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Everything posted by Tia

  1. Awwww its lovely!! i want a nibble!!!
  2. hello and welcome:thumb_yello: xxx
  3. oh tricky one, if ur under 16 on the date they do have the rite to refuse you. However considing you are soon to be 16 you should get a parent to phone the venue and explain and they should be fine with that. it also depends who your going with, again if your parents are going you should be fine. But dont leave it to the nite sort it out with venue first, its a good thing to get something in writing too. hope this helpsxxxx
  4. No i hadnt thx 4 posting curly:thumb_yello: xxxx
  5. oh god i didnt mean that to sound like it did..... i meant because u asked 4 them to b there in the rules oh my... DIG myself a bigger hole
  6. Look closer i put them there just 4 u Freddie.....
  7. OHHH yes she has 2!!!! is was short notice!!!! please!!!!
  8. oh its ok i just thought of something LOL
  9. we made him a jumper cos its cold in wales 2nite!!! And im no good with icing, im starting to wonder if im good at anything!!!!!!
  10. Oh isnt it very sad!!! my daughter helped and we had fun so thats the best bit!!!
  11. awww isnt bexs a star!! im sorry im clueless..... bex dont look at the naked photos... just as well i have my looks my brain is MUSH!!!! Oh i haven looks either!!! oh well!!!
  12. oh nothing happened, u make it sound so easy and the word simply is annoying me LOL
  13. ohhh ok i didnt click on it b4
  14. cant i just log out and give someone my password? Otherwise im scared ill drive u all mad, iv never used a pc b4 i only bought this to look up mika
  15. yes i can c it, iv uploaded from my pics and its on a page that says share and i put it in a box. does that make sense, poor freddie he failed with me!!! LOL
  16. Steph dont wait for me ul b waiting til next xmas!!!!!! LOL
  17. i cant find it. i can see my picture but it just says something about sharing files im looking but i cant do it..... i feel rather silly now
  18. We r going to let bexxy win cos im to stupid to post a picture!!!
  19. Hunnie theres nothing down there!! OMG it really isnt any good anyway and really im 2 old 2 learn new things and make myself look silly not being able to use a computer!!! i left school way to soon
  20. ok will its sat in photobucket and i have the URL
  21. Can u please explain how i send a pic here. exlain as if your talking to a very young child who has no ideas about pcs and then i may get it!! thanksxxxxx
  22. cant i just email it to someone who knows wot they r doing....
  23. erm!!!!! hehehe, ok step by step im crap on pc's.... it is on photobucket iv put it on 2 share, do i just write http://www.mikafanclub.com? where will it go? im sorry but i just dont understand
  24. Bexxy loving your gingerbread man!!!! have u eaten him yet!!?!!!! Iv never posted a pic b4 so i dont know how 2 do it, sorry if that sounds a bit thick!! anyways i have my pic but how do i get it on here?
  25. Oh im working 10til5 so i dont know it i can get mine in by 8pm, ill do my best thou!!!!!!! id much rather spend my time making ginderbread man than going to work in the cold!!!
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