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Everything posted by Tia

  1. HEY bexs cool freddie. bet u had a laugh!!! i booked my train ticket 2day so all i have to do now is wait!!! Wait for mika and wait 4 the sunshine.
  2. Thx very much 4 this.... Hello Sou, how r u? xxxx
  3. thx 4 that!!!! I know i know how xciting!! its gonna b great to meet everyone, and great to c mika!!! I cant believe im going!! Has everyone else seen him b4? I know bex hasnt, i havent either. but u guys have u meet up b4?
  4. Hey guys... Not long now!!! Wow just noticed your posts r going up!! hope uv all had a good day. Im so xcited cant't wait 4 this!!!!! *jumps up and down, falls over*
  5. HEYYYYY isnt this such good news i told you not to give up!!!! I hope my call and email helped!!!! Cant wait 2 hear all about it!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
  6. Hence why i like you so much i always get on with gemini's.... Im a libra...a dreamer
  7. Awww your going make me cry!!! *hugs* Mika would want you to be there, i agree with something someone else said he would hate to know a true fan is havin these problems. I really feel 4 u!!! Id call them 4 u!!! say im from the Uk and i feel so strongly about this. I mean its not like your under 13 or anything....mad silly ppl.
  8. Id kick them in the knees and run past very fast!!!!
  9. I cant wait, but the gingerbread thread will go down in history as the funniest thread there has been on here!!
  10. I wish i lived by you, id get u in, im really good at complainning!!!!
  11. Excellent idea.... Cry and Cry loud... SOB mayb mika will hear u and come and get you in!!!!
  12. then he'll have to go to birm to buy u a drink!!!!!
  13. well done sweetie it was very good. we have to wait now for steph to do another great thread we can get carried away with!!!! Well done MM and well done steph i always love your threads!!!! xxxxxxxxxx
  14. Freddie buys us all a real drink on the 13th
  15. Freddies too sweet!!!!
  16. Awwwww........... but we all know yours is the best it does look like him!!!
  17. LOL i agree..... u 2nd and me 3rd cos iv made mika look like a frog lol:punk:
  18. LOL agree but i think freddie is enjoying this
  19. Oh one more thing.... LIE!!! sorry i wouldn normally suggest this however this is MIKA and well sometimes you have too. So i suggest you change your age, im sure that there will to many ppl. 4 them to check!!!! Good luck hunniexxxxx
  20. NOOOOOOO!!!!!! thats awful!!! is it an adult show or something. Poor you!! I think its totally unfair, cant you ask your parents to ring, also if you have enough time write a letter explainning the sitution, how you feel and stuff. Count the days to your birthday and put that there. try anything and if all else fails fake ID is always easy to get hold off!!! Dont give up!!!!
  21. Wow its hard work in here 2nite, wots happening!!!
  22. ENJOY YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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