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Blue Sky

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Posts posted by Blue Sky

  1. Oooooooh, I also want to be a MFC-mom, please!


    I live in Hamburg/Germany and I've got two kids (daughter=11 and son=9).

    But I am the only mikamaniac in this family... they think I've gone totally crazy...

    Okay, they're not THAT wrong with it :wink2: My husband is a little jealous I guess. Well, he really SHOULD be!:biggrin2:


    May I join you?


    WELCOME!! Mikamaniac is #19...I am so happy to see our number expanding!! Maybe we are all a little crazy , but hey! It's Mika crazy so it's fun!!

  2. are you sure you are not going to just DOUBLE the exposure with another thread? Or are you going to remove them from other posts?


    Optimism and orderliness are good. But there will always be negative and messy people!!

  3. i do!


    dont know for sure where we are going to eat -

    but definitely not mcdonalds!!!!!:roftl:


    :roftl: We have been McD FREE for nearly 4 years. Tokyo has a McD on almost every corner, and we were eating there way too often. We went for a hol to Oz and there was a McD 2 mins from our house, so I said Let's try not to go there the whole holiday, and we didn't go at all, so when we went back home to Tokyo, we just kept it up. (I do love Big Macs though, I craved them in pregnancy with my first baby!! Sad but true!!) THEN a year ago I saw the movie Supersize me, and that just clinched it for me.


    btw - my neighbor is from japan!

    she got me a little wooden japanese doll w/ a bell to hang on my rear view mirror in my jeep

    when i asked her what the writing said, she told me

    "drive safe! no accident!"

    she is so sweet!:biggrin2:

    Yeah I know the ones you mean, you can get them at all the temples here. They have other ones, like to pass exams and even a pair one made for lovers where you each keep one half.


    Happy Motherday... A world without mums => impossible. Thank you for being here :wub2:


    Aww thanks violetsky, you made me teary...

  4. But don't you buy the magazines that have the photos of MIKA or other celebs in them? Because that is what puts the big price tag on the photos the pprz take, as magazines know they will sell more copies if they have some hot celeb sucking someone's toes or something taken by telephoto lens. Fans like us are what keep the PPRZ in business. Even if we don't want the pics posted here.


    And I admit I read PEOPLE magazine every week, and I look at Perez's site, and I am addicted to youtube, and LOTS of those pics and videos are taken by pprz. I do enjoy them!!!


    People who seek fame, through acting, music or whatever, they know the pprz are part of the job. I feel more sorry for the people who are accidental celebrities.

  5. thx for posting, so rococo. :)


    and NO, stuck in the middle is NOT pure scissors sisters... what the heck is this person talking about..? :sneaky2:


    Avoca you will laugh at me, I didn't realise so rococo was someone's name, I thought you meant the review was so rococo, and I was like WTF!! :roftl::roftl:

    Apologies to so_rococo, I think your name is actually great!!

  6. I have this new computer and ever since we started to work on this new one my Mika homepage gets stuck. And no admins have been able to help me out on this one. Maybe one of you knows what else i can look at. I have checked my cookies (never knew they had that in computers but I am learning) and they seem to be almost the same as those that i read in my old computer.

    What else could I look at.




    South Africa

    Nel I am no techie but we had trouble using Internet explorer, so I downloaded the Firefox browser and use that as my main web browser now. If I go to IE by accident, again it runs all the pages really slow.

    Don't know if it will help, but worth a try..it is a free download. http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/

  7. Welcome to all new MFC MOTHERS' CLUB gals, here on Mothers Day...well in US, Canada, UK, Japan and Australia it is Mothers Day, some other countries are coming soon...oh heck, we should just celebrate MFC MOTHERS DAY EVERY DAY!!! Why not? Look how wonderfully we juggle all the usual stuff PLUS MIKA and MFC. (Gatagordinha, I'll admit the lack of domestic goddess stuff round here too!!)

    So, for those who would like their number for their sig line

    vuyk @telkomsa.net (Nel) #9

    Sasje #10

    Avoca #11

    Mouselle #12

    Wendi #13

    Big Girl #14

    looby1173 #15

    Gatagordinha #16


    I am so happy there are so many of us here. :biggrin2: Tonight I was thinking we could almost do a "What's for dinner in your house tonight?" thingy, help us decide how to feed the kids fast and get back here!! (Unfortunately Tokyo does not offer Marks & Sparks ready made meals....!!)

  8. Good to see some action overnight to keep us bumped up! I just got in from drums (the kids) and now have to go to work, but I will give the numbers to the most recent people later tonight (my time).


    I think it's so wonderful we are all doing something for us....having crushes like this can keep us YOUNG!!:mf_lustslow:

  9. Just as I am heading off I saw your post girlinblue (what is it with us and blue, eh?)

    My husband is trying to help me win tickets to the MTV awards here in 2 weeks...he doesn't really appreciate the depth of my desperation on this one, but he is actually being relatively tolerant so far! This whole thing of not being able to buy tickets is sending me off the deep end. Sanity is disappearing! You can only win them, and I have entered like 200 times!!


    Now I am really going to bed, sorry!!

  10. Heya Happikali

    You are up late as usual, it is 2am in your part of the world, but YAAAAAY!!! for 1000 posts. I don't imagine I will ever get there!!


    And welcome to girlinblue #7 and mebigsomeisbeautiful #8


    And in Tokyo now it is 1am so excuse me for hitting the hay, and I will check back tomorrow. The kids have Japanese taiko drumming in the a.m. (being Sunday) and I have WORK in the afternoon....time to behave like a grown-up!!:wink2:

    G'night y'all.

  11. I am glad to see we are off to a good start! Thanks!


    jengafer MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #2


    carrienevie MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #4

    happikali MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #5


    Yeah my 3 are all little MIKA fans. They come into the computer and see Mika's face looking out from the top of MFC and say "WE want to listen to MIKA too!!!"


    Have you ever written your occupation as "mother" on one of those landing cards on the plane on holidays. I do it every time, and they always cross it out and ask if I am a housewife. I say NO I am a mother, there's a BIG difference.

    I think then they must write "nutcase":naughty: but they wave me through.

  12. I will post first.

    I am in Tokyo Japan (but I am an Aussie)

    I have 3 kids, ages 12, 9 and 7.

    I live on about 4 or 5 hours sleep every night because I stay up late doing MFC and youtube!

    Let's have some fun on MFC MOTHERS' CLUB!! Come and say HI!!


    EDIT: Today is May 10, 2009, MOTHERS' DAY, almost exactly 2 years later. My kids are obviously 2 years older than in this post. And so am I. But my Mika addiction goes on! :fangurl:


    EDIT: Now we are in June 2011, how time flies!! My kids are 16, 14 and 11!!

  13. So, some of us on this forum have seen a few more moons than the rest, and in fact have to squeeeeze in our computer time around KIDS' DINNERS, or KIDS' PICKUPS & DROP OFFS, and KIDS' PERFORMANCES and SPORTS MATCHES etc, or worse still, around our KIDS' COMPUTER TIME.


    Some of us have been known to stay up WAY AFTER our KIDS have gone to bed just to get our daily fix of MIKA & MFC. Sometimes we pretend we are doing serious computer work when secretly we have the MFC page open underneath...:fisch:


    Some of us have been asked by friends, families, neighbours and people at work "Aren't you too old for this???" Perhaps we've been told to "act your age " or told to be a responsible parent.:bleh: We get comments on our sanity, our supposed "midlife crises", and maybe even looks of shock and horror when we mention WE LOVE MIKA and WE LOVE MFC. "But you're old enough to be HIS MOTHER!!!" they say.:shocked:


    If you are a mother (any age), and the above sounds like you, come and let your hair down on MFC MOTHERS' CLUB. And I will give us all a number...of course it would be good to have Mika's mum, Mrs. Penniman as No. 1:flowers2: but because she doesn't appear to be joining the forums anytime soon, I guess I will have to start!


    Post below and tell us

    a) where you are in the world and

    b) how many kids you have (ages optional)

    c) (optional) any hints you have for successfully combining motherhood and MFC!!!

    Then I will add you to our list. And let's have some fun being

    :partytime2: MFC MOTHERS' CLUB: MOTHERS WHO LOVE MIKA!!:woot_jump:



    Blue Sky MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #1

    jengafer MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #2


    carrienevie MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #4

    happikali MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #5

    hoochatootch MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #6

    girlintheblue MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #7

    mebigsomeisbeautiful MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #8

    vuyk @telkomsa.net MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #9

    sasje MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #10

    Avoca MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #11

    Mouselle MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #12

    Wendi MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #13

    Big Girl MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #14

    looby1173 MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #15

    Gatagordinha MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #16

    mgpm MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #17

    natie MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #18

    mikamaniac MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #19

    cherie MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #20

    crina MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #21

    cathij0269 MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #22

    mika mad MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #23

    carlasue MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #24

    sparkly1 MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #25

    cloud MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #26

    A Gagged Jade Goody MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #27

    Titty MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #28

    akim MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #29

    Stormy Weather MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #30

    canuckchick MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #31

    sara MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #32

    robertina MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #33

    Betty Boo MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #34

    Jolene MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #35

    lilmot MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #36


    Nejma MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #38

    Suzy MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #39

    waltzing matilda MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #40

    mom4unicrn MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #41

    seren MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #42

    pam MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #43

    NYMommyof3 MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #44

    HollyD MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #45

    AnnaMariaPetra MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #46

    Ricki MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #47

    Sweet knees MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #48

    mommylovesmika MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #49

    candboys MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #50

    chickadee MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #51

    seren MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #52


    vickylovesmika MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #54

    mamsie MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #55

    clelia MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #56

    dragana MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #57

    kruemelfan MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #58

    Mom4Mika MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #59

    miek MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #60

    nadou MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #61

    danni/jules MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #62

    shoni MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #63

    acyaws MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #64

    patricia4u MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #65

    kim MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #66

    stefanie MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #67

    coolrose MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #68

    Janena MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #69

    Helli MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #70

    Sandrine MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #71

    crazyaboutmika MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #72

    willywonka MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #73

    mine MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #74

    milica01 MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #75

    mireille geha MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #76

    Axie Dentelle MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #77

    Kata MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #78

    Graciosa MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #79

    suci07 MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #80


    Dreamy Queen MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #82

    bkxx MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #83

    Jojotje MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #84

    Sweetieval MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #85

    francoise MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #86

    cathouzouf MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #87

    Shine MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #88

    Treasa MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #89


    sveta-svetlaja MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #91

    LelagMFC MOTHERS' CLUB #92

    Cassilda MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #93

    evelyne71 MFC MOTHERS' CLUB #94

    basicamenteyoMFC MOTHERS' CLUB #95

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