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About Grace_Kelly

  • Birthday 10/23/1991


  • Bio
    Erased Girl

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  • Occupation
    Aubrey Hepburn in training.
  1. i would probably cry. then realize that i never had a chance in the first place then cry more.
  2. how weird would that be?! "Mika, did you know that chicken means sex on the forums?" i'd crack up if i were there to tell him.
  3. i wouldn't either! i'm sure i would consider jumping off a bridge or something if i saw mika die in front of me. awww this is really depressing. gahhh! :tears: :tears:
  4. OOHHHHHHHHH! :roftl: i thought that it was because of the "I Got Life" performance. the whole chicken & ticket thing... yeah. thanks for clearing that one up! mika is the chicken.
  5. wowww. that's nice to know that i helped him live longer. haha
  6. oh that is so weird! i had a dream that Mika died last night! i was sorta surprised that i didn't cry when i woke up. haha i would ask: 1.) can i have your neon glasses? 2.) do you have any enemys? [so then i could beat them up! hehe] && 3.) would you die of anything but whatever you're dying of now?
  7. haha to be completely honest i don't see it. but the baby is absolutly adorable isn't he?!
  8. oh my! i hope he keeps the curls up! i don't know bout you guys but i'm not so sure a fro would do for him. haha
  9. i know this one girl...i don't know her sn on here but she said she was told this was a pic of Mika when he was younger.
  10. yep. that's really me! thankk you. i look COMPLETELY different now. my hair's black now. haha
  11. ohh my. this is adorable! add me in please! i'll figure out my new scanner then i'll put it on here... hopefully. haha
  12. im not gonna lie. i would take advantage of him in the naughtiest of ways. haha:wub2:
  13. i heard Grace Kelly on the Geoff Show and at first I thought it was kinda annoying. But then they continued to play the song and then I looked up the lyrics and then I was hooked with the song. about a week or two or three later, i was reading Entertainment Weekly and I found out that there was a music video! i pushed my sister off the computer and i watched the lovely video. but my joy was short lived when my mom and my sister burst out laughing and started making fun of him because he seemed "gay". a year later and i'm at a mikanuts high and going to his concert in seatlle.
  14. oooh your right! smarrrrt... haha thanks for reminding me!
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