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Posts posted by Lolliepop_girl

  1. Hey, I just realised that I havn't got an address number thingy.

    May I please have number 18 if it's not too much trouble?

    or 83 or 3.


    So, for the residents (I havn't moved in yet,) what is Lollypop lane like???

    do you think it would be acceptable if I put big animal sculptures in my front yard and the door was round shaped and hot pink with a big gold knocker shaped like a packet of french fries with shiny, rainbow coloured mayonays???


    and I'm currently writing a story about a young girl runnig away from her parents in London and going to Paris, meeting her two friends from an internet chatroom and going to a bal masque, the dodgy sort with the bothgendered burlesque entertainmrnt.

    Oh yeah and I do believe there is a romance between the main character and a bisexual, slightly promiscuous crossdresser...

    Have I proven myself or do I need to go on... :P

  3. lol! we could take him to my hyouse! my family do re-enactions for the historical society, so we have LOADS of costumes. we could put him in frontless britches......you knw the ones with the buttons and the flap?...... and a CORSET! and them make him dance! that would be very amusing!

    *Eyes pop out of head*


    Mmmmmh, better not say that too loudly, Michael might get ideas...

    This is probably a good time to tell you that he is naturally blond and blue eyed, he only died his hair and started wearing brown contacts when he found out about our boy.

    and need I even go into detail about that little comment about the "glitter balls"

    But I think he (Mika) would do quite well in the mythical creature department..... Maybe a centaur???

    Hmmmmm, *cough* shirtlesss *cough*

  4. Young Micheal Jackson or old Michael Jackson? He had awesome hair when he was young. Mine's almost as crazy. :P

    Er, old...

    He was a jerk and I broke up with him cos he said "Ya know, I was kinda thinking of breaking up with you... Sorry." and discontinued the conversation.

    Realising that he hadn't actually broken up with me, I thought WHAT AN A$$! So I went up to him the next day and broke up with him in front of all his friends.


    On another subject, I have a friend who looks like a younger version of Mika, his name is Michael and (unlike Mika,) is REALLY dodgy =D, and walking through his closet (Which is another room in itself) there is a side for men's clothing, shoes and other guy stuff.......... and a side with women's clothing... all are his.....

    And don't even get me started on the costumes!

    Mika could play dress up in there with all the tight, stretchy onepiece suits, and OH the feathers!

    Masques galore, watching him play would be most amusing!

  5. I get it now. :) As long as you're not dangling baby big cats over balconies, you'll be fine. ;)

    Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! XD

    My nose is still in tact!

    Lol, I look like Craig but I also have an ex who looked like Michael Jackson until he cut his hair...

    Have to say I liked him better when he looked like Michael!

  6. OH....sneaky SM... sneaky...

    Warning lollipopgirl... the link she sent you will make your condition worse... (was it sweet dreams again SM?) But you will totally want to watch it

    Could you give me the link to 'sweet dreams' please?

  7. Oh, that's sad to hear. I think that Khayla's a lovely name however it's pronounced. Who's Lion Man? I suspect that Michael Jackson would still outweird him. ;)

    Craig Busch, he's New Zealand's lionman, check out the website, his big cat park, Zion Wildlife Gardens is a definate must see for visitors in NZ


    Lol, I meant that everyone thinks I look/act/talk/think like him and if it was that way but Michael Jackson..............

  8. DEATH BY CHOCOLATE :naughty:



    I'm a Pharmacy student, dear, I love wacky Mikalicious physiology and health care related dreams and the people who have them. :roftl:

    Hah, as a pharmacy-related person, would you happen to be able to prescribe something for a serious cace of Mikaluvitus?

    Or maybe I don't want to get better......;)

  9. Oh, cool name. Wouldn't you pronounce the "kh" in Arabic?

    Yes, but my mother hates my father and so I'm not allowed to say it like that and besides, when I told a group of ppl a while ago how it's suposed to be pronounced, they reduced themselves to hoyking before saying it so I just call myself Kayla, or lioness as some call me, I am the suspected aughter of the lion man... Even though I'm not even RELATED to him!

    But I supose it's better him than Michael Jackson right???

  10. You're having dreams about Mika attempting to isolate and extract the cancerous lump from a Burmese Rock Python's pulmonary artery? I LOVE YOU.

    Lol, really?

    I thought that might be recieved with some slow backing away!

    Hey, maybe we Mikaferns should make a scrapbook like the one Sivan gave him, we could get some ribbon with ferns or some other Kiwi-like pattern and tie it into a prittyful bow on the cover and put letters, art, pics and other stuff in it so he remembers us 4eva!!!


    But maybe we'll just keep my dream of Mika operating on a 16ft albino python between us, we don't want to scare him!

  11. Oh, he doesn't need the zoo. We're wild enough. ;)

    True, very true, I just want to see him attemt to isolate and extract the cancerous lump from a burmese rock python's polmanary artery and not faint like this curly haired guy did in some dream I had, it looked like Mika but I could only see him from behind so I don't know...

    Oh the chocolat!

  12. heya all again...well, the mikaville thread was so popular with so many people wanting to live there, that i decided to begin a residents of mikaville thread where MFCers can confirm their residency in our wonderful, mikafilled new town! Just justify your reason for wanting to live in mikaville and your in!And why not add your adress and house number in mikaville ?


    Mikaville resident #1: 1kiwiabroad( #3 LOve love lane)

    Mikaville resident #2: Kavi( #1 love love lane)

    Mikaville resident #3: Magickitten91 ( #12 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #4: sou

    Mikaville resident #5: ohwowitsnicka(22 chew chew avenue)

    Mikaville resident #6: GraceKELLEY76 ( 13 Lollipo lane)

    Mikaville residnt #7: bexxY

    MIkaville resident #8: Mika&RBDluvr101

    Mikaville resident #9: mariposa

    Mikaville reisident #10: my rainbow radio

    Mikaville resident #11: Droopsy (big girl lane 24)

    Mikaville resident #12: LebAngel (#7 grace kelley avenue)

    Mikaville resident #13: Iona

    Mikaville resident #14: Evelina(hehe very fitting!) ( #7 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #15: Canderson

    Mikaville resident #16: Liz( #16 happy endings circle)

    MIkaville resident #17: elisabethlovesmika

    MIkaville resident #18: bttrflykisses88

    Mikaville resident #19: crazypom ( 17 treat lane)

    Mikaville resident #20: lollipopgirl92( teh only lonely one emerald forest

    Mikaville resident # 21: cazgirl (#4 love love lane

    Mikaville resident # 22: Cath85 ( 25 grace kelley avenue)

    Mikaville resident #23: lolliepopgirl( 18 curlyfry-fan anevue)

    Mikaville resident #24: JUlie ( #1 kerching close)

    Mikaville resident #25: esperia75 ( #1 sunset avenue)

    Mikaville resident #26: Mirtilla

    Mikaville resident #27: Sara ( #4 big girl boulevard)

    Mikaville resident #28: Frances ( #1 bulevard of curly hair)

    Mikaville resident #29: ThatRadFreak ( mansion of only lonely way)

    Mikaville resident #30: Eir (#83 braces lane)

    Mikaville resident #31: Marianne84 ( #22 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #32: nathalieexx

    Mikaville resident #33: MikaRMS ( stuck in teh middle of interperetation wvenue!)

    Mikaville resident #34: EnFa

    Mikaville resident #35: Becky (#3 big girl lane)

    Mikaville resident #36: Rosakiwi

    Mkaville resident #37: beryl( #1 identity way)

    Mikaville reseident #38: martine( #10 holy jhonny road)

    Mikaville resident #39: Ms.Mewiss<33 ( #19 lollipop lane)

    Mikavile resident #40: luna ( #1 Kerchinga street)

    Mikaville resident #41 : mel tinydancer ( 1234 lollipop lane) sorry, i only just found your request on the other tread - you are rightfully about #3!

    MIkaville resident #42: rosieLou ( #7 happy endings cirlce)

    Mikaville resident #43: MIKAontheweb ( 7 big girl street)

    Mikaville resident #44: Beryl (i think!) ( identity mad way)

    Mikaville resident #45: Grace Ally

    Mikaville resident #46: ImgievV

    Mikaville resident #47: esperia75 (again, i think... i'm confused)

    Mikaville resident #48: haylie19

    Mikaville resident # 49: Jamakkronic ( #1 paradise square)

    mikaville resident #50: hotdlp ( lollipop lane)

    mikaville resident #51: annabelle

    Mikaville resident #52: Cassiopee ( 24 chew chew avenue)

    Mikaville resident #53: Mika Owns Me ( #1 boulevard of curly hair)

    <ikaville resident #54: lunafish ( #13 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #55: Sofia ( #29 suspenders avenue)

    Mikaville resident #56: nicole ( #7 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #57: lollypop ( #9 lollypop lane)

    Mikaville resident #58: Crina ( #1 billy brown lodge)

    Mikaville resident #59: Curly ( #13 perfect curls grove)

    Mikaville resident #60: Ringtailed sheepdog ( #30 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #61: lovetoday ( YOU should also be up the tiop - sorry, i'm really not good at this....) ( #5 love love lane)

    Mikaville resident #62: born4mika ( #2 curly fry boulevard)

    MIkaville resident #63: Holy Jhonny

    Mikaville resident #64: ruibinchives( #22 lillpop lane)

    Mikaville resident #65: Dangerous Kat

    Mikavill resident #66: Veronica ( #65 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #67: mellody ( #4 boulevard of curls)

    Mikaville resident # 68: lilliepop girl ( lollypop lane)

    Mikaville resident #68: Big Girl ( Holy Jhonny road)

    Mikaville resident #69: violet sky ( #3 boulevard of curl hair)

    Mikaville resident #70: Ju.Thulc-girl( # 28 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #71: JeyJen ( #26 chew chew avenue)

    Mikaville resident #72: Dngerous Kat

    Miakville reisdent #73: Crocodiel Tears ( #8 Big girl )

    Mikaville resident #74: Shezzy12

    Mikaville resident #75: beckar

    Mikaville resident #76: sonjalovestoday

    Mikaville resident #77: Mika forever

    Mikaville resident #78: CaroLollipop ( #10 lollipop lane)


    Official groups of mikaville:

    Mika's angels(angels' palace #1 little bit of heaven square)

    Proundmuts ( headquarters at #2 love love lane)

    Liz, mika's alternative phsychotherapist (16 happy endings cirlce)

    MikaLunatic Asylum: co-founders- Iona and Violet_sky and Eir

    Resident vicar: Holy Jhonny ( the temple of Mika holy jhonny road)


    come join us! life in true mika style!

    Mikaville resident # 68: lilliepop girl ( lollypop lane)


    Um, is this me???

  13. sounds like a plan

    here it is!

    1kiwiabroard and us can be his tour guides!

    we can show him the hot pools and mud pools in rotovagus! the mountains and forests etc! nobody will follow us unless its an interview he wants to do! if someone wants to take his photo without his premition we will hide him!

    when it comes time to leave he would have fallen in love with aotearoa and its people and want to take us with him, or better still buy land here like shania twain! and build his vilage like he has always wanted!


    im liking this idea! believe me if i had any more room on my signature i would put mika come to new zealand!

    And we shall take him to Auckland zoo where very soon, you will be able to perform simulated surgery and watch animals beng checked up at the newly built veteranary clinic and we will introduce him to Trent Barclay who will let him feed the ringtailed lemars and the red pandas and touch Osiris and Anubis, the cheetahs and in between all this, we will take turns holding hands with him and skipping!!!

  14. you are now KiwiFern #7


    First of all YAY shortland street!

    Ive been spreading the mikalove too! I ring the edge radio station up every night and ask them to play him! AND joe cotton is hooked too! (are you aware who she is sorry some people don't know)


    Now new zealanders are getting to know mika and now mika knows that new Zealand exists! I only wish I could have flown over to Australia when he was there!


    Oh you live in paraparaumu! cool! I know people there!

    YAY thank you!


    Lol, awesome, Joe is so cool, just wish Joel (C4) was a little more sexuality sensitive.

    Honestly, does the press know when to stop???

    Hahahaha, I talked to Paul from zm last night, he said; did you hear the news about Mika?

    I said no.

    He said; Yeah, he came out and said he's gay on Perezhilton.com!

    I was like........................................


    So I checked it out and he did nothing of the sort, it just so happens that he was on the front cover of 'OUT' magazine!!!!!!!!!!!


    My aunt lives in oz, where in oz?

    That's right, Sydney!

    Where in Sydney?

    That's right, near the forum!



    Pram is so small town, I bet if you told me their names I would know them/live next door to them!

    An old teacher of mine lives just across the road from me, she can see my front yard from her kitchen window!

    Lol, she stalks her nabours!

    My grandad sais she's just a concerned nabour with a large kitchen window ;)

  15. Hi, I'm from Auckland, I miss living in the 18th story in a two bedroom apartment and having a heat'n'eat, TV dinner and watching Shortland Street.


    I'm working on getting the Mikalove out there, I will call friends Stu and Jacqui from the zm nightcrew and see if they can spread the love round and I've certainly spread the word round Paraparaumu college!


    Add me to your list PLAESE!!!

  16. I read somewhere that Mika is a pervo (don't know where)...?! :blink:

    I actually don't think so...

    Here are some "proves" - lyrics:

    ...When they made love he... (Billy Brown)

    ...hook her, look her, nook her... (Love Today)

    and the video where he looks in Dustin Hoffman's wife's cleavage..


    I mean... what a nonsense... :blink:


    What do you think about that?

    Looked down her cleavage???



    If you ask me, he can certainly look down mine anyday!;)


    A pervet? NO!!


    "more angelic than the angels"

    "More beautiful than beauty"


    "More innocent than the children"

  17. Oh shoot - I'm sorry. That is no fun at all. My mom had something like that with one moving the other way and had tons of surgeries. I am sorry to hear about that. :thumbdown: And I'm sorry those people are such jerks. I don't know why people act like that, they must think they look cool. YUCK. Hang in there. You sound like a strong person.

    Thank's, those guys were caught on security cam after giving some third former girls a "little show" today, They'll probably get busted but still, I hope those girls are ok.

    Damn, the one day I didn't have LICM with me when I really needed it, I'm sure that once I'd blared love today for a bit, those boys would see what they were doing a little bit differently!!!!!!


    What they were doing is probably not a good idea to descuss on a public website, we might desterb the chilldren...

  18. it's Eir's shop, so you'll have to talk to her about being her business partner. She'd like to call it MikaArt For Fun, but maybe you can talk her into DaWack (which I kind of like myself, not just because it's Yasmine's penname)


    And I guess the French Fry Shack is now Dangerous Obsession, home of the deep fried starchy food. Yum.


    And in accordance to what we have now and two new recent suggestions, there are three possible titles for the Bakery:


    1. Homemade Sugar Pie


    2. Délices du Liban, which translates into Delights of Lebanon


    3. Sweet Treats


    Which do you guys like best?

    :o Yeah, just noticed that, don't know how I comfused that, sorry!

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