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Everything posted by curly

  1. YEAH!!!!! I think we shall have to mention this thread to him... somehow!
  3. Yeah big girls place in mikaville!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't got a clue what to call our place tho..... What about Diet Coke and a Pizza Please!
  4. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be great!!!!!!!!!! I think we'll have Coketon DC for the place and the Bar......?
  5. I love glowing stuff BTW i was thinking we don't have a name for our bar...
  6. Is anyone from this thread going to the Necastle Carling Academy or Manchester Apollo gigs in November?
  7. Hey everyone i have been looking through the thread to see if i have missed anyone off the list.. i don't think i have but the order is a big muggled. If i have missed anyone out just let me know and i'll add you to the list! BexxY - my amazing one woman bar staff - please can i have a Diet Coke? BTW we need to stock up on lemons and fancy glasses!
  8. Just checked he's nearly 20, so i was right!
  9. Yeah i'll put it on sendspace! Here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vwu19k BTW it's called Mika - Relax vs Bodyrox (DJ Notorious Remix)
  10. Thanks! I love the one with the big girl!
  11. Yay! More than 1 person likes it!
  12. My brother??? 19 (i think! ) but he's like a big kid!
  13. Yay! At least 1 person likes it... i won't mind if everyone else hates it now!
  14. Okay, so my brother is a dj and has some programme on our computer that can put vocals with instrumentals and stuff. So, i asked him to do a remix of Relax (cos it's the only vocals i have!) with another songs instumental in the background.. this is how it turned out! Download Here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vwu19k BTW it's called Mika - Relax vs Bodyrox (DJ Notorious Remix) If you listen to it a few times you get used to it and it sounds quite good! p.s. it's alright to say it's wierd too... i know! SHOULD I SEND IT TO MIKA???????? .
  15. WOW! That lollipop was huge!!! I want one!
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