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Everything posted by Abby

  1. I was wondering that! We should send out a search party! (to find Wendi) :ninja: (to also help find Wendi and to kick the butt of whoever is holding her hostage) (maybe she's lost at sea) (to give to Wendi by the ninja or dog to help her fingt off whoever is keeping her from being here!)
  2. Hello Mamacatt! Or Patty (whichever!) No I don't think I've spoken to you yet....oh well, there's a first time for everything! Hope you get inspirtaion for your dinner!
  3. Hmm.... good idea Miek! Well, I might have macaroni with salad now that Miek has suggested it. I actually forgot to get another bag of salad today so will have to make do with what I bought yesterday!
  4. Helloooooo everybody! Ciao etc! Anybody got suggestions as to what I should have for tea? (Keep it veggi!)
  5. Good bye Mummy! Good bye Wendi! Good bye Robi! Good bye everyone else! Have to go to the vets now as Mum said! It's been fun - talk to you all soon I hope!
  6. Thankyou everybody! I feel so special! Robi - Mika the cock is just fine thankyou! Only one egg from the chickens though so far!
  7. OK here we go! Lets make it go with a bang! 200 posts! Woooooooo!
  8. My ticker reliably informs me that you only have 24 days left of your job Mummy! That's good! Argghhhhh! This is my last post before my 200th! (if that's the right way do it! 200dreth!?)
  9. Ciao Robi! Technically again we have an Oldling wannabe on our hands with my bro - although he is 2 years nearer than me to being a proper one!
  10. Had to sort the dogs out outside - they were very interested in the toddler next door - mind you at least somone was - he was wandering around the pond alone:shocked:
  11. Just rhubarb on the stairlift?! That's very odd! I know - I can't believe it!
  12. Oh Right! Sorry Wendi I didn't mean to confuse! No, we are all in Scotland I guess actually, with me and Jake in the same room!
  13. Really Wendi?! I'm intruiged to know what I said that made you think that!? I can't remember saying that he was abroad but then I may have done unitentionally! Hmmm, well the sky is certainly blue with no clouds on the horizon so you never know?!
  14. I can't believe I will soon be on 200 posts! I'm nearly on 200 and Wendi is on over 20,000! It's amazing! Mum - have you voted for the new banner?
  15. That's very good Wendi! well done you! I emailed Chris Evans last night but he never read mine out!
  16. We're taking over the world!!! HA HA HA (that was meant to be an evil laugh!) ooh, just noticed this one!
  17. Wow Sheena that sounds like a very hectic afternoon. Mum - Is wee wilf asleep just now? Not doing this I assume?!
  18. Hello Mummy! I know I was bad!
  19. He he he they are so cool! Well I hope your work gets done and you get good marks for it!
  20. How do people come up with these?! Ouch - prickly heat is not nice is it! I was out in the sun yesterday but didn't take a hat out with me (hoping mum doesn't see this!) so I couldn't be bothered to come in and get one so I had to improvise and use my sewing on my forehead stuck into the top of my sunglasses! My forehead tends to be a favourite of the sun to scorch!
  21. OMG! They are soo cool - although the last one is a bit sadistic!
  22. Hiya Vicky! Im good thanks how's you?
  23. Yes, it says it is 21degrees in my garden and that's in the shade:shocked: I don't even want to think about what it will be like in the sunny bits - Sun + Abby = but without the hearts!
  24. Wendi!!!!!! Hello, how are you this fine day? I'm here a tad early for Mum I think! Is it hot where you are?
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