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Posts posted by canderson

  1. At least you accomplished something creative! I just stole his half empty mystery juice from the stage and already took a sip (even after learning that he has a chest infection):shocked:


    on the bright side of things it's not any virus your going to suffer from, it's the very same one Mika had. the germs were inside of him at one time. i'd say it's even possible that you start to grow really curly hair and have impulses to dress as different animals. if his music hasn't done that to you already.:biggrin2:

  2. you know, the first time i showed my good friend the grace kelly video that was the one thing she noticed and asked about, so i said "you don't get to watch anymore" it was really funny, but i guess you had to be there...



    that audio peice made me laugh harder then anything i've every seen or heard on the computer before, well with the exception of taz impressions and chubby bunny. thanks. lol.

  3. i played french horn in sixth grade band.:punk: so five whole years ago.


    i was really bad, i was last chair the whole time i never could read the music fast enough and then figure out how to play the certain note.


    so i'm going to stick with listening to music rather then making it.:naughty:

  4. I beleive this is because he did write it completely hisself at first and then he has producers that help him 'tweek' it to get to the final, possibly more enjoyable and appealing final song. and those would be the people who helped him change it.


    his origional demo version of 'grace kelly' would sound different then the one we hear on LICM and the radio.


    do i make sence?

  5. How come they don't bottle and sale 'after cereal milk'? They have chocolate, strawberry, and even vanilla milk. It just tastes so darn delicious in my opinion. But now that I've posted this brilliant idea, Kelloggs is going to now steal it and i won't get ANY of the profits. THANKS KELLOGGS. Any who i like milk after fruit loops it's delectable.


    haha seriously.

  6. Erh. Uh.




    I assume there were wild cows at one point before mankind began to actively domesticate, then decided to grab the dangly things on the cow and drink what came out. Whether there anymore wild ones, I don't know. I'd guess the majority has been domesticated, then bred on the farm therafter.

    i'm going to google it to see what i can find:naughty:

  7. I saw Def Leppard when they were on the Yeah! tour with Journey... They are amazing, both of them. Journey had surprising energy and their singer is hilarious- I really wasn't expecting it when I saw them though of any concert I've ever seen in my life, I'd have to say the Queen + Paul Rodgers one took the cake absolutely. Even without Freddie, the mixing of the styles of Brian May, Roger Taylor, and Paul Rodgers was just outright awesome in my opinion... I'm sure diehard Mercury fans might disagree and say it's not still Queen without him, but, all of them are true musicians and performers in their own right.


    Actually, at the Def Leppard concert, the last track they played through the P.A. system before they took the stage was We Will Rock You, and you just knew they were about start playing and everyone in the arena was just singing, clapping, and stomping to the Queen song. It was great.


    yay! now i'm really excited!!



    heres a thought i've ALWAYS pondered.


    has there ever been or is there a such thing as wild cows? like theres wild horses.


    you'd thing there would have had to be wild cows, they just don't appear on ranches they have to come from somewhere.


    were they made in a lab or something? no one has been able to tell me!

  8. New thought!


    I have obtained tickets to the Styx/Foreigner/Def Leppard concert coming up in August. WHEE! I'm so excited! Though I don't know if it makes up for me having to miss Mika on the seventeenth. That's still a very sore spot.



    i think i'm going to see that with my parents when they come here, i've already seen styx and foreigner, but i'm so excited about seeing def leppard.

  9. Oh wow, that's awful... I listened to like 20 seconds of it and had to click out of it! :roftl: Luckily, in my part of the US people don't really listen to stuff like that. Mostly, they listen to hip hop and rap, country, and their own band 'cause just about EVERYONE has their own band! It's so annoying, lol. People always come up to me and say hey, check out our band! and I'd really like to say no, you're band is horrible but I wouldn't want to crush their dreams 'cause I'm sure they'd really care what someone like me who is musically challenged has to say! :roftl:



    yeah, everyone i know has thier own band too. alot of them sound like that.


    but i have a confession...


    i use to like it. i bought that bands first cd. now i can't stand it i guess something just clicked.


    hehe i don't mind hip hop it's fun to dance too! but it's not my favorite.

  10. music in my country is LAME.


    well most of it. atleast some of it's ok.


    but where i live the people my age all listen to music that screams at you, when they go out for fun the go to shows where the lead singer screams at you then says "i've got such a headache!" well maybe you should stop thrashing around and screaming. hhaha. sorry it just really doesn't make sense to me! but if it's what they like...:thumb_yello:


    here's an example:


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