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Posts posted by canderson

  1. Seriously, don't even joke about speedos.. I mean it... I'll get you haunted by a thousand ghosts! :naughty:


    oh i agree speedo's aren't ok on anybody!


    could you imagine going to the beach and everyone wearing speedos?


    that would consist of me sitting in the fedal position singing to myself. it would honestly resemble a nightmare.

  2. I think one message would be enough. :-) Mika is probably the one to check all of his Secret Society accounts. He probably forgot with all the success -- too busy. He could use a reminder, I think, a kind and friendly reminder. :thumb_yello:



    your so right, i was exagerating.


    after all Billy Brown is on the run, we can't expect him to be in contact with Mika at all:biggrin2:

  3. so i've decided to start hasseling mika on myspace to get him to tell Mr. Brown to update his myspace. Prom is a week from tonight, i need to know if i should buy Billy a matching tie.

  4. OOO i love talking about my brothers and sister!!!



    k so i have an older brother, Randy, he's 23 and a soldier, not to mention my hero. but annoying as heck, he visits for 2 hours and i'm ready for him to leave, i regret to say.


    then there's me 17.


    then my sister, amanda, 14, we share a room and some clothes(thank goodness she doesn't like what i wear) and we couldn't be any different from each other it's so strange that we get along REALLY well.


    last but not least my little brother and baby, Trey, he's 11. Going to middle school next year, makes me wanna cry to think about. Bullies beware mess with him and you'll have to furious teenage girls to answer to. (he'll never have any street cred.) such a turd bucket BTW.


    they've all got pictures on my myspace, if you care to see.


    i look like none of them, they all have tan skin and blond or brown hair.


    i'm pale with freckles( i like to call them angel kisses) and red hair. i still insist that i'm adopted. LOL.


    i just love talking about my family. i'll stop now.

  5. OH!!! What a lovely place!!! Mika seems like the type who would love a nice dinner for two there!!!


    Afterwards, I'd take Mika to a Coldstones just to see what he'd get!!!


    He'd probably order "A large vanillla with ALL THE S***, RAINBOW SPRINKLES, GUMMY BEARS...JUST LOAD IT UP!"


    and i'd just say "Get him whatever the hell he wants"


    lololo...oh to dream!




    at your coldstone do the people sing whenever you give them tips??


    mine do!!

    in fact i think that's mainly why i go. it could also be that i LOVE ice cream more then life itself.

  6. Lmao!!


    I think he would make a good prom date! :thumb_yello:


    i have this whole comment planned out to post when he adds me back:

    i... uh.... ummm.... welll i... i uh... wow... i just.. uh... u just uh...... umm... gosh... heh... i... umm...i don't...uhh... well... you see... i uh...


    *thoughts*come one candice you can do this. you CAN DO THIS.*thoughts*


    what i wanted to tell you is this:

    billy as i am aware you may very well prefer boys to girls now, i can't keep this to myself any longer. As time progresses so does my infatuation with you. your all i think about, and your all i dream about.


    My school prom is coming up and i can't think of anyone i'd rather go with. i know mrs. brown may go up the wall if she finds out, but i think it's meant to be.


    i know you maybe in mexico hiding out, but that's not a problem, you see, i'm in texas it's just a hop-skip-and a small swim across the Rio Grande away, and don't let the name fool you it's not that large.


    please take this into consideration, i'd be so proud walking into prom with you. everyone would just be so jealous.




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