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Posts posted by ThatPinkSock

  1. haha I am so glad you guys found him!! Thats hysterical that you got "felt up" by Mika. I'm happy Jerry pulled through and was able to get you guys the group photo. I can't wait to see it!!


    It was soo cool! He shook all our hands and maybe he'll remember us for next time. He says mika's coming to NY for another show in September <3

  2. ThatPinkSock's Nokia Story:

    Don't forget to click on the links for pics/ videos!!!


    We arrive in front of the theater at 1:30 and we're the first on line. They set up the barriers early just for us <3 Then we got mad ins with Danny, a security guard who was working there. Like a lot of the people working there they weren't familiar with Mika! Luckily I brought a picture of him to show to people asking about what we were lined up for. So we're chilling there for about an hour and Sara Barielles shows up and we scream "We love you sara!" and she waves back!


    Eventually more Mika people start to show up and come outside. For example, Mika's sound engineer, Owen, came to talk to us every smoke break. I recognized him and say "Hey, were you at Borders testing out Mikas chair?" and he says "I remember you! You were the one to asked to have my Mika Fan Club pin!!" I just really liked it is all. We took a picture with him but he told us to not post it on the forums. Oh well! After Owen came we saw Mikey and he waved to us. Even Mrs. Penniman (Mika's mommy) waved to us crazy rainbow girls.


    So many people passing by were asking us what the fuss was about! The best was when Jennie from TRL (an MTV music show) came up to us and asked who Mika was. I showed her the picture and ranted about how amazing she is. She walked away for a few seconds and came back and said, "Look, I work for TRL. It's my day off but I just have to ask. We're doing a special on summer concerts and we'd just love it if you'd do a video diary for our show! I can get you girls some free tickets and everything." (maybe she can get us more Mika action!?!?) So she gave me her email where we can send our videos! Ahh we're famous <3 We recorded ourselves saying "Hey TRL! We're here on line to see Mika! He's amazing and talented!" and all that jazz. Speaking of famous, a photographer from ABC came and filmed us and took pictures of anything with "Mika" written on it. So she got a few pics of the picture I drew for Mika!!!!


    Just when we thought this day couldn't get any more exciting, we spot Jerry! Mika's manager! He comes over, we chat a little and he says he'll hook us up with some Mika connections. He takes a picture of us on his phone and with his digicam. He told us to find him after the show. It's was definitely because of our MFC pins. Speaking of MFC, we met up with so many awesome MFCers<3 I loved meeting all of you!!!!!!!!! Then Mika came! He was late I guess so he didn't have time to say hi or anything but he waved to us!!


    A little after 7 they let us in! It was a mad dash to get the best spots. We were at the very front! If there wasn't a barrier we could have been leaning on the stage! The best part of being in the front was that we were able to hold out a poster that MikaOnTheWeb, lovetoday, and I made. It said "Mikagasm!" the best word I've ever made up. So many times we cause him eyed the poster with a puzzled look trying to read it. Eventually I think he picked up on what it said and looked at it and smiled. Ahhh! He loved it. My favorite parts of the actual show was when he sang Holy Johnny (lovetoday and I were like the only ones who knew all the words<3), his cover of "http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b101/Fuzzy52kiwi/?action=view&current=LoveTodayMikagasmic.flv[/img]"]Sweet Dreams", and of course Love Today when he was half naked! I have crazy videos of that.


    The Grand Finale was outstanding! Mika was the sexy Monkey and you could really tell he was having SO much fun dancing around on stage with those HUGE balloons. One really big one popped and confetti busted out. He was smiling the entire time! Everyone could feel his amazing positive energy.


    After the show ended we decided to look for Jerry, or Mika, or anyone with info on where we could go to meet him! We wandered around for about 30 minutes and actually met up with Sara Barielles. We got up to her and compliment her and she points to me and says "I remember you!" Probably because I screamed "I love you SARA! and she looked at me and smiled while she sang 'love song' <3 So after we chilled with Sara and take a few pics we find a spot in Nokia to sit. Our security guard friend, Danny told us we would have no luck seeing Mika while inside the Nokia we end up outside were they make weak attempts to clear us out. We knew Mika wouldn't let us down! After about 30 minutes waiting outside a security guard starts bring out barrier things which basically means that MIKAS COMING OUT!! First Martin comes out and tells us to keep the volume down for Mika cause he's a little sdjfhsdjf from the show. It was pretty freakin LOUD in there.


    Then comes the man we've all been waiting for! He comes to IMG_5171.jpg of the barrier first and starts signing the free posters the Mika people gave us and signing whatever else people brought. When he gets to me and lovetoday he says "Oh, you again!" then gives us both sexy looks. He sees her birthday pin and asks about her birthday then compliments her tamagotchi! We asked "Did you see our Mikagasmic poster, Mika?!" and he says "Mhm!" and gives us another sexy look/nod. I was like dying! So after he signed lovetoday's stuff he got to me and I hold out the picture I drew for him. He looks at it and says "You drew this!" he's all gasping and whatnot "I can't believe it! It's brilliant! I love it, thank you!!!" then he signed my free Mika poster with AHHHHH! He loved it and omg omgomg. Next we gave him a little plush monkey that he loved also! He loved the picture and everything so much he hugged me!! Then I snuck in a kiss on his jaw cheek. IT WAS AMAZING! He loved the gifts! He called the monkey a tamagotchi Monkey and held it up to his . EEKSJEFHKJSDFHSDMFns,df. <33 One of the most amazing things was right as he was about to leave Jerry who finally met up with us after the show says "Mika, you've got to take a picture with these girls first!" so Jerry takes a picture with us and Mika with lovetodays camera (pics kinda blurry) then with his! AHHH! Mika and Jerry with remember us forever =]


    As Mikas leaving we stay a few seconds to wave his car off then one of our friends dads call to tell us "you'd better catch that 12:31 train or you'll be waiting until 2am!" It was 12:20. We RAN through the streets of NYC to get to Penn Station on time. We dash into where the schedules are and it turns out that it's a 12:37 train and we had plenty of time. We get seats together and talk and exchange favorite parts and it was all in all a PERFECT Mika day! Look for us on TRL!


    More Mikagasmic pictures I took from Nokia:

    My Nokia Album


    Love Today shirtless bit

    Sexy Sweet Dreams dance


    More videos to come!

    Thanks for reading!



    This is posted again in the other thread lovetoday made =p

  3. ThatPinkSock's Nokia Story:

    Don't forget to click on the links for pics/ videos!!!


    We arrive in front of the theater at 1:30 and we're the first on line. They set up the barriers early just for us <3 Then we got mad ins with Danny, a security guard who was working there. Like a lot of the people working there they weren't familiar with Mika! Luckily I brought a picture of him to show to people asking about what we were lined up for. So we're chilling there for about an hour and Sara Barielles shows up and we scream "We love you sara!" and she waves back!


    Eventually more Mika people start to show up and come outside. For example, Mika's sound engineer, Owen, came to talk to us every smoke break. I recognized him and say "Hey, were you at Borders testing out Mikas chair?" and he says "I remember you! You were the one to asked to have my Mika Fan Club pin!!" I just really liked it is all. We took a picture with him but he told us to not post it on the forums. Oh well! After Owen came we saw Mikey and he waved to us. Even Mrs. Penniman (Mika's mommy) waved to us crazy rainbow girls.


    So many people passing by were asking us what the fuss was about! The best was when Jennie from TRL (an MTV music show) came up to us and asked who Mika was. I showed her the picture and ranted about how amazing she is. She walked away for a few seconds and came back and said, "Look, I work for TRL. It's my day off but I just have to ask. We're doing a special on summer concerts and we'd just love it if you'd do a video diary for our show! I can get you girls some free tickets and everything." (maybe she can get us more Mika action!?!?) So she gave me her email where we can send our videos! Ahh we're famous <3 We recorded ourselves saying "Hey TRL! We're here on line to see Mika! He's amazing and talented!" and all that jazz. Speaking of famous, a photographer from ABC came and filmed us and took pictures of anything with "Mika" written on it. So she got a few pics of the picture I drew for Mika!!!!


    Just when we thought this day couldn't get any more exciting, we spot Jerry! Mika's manager! He comes over, we chat a little and he says he'll hook us up with some Mika connections. He takes a picture of us on his phone and with his digicam. He told us to find him after the show. It's was definitely because of our MFC pins. Speaking of MFC, we met up with so many awesome MFCers<3 I loved meeting all of you!!!!!!!!! Then Mika came! He was late I guess so he didn't have time to say hi or anything but he waved to us!!


    A little after 7 they let us in! It was a mad dash to get the best spots. We were at the very front! If there wasn't a barrier we could have been leaning on the stage! The best part of being in the front was that we were able to hold out a poster that MikaOnTheWeb, lovetoday, and I made. It said "Mikagasm!" the best word I've ever made up. So many times we cause him eyed the poster with a puzzled look trying to read it. Eventually I think he picked up on what it said and looked at it and smiled. Ahhh! He loved it. My favorite parts of the actual show was when he sang Holy Johnny (lovetoday and I were like the only ones who knew all the words<3), his cover of "http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b101/Fuzzy52kiwi/?action=view&current=LoveTodayMikagasmic.flv[/img]"]Sweet Dreams", and of course Love Today when he was half naked! I have crazy videos of that.


    The Grand Finale was outstanding! Mika was the sexy Monkey and you could really tell he was having SO much fun dancing around on stage with those HUGE balloons. One really big one popped and confetti busted out. He was smiling the entire time! Everyone could feel his amazing positive energy.


    After the show ended we decided to look for Jerry, or Mika, or anyone with info on where we could go to meet him! We wandered around for about 30 minutes and actually met up with Sara Barielles. We got up to her and compliment her and she points to me and says "I remember you!" Probably because I screamed "I love you SARA! and she looked at me and smiled while she sang 'love song' <3 So after we chilled with Sara and take a few pics we find a spot in Nokia to sit. Our security guard friend, Danny told us we would have no luck seeing Mika while inside the Nokia we end up outside were they make weak attempts to clear us out. We knew Mika wouldn't let us down! After about 30 minutes waiting outside a security guard starts bring out barrier things which basically means that MIKAS COMING OUT!! First Martin comes out and tells us to keep the volume down for Mika cause he's a little sdjfhsdjf from the show. It was pretty freakin LOUD in there.


    Then comes the man we've all been waiting for! He comes to IMG_5171.jpg of the barrier first and starts signing the free posters the Mika people gave us and signing whatever else people brought. When he gets to me and lovetoday he says "Oh, you again!" then gives us both sexy looks. He sees her birthday pin and asks about her birthday then compliments her tamagotchi! We asked "Did you see our Mikagasmic poster, Mika?!" and he says "Mhm!" and gives us another sexy look/nod. I was like dying! So after he signed lovetoday's stuff he got to me and I hold out the picture I drew for him. He looks at it and says "You drew this!" he's all gasping and whatnot "I can't believe it! It's brilliant! I love it, thank you!!!" then he signed my free Mika poster with IMG_5186.jpg AHHHHH! He loved it and omg omgomg. Next we gave him a little plush monkey that he loved also! He loved the picture and everything so much he hugged me!! Then I snuck in a kiss on his jaw cheek. IT WAS AMAZING! He loved the gifts! He called the monkey a tamagotchi Monkey and held it up to his IMG_5173.jpg. EEKSJEFHKJSDFHSDMFns,df. <33 One of the most amazing things was right as he was about to leave Jerry who finally met up with us after the show says "Mika, you've got to take a picture with these girls first!" so Jerry takes a picture with us and Mika with lovetodays camera (pics kinda blurry) then with his! AHHH! Mika and Jerry with remember us forever =]


    As Mikas leaving we stay a few seconds to wave his car off then one of our friends dads call to tell us "you'd better catch that 12:31 train or you'll be waiting until 2am!" It was 12:20. We RAN through the streets of NYC to get to Penn Station on time. We dash into where the schedules are and it turns out that it's a 12:37 train and we had plenty of time. We get seats together and talk and exchange favorite parts and it was all in all a PERFECT Mika day! Look for us on TRL!


    More Mikagasmic pictures I took from Nokia:

    My Nokia Album


    Love Today shirtless bit

    Sexy Sweet Dreams dance


    More videos to come!

    Thanks for reading!

  4. Oh yeah! Your were right next to me. Very awesome. I defintely felt that same way about the peeople behind us. I was seriously trying to keep my focus on the show and its Mikagasmicness and they were just there to like, be drunk on a night out. Whatever. IT WAS AN AMAZING SHOW!


    There were these 3 very gay and very drunk and very aggressive gay guys behind me. I felt violated on every level! Not to mention there was alcohol spilled on my numurous times during the show. The weirdest thing was the guy that decided to smoke pot during the show! I'm sorry but for a Mika show, I'd want to be clear headed. Could you imagine missing a moment?!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about the crowds!


    Did Mika establish any kind of rapport with the audience? Did he talk to the huge crowd between songs?






    I've seen one video so far from the performance, someones put Love Today up on youtube.... and after watching I'll just say that that was not good at all... something was wrong there...



    Ahh I'm in the very front!!! I liked the whole naked thing he had going on <3

  6. Sarah Bereilles! My friend and I talked with her after the show. She's so cool.


    Ahh I met her after the show! She remembered me cause My friends and I were the only ones screaming "I love you!" and singing along with her lyrics haha. It was so cool! When I screamed "I love you sara!!" she smiled at me while she was singing. Omg! I have to collect my thoughts then ima post my whole Mika story. My brain is Mikamush right now =]

  7. I want to assure everyone that Times Square is very safe. I have been going there since I was in high school and I have never had a problem with bags, shady people, etc. I understand your parents' fears and I have no problem walking people back to subway/train stations, or chilling with them at the concert and keeping a watchful eye. I have a feeling this show is going to be fine, it's a young crowd and it doesn't get out too late, and its in a very well lit, popular area. Let me know if there is anything I can do, I've been to NYC loads of times and know the ropes!






    I'm going to show up in a miniskirt and hooker boots. THEN we'll see how safe it is. No, I'm just kidding. Ima be in my Mika outfit thats been planned for months.

  8. Thanks guys. I love my MFC friends, I can't wait to meet you all tomorrow. I don't have the best relationship with my Dad in the first place, so I think I'm just going to cross my fingers and go to sleep before I keel over from exhaustion.


    And we love you! I know how parents can be. My mom greets me and my brother with "Hello ugly children!" so yeah. I hope things smooth over.

  9. OK everyone, I'm going to go take a shower and finish packing my bag. I'm sleeping over @ my friend's house after the gig (so my parents don't know how late I'm getting back ;) ), so I need to get ready for that as well.


    I'm going to try to come back on here @ 11ish, so I hope some people will still be on.


    If I don't come back because I'm too tired, here's the info you should keep in mind:


    *I'm Jackie (so shout that at me!)

    *I'm 17 and kinda a Big Girl (a beautiful one, of course!) so recognize me

    *I'll be wearing red and white with a familiar phrase on my shirt

    *my hair will either be its natural dirty blond or some shocking artificial color

    *I'll be with a group of 6 girls

    *look out for my MFC badge, Mika rosette, and black and white giant tote bag


    See you all on the line!!

    Possible speak to you all later! :biggrin2:




    Omg! I'm going to that SAME sleepover!


    Look for me too in nyc too!!





    (thats me on the right!!)

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