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Posts posted by Grace_Kelly

  1. Ok that makes me feel better. I'm an oddball and everybody else cant heheh! lol

    i probably am gonna have to get a job so then i could fly to london and see him. I would just go and see him while he's in New York, it would save you the flight to london and back.

    Your husband wouldn't get mad, he's a celebrity and he knows how girls are with celebritys. lol if Mika were to marry me he would be considered a child predator, but NOT FOR LONG im 18 in october.

  2. awww no fair!

    but i want to be an oddball too!

    what am i talking about, i am an oddball.

    from the looks of it, i may never get a pic with Mika. =[

    All his gigs are in London or New York and I have no money or a car to get me there.=/

    may i be an oddball with you? lol

  3. What have I started???!! asking about his chest hair?? LOL!!!

    As long as he hasn't got a hairy back. I hate hairy backs its like sleeping with a chimp!

    What about the waxing question? Is he up for a back,sack and crack??? I think he would cry bucket loads mind so would i for him!! LOL!! I could always offer to hold his hand (nothing else tho!) xx


    ohh my gosh when i read that i was CRACKING UP!


    that is hilarious!

  4. Are you sure you want to do that? :naughty:

    Someone else did name her tama already after Mika,

    and then she shocked us all postin that Mika died! :shocked:


    WHAT!? nuh uh?!

    that is horrible and im sorry for that guy/girl.

    i think i might name him president bush then let him die.

    that would make me feel all better inside:naughty:

    boy= setty

    girl= beast


    your tama is lovely! very cute =]

  5. [

    Oh, that's just great!

    I didn't have a tama when I started this thread... :naughty:

    What kinda tama are you goin to get?

    There's so many different colours...


    Hmmm That's a hard one! I'm either going to get something with a BRIGHT color like green or yellow. BUT THEN i have to name it and all. I am horrible with names and choosing of them.

    i think i might name it Mika after our beloved singer:naughty:

  6. You really think that would come up as a succesful thread...?

    So nobody will start to think about Mika if we talk about chest hair in Mika's fan club? :naughty:


    HAHA we can!

    It wont be successful but you gotta admit,

    chest hair in itself is a funny subject.

    And when someone goes "HEY i wonder if Mika has chest hair!" every thing will take off from there!:naughty: lol

  7. Btw, I love your avatar! So lovely...

    ( You wouldn't believe the boy in the pic has chest hair...)


    Ok,Ok,Ok, I'll stop!! :naughty:


    Oh thank you! Made it myself!


    For a second i was about to do some photoshoping and make visible chest hair but then i realized he DOES read this and all and that would be very rude of me.

    I'll leave Mikas cheast hair alone for now.:naughty:

  8. As random as it's allowed...

    He might see this some day tho,

    lets save the discussion before it gets worse...

    His body hair, I think it's quite personal subject...:naughty:



    Your right!

    Any second he could come on here see whats new and what do you know! were talking about his chest hair.

    I do agree, is body hair is very very very personal:naughty:

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