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Posts posted by girlintheblue

  1. OK, my thoughts as a born and bred Scotswoman...


    Why would a man wear a mini kilt?

    Why would you sit next to the Queen and open your legs and bear your bits?

    Never wear a kilt on a windy day unless your butt is toned and suitable for public viewing.




    why weren't the sacrilege police called when Robbie Williams took to the stage in a kilt???


    I would upload a pic of my own dear husband in a kilt (playing pipes too!!) but the site won't let me!

  2. Looks like Robi is the only one being selective! I guess that she thinks that as she and I are having a double room in Bologna that will be quite enough of that!


    I did find Leighs email and forwarded it to Deb and Tootch. I think we will actually be one bed short on the Saturday night. Should be ok for the Friday as MM is just staying the one night.


    We can sort it definitively when Leigh gets back


    I don't imagine Leigh particularly wants to be the organiser of this. I've lost my copy of the room allocation, kath, can you forward it to me? If we are one bed short we will need to book another ASAP.

  3. oh yes...france-scotland!!!


    i was waiting to see leezy waving at us......can you record it please and then upload her waving (she was so sure to be on tv!) somewhere? GITB, PLEASE?


    glasgow accomodation....i will accept any mate (repeat, kath do not post about this!)...but deb...if possible...and if she agrees....*puppy eyes* :blush-anim-cl:


    You don't want me then?? :shocked:



    Joking! I think Kath's right, I think we did discuss this ages ago and almost sorted it out. I don't have that PM anymore. Maybe we should discuss this by PM to make sure everyone's happy and so that we don't have a handbag fight on the forum??

  4. only a little tiny post to welcome my dear twin across the ocean!:punk:

    welcome debbie! :punk:

    i've been waiting for you for so long here................:wub2:


    i do not remember who i'm sharing the room with (kath, pls do not post about that :sneaky2: ), but you are welcome in my room! :thumb_yello:


    (btw, leezy...turn up and tell me again...who am i sharing the room with? :blink: )


    Leigh is in Paris as we speak!!! I don't think the rooms are totally arranged yet - but we really must get around to doing that to avoid big arguments in the foyer of the hotel!!!!

  5. YES! Now I just have to see if Freddie really will share his room with me :wink2:


    Seriously, the flight's booked, the tickets are bought (well, they were

    bought before I was sure I was going to be honest :naughty: )


    I just have a few more things to sort out, and then wait...


    66 DAYS 15 HOURS 15 MINUTES!








    What about accomodation deb?

  6. I know what you mean... But still...why would Perez say that in an interview? I mean, if Mika doesn't want to talk about it, why would Perez do it? I don't know...It's just my way of seeing things. If someone I know was gay and he/she didn't want to talk about it, I wouldn't be the one to do so... But hey, I'm not Perez...


    Anyway, straight or gay, we love him either way! (Mika, not Perez...:naughty: )


    You have to remember that celebrity friendships are not the same as ours (I'm thinking Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes :naughty: ). They've probably hung out at a few parties and had a great time together, but in times of need, Perez would probably not be the first person Mika would call IYSWIM.


    Sounds very typical Perez to shout this from the rooftops without regard for the other person's feelings. That's just the way he is.

  7. hmm yeah i know what you mean !

    like if a guy was interviewing me i would comment to him " well you cant exacly take HER out for a sandwhich can you " .. maybe he was commenting from that perspective , as if the interviewer was dating a male celeb. :)




    I have to refer you back to a previous post when someone said if Mika wore a tshirt with 'I'm a flaming poof' on it, you would all say, 'well....that might not mean he's actually gay'!!!


    We'll just have to wait for the papps to get a pic of him in a nightclub snogging some guy.......although you will all come on here and say it's probably his cousin and the snogging is some traditional Lebanese greeting.

  8. haha slowly slowly catchy monkey , I will be right at the front rocking with my MFC friends:biggrin2:


    Hope I can see the game too :thumb_yello:


    Leigh has found out that the doors open early - between 6.30-7pm. Match will finish (she tells me, I've no idea of these things) at 6.45pm. I doubt he'll be on before 8.30, so in any case, you'll be OK. Your flashing santa hat will mark your progress from back of venue to front row!!!

  9. Just realised this is from the 90s!!!


    I was sure the clothes were very 80s - didn't Bros used to dress like this? Ripped jeans, white tshirt, leather jacket?


    I was obviously a little older than I thought I was when I was watching this! :naughty: Surely I didn't watch this in my 20s??!

  10. RAKI1 - was it you who asked if I was a goth with my black, crimped hair? No, definitely not, more Bananarama!!!!


    Brideshead Revisted!!! Cheggars!! (older, and more sleazy now - did you see him on Extras? :shocked: ) Rentaghost was horrible - the stuff of nightmares.


    Why doesn't Green do his older stuff? That really annoys me. Obviously that's what a lot of fans want to hear and there's nothing wrong with that. Sounds a bit pretentious to me.


    You all probably won't have heard of the band Love and Money (except scg) - they were an 80s Scottish band and I met the lead singer James Grant a good few years after they had made it big here. I was telling him (in a club) that I loved their album - think it may just have been called Love and Money, but it had Candybar Express on it - and he was rolling his eyes - really rude!!! Then he told me he wasn't a popstar, he was a poet. I literally turned and walked away! Arse.:naughty:

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