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Posts posted by humpfree

  1. haha nice! last night i was up til like 4 cause i couldnt sleep cause i was so excited about hearing that mika is doing a U.S. tour....so i was trying to sleep and then the rap popped into my head so i was up til like 3 or 4 writing it. and making it perfect :P


    and i had to wake up at 8! and i was in the sun all day. so i'm all sunburned. its funny XD

  2. lol ya! making mika fan videos is a new hobbie of mine lol


    i even made a rap last night. its trying to persuade mika to come to utah. XD lol.. but i didnt record it cause i thought that it would be just too much...too obsessive. lol

  3. lol ya i like lollipop wayyyy better than the ones i made today...but thats ok..... i really wanted to do one with me just jumping around and stuff....but i was at my family party all day so i had to make them in my car lol.

  4. he moved his piano because of the martin and mika forum!!!?!?!?!?!


    he is sooo funny!!!


    all hail mika!!

    aww i wanted a smiley that was like..someone bowing to a king....but they dont have one :(



    however i found these really funny XD





  5. me too its great. but u should listen to some of his other songs...they are soo much better than grace kelly XD.. most of my friends like lollipop...you should listen to it. :D

  6. oh, its never been a question of him not loving his fans. He's always been so chill with us! ^_^ But as much as he loves his fans, i don't think anyone wants people searching for and picking apart their personal life. Thats all we mean.


    i know. but i mean if he accepts f/r on his "personal" myspace page then i dont think its like....horribly bad for us to talk about it. but i dont know. i'm really mixed on this. cause i love mika soo much! and i want to know about him...but he doesnt really tell that much...so it gets frustrating sometimes....but at the same time i think that people go WAAAy to far....i think this thread (at the beginning) went a little too far...

  7. this post makes me really emotional! one second i'm jealous, then happy for him, then mad XD ..


    but i think that it is wrong to be in his personal business. but if he put his personal myspace page on his music pages top friends...and he accepts f/r. then he must not be that worried about people talking about it...... plus i think mika is one of those celebrities that has fun with his fans...they make him laugh....We make him laugh .


    ^.^ :D

  8. i have two more coming...they are...kind of entertaining i guess.. i took them with my friend today when we were at my family easter party...so we were sitting in the car....but we laughed a lot so maybe you guys will too!! :)


    i converted my friend to mika! im so proud of myself XD


    i'll post my videos as soon as they load :D




    thats sooo awesommee! ahhhh thats awesome



    i know that a couple weeks ago i went to target and i looked to see how his album was doing and it was completely sold out! and i was like



    WTF!!! OMG! lol

  10. ddduuuuh the things i dont like about being a mika fan in the U.S.

    is A] he doesnt play many shows in the U.S and when he does, its one or two far away from where i live. and they are usually sold out by the time i find out.

    and b] holy crap $111 dollars for a hoodie!!?!?!?!?!?! omg. is it even worth that much??


    i LOVE mika but.....things are starting to take its toll......




    still love him tho. still addicted. lol

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