in the Rangy to change bab - couldn't see any baby change anywhere at all so i asked the security people who said that they didn't think that they had any!!!!!!! I rushed over to the first woman i saw with a baby and asked her, but she had only just arrived so didn't know.

    We ended up going in the first aid tent! Thanks lots to them for their help!


    We went for a walk along the top bit where they had the other stages and i bought a white hat.:biggrin2: Had to have summat and am soooooo glad!!! - that i DIDN'T take my Little Bo Peep outfit because it would have been a nightmare trying to get changed anywhere and also, with 30,000 people - Mika would not have seen me anyway!!

    We had a walk round, sat down and chilled out. I enjoyed listening and singing to 'Something kinds ooh' - then realised that i better get my arse in gear and battle through the thousands to get ready for Mika! It was 3.50 pm - hoped half hour would be enough time to get down there.

    I left Ian and Tallulah and made my run for it!

    I made my way through loads of people but ended up on the opposite side of the stage to Mika, but not all that far away from the stage - far too many people though so.......

    I screamed best i could for him and i wore a MFC Flashing Heart for him, although he wouldn't have been able to see it!! Impossible - it really WAS a joke!

    Mika was very different............hard to explain.....dunno whether or not it's cuz there were 30,000 people and he didn't know how they'd react or what, but he wasn't his usual self. It was nice for Martin and Mikey to have a strut around the stage for 'Big Girl'. :biggrin2: , and it was great to see lollipop girl for 'Grace Kelly'. 'Love Today' was brilliant - i took my heart off and waved it in the air, and of course, i sang all the songs like a mad woman, screaming and clapping my hands, in NORMAL clothing, which, i haven't done since January! LOL!!! So, it was a bit strange wearing jeans seeing Mika.:shocked: Of course Little Bo Peep will return, but perhaps not until after Glasgow - gonna have to do summat else as can't get my Shepherd's crook on the plane, but that's another story......

    It was over and done with in what seemed like 2 minutes.

    I was very happy to go and see Mika - although i was gutted i couldn't take Tallulah to see him. They had to 'try' and watch the big screen from the top, it was sooooo packed, i really can't explain what it was like trying to get through.:shocked:

    I had won a £10 gift card from the TKMaxx text comp, so that was alright.

    We decided to leave at 5 to try and beat everyone - what a joke. Tallulah was screaming, people were pushing in and being really impatient and we were in the car queue for 2 hours.....bit more. The traffic after that was awful!

    We stopped for 40 mins for food and that and eventually got home just after 11.15......as i said before, it takes 1 hour 15 minutes usually, and it took us 5 and a half hours to get home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I was extremely pissed off as you can imagine, we all had sunburn aswell and i felt absolutely terrible for my poor little babba who was tired and had a long day and she needed to go night nights.


    I've come to the conclusion that i won't be going to anything like this again in the near future unless someone can look after babba.


    It would have been nice if Mika at least knew i was there to show support but he didn't.:blink: Far too many people, that's the trouble with things like this / festivals etc - nevermind, can't wait for the next gig. :biggrin2:

    Bring on Glasgow! :thumb_yello:


    I'm sure Mika will know, at some point that you were there...Sorry to hear it wasn't all that good...oh well its an experience!

  10. Haha, ja, 'twas me all along... :naughty:




    Was that really meant to be provocative? :boxed: I thought it was just Patrick Wolf being... Patrick Wolf XD;




    :shocked: *gets a nosebleed at the thought*


    To be quite honest, I was confused! Although it really wasn't my thing...I kind of like him. He resolutely stands by his beliefs, read his blogs they really are thoughtful...I liked the fact that he was sincere when he thanked the crowd for the appaluse- if it wasn't for the personal touches I don't think I would have said that much about him.


    I know what you mean by the provocative, questionmark...ummm...its his act...don't really know what else to say







    I like this one- the way the eyes have been photographed represent two sides...


    I'm looking forward to visiting on Saturday. I'm going to take my daughter with me, who I know will love the display. It actually reminds me of the muruls we use to do in school...


    Thanks guys for posting the pics and reporting back:punk:

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