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Posts posted by martine

  1. ok try this http://www.sendspace.com/file/d7dv2y mika on jay leno show


    thank you, Sheena!





    :wub2: I posted a couple of pages ago ...... :wub2:


    Happy valentine's day to you too!


    Hey ho Oldlings!

    I got a message on Myspace from Saranayde, and nearly fell off my chair !

    I NEVER get messages from the band, but I had asked to be added to her friends list and she replied to me

    I am very happy right now.


    Fab! She's a nice girl, our Saranayde.:wub2: And my husband likes her looks. :roftl:




    maybe you wrote it...but it's jay leno of 2007, non the one of last night!




    thnaks anyway scg....it's wonderful...better...it's mika last year!!!


    Hi! So I'm downloading the wrong one now. :naughty:

    It's at 60 %. It will be nice to see this one again.

  2. Hello, my lovely oldlings!

    I shouldn't be here, just popping in to say hello.



    Hello Oldlings :D




    Thanks for the video Robi - it was rather strange seeing Saranayde

    playing on the trash cans in high heels!!!! :roftl: :roftl:

    Loved Mika's top - I want to mend the broken heart he was

    wearing on the back of it!! :wub2:



    Broken heart??? Oh, I have to see this. :shocked:

    There goes my promise I wouldn't be long at the computer. :naughty:

    Ok, I'll take a look, and then I'm gone.



    Happy valentine's day, everybody!

  3. Hello, all dear oldlings! By the time I caught up with this thread, my husband wants to take over the computer. :thumbdown: I will be back later tonight, coz there's football on television.


    MY 14,000 POST!!!!!





    Congratulations, girl! Do you feel a bit better knowing Jamie's back at home?


    Good Morning Oldlings,


    Well, I'm back to Real Life today. :( What a wonderful weekend that had been...despite being a little sick. Oh, well! I didn't let that interfere too much. :wink2:


    I had such an amazing time in Salt Lake and what a different experience in L.A. too. I'll never forget Salt Lake for as long as I live. It was so spontaneous and so unrehearsed.


    The strange part was knowing where the guys were staying. It was so hard not to go over there and have a drink or dinner; however, I refrained which I'm so glad I did considering the time I got to spend with him in Los Angeles. But, the stalker chick definitely wanted to come out. I had to hold her back. LMAO



    Mika asked me which I like better and of course, I told him that you couldn't compare. One was the huge, Broadway production and the other was sitting around with friends. I prefer the sitting around with friends. :wub2: But, some may not.


    Well, this Oldling is worn out. I really don't know how some of y'all go to show after show. I'm done for a while. But, very, very, very content!!! :wub2:


    Charlotte! Hi! I was almost jumping up and down on my chair yesterday when I saw your picture with Mika! Of all the pics I saw from fans with Mika you had the best one ever, with your head on his shoulder! :wub2: You both look so great!

  4. Bye Robi - and anyone else who is going.


    Penpal was just on phone - apparently Jamie flipped out - and is

    being accompanied on the plane!! Some mix up with the Police, and

    two firemen were sent ?????? but Jamie got really distressed,

    so the airline have sent someone on the flight with him, to make

    sure he gets home in one peice!! :(


    You can't blame him, can you? It must be a terrible experience, I would be distressed too. Think possitive, girl, he's on his way home. :thumb_yello:

  5. Hello dear oldlings! Forgot who I saw online again:boxed: , but I'm sure I saw Kath, Shari, Wendi, Clare... hello all!


    those Grammy picture need to go in the dictionary under:

    gorgeous, jaw-dropping, Adonis, mouth watering, - help me out here- how many adjectives can we come up with?


    I was thinking about a name for the album on myspace I'm going to put them in this weekend, jaw-dropping and mouth watering, mmmmm, that really says it all. :wub2:


    Good afternoon Oldlings


    Just some of the emotions I have gone through this morning!!!

    Jamie , my oldest son, has been in New Zealand for 3 weeks.

    He was near the airport ready to come home, when someone

    broke into the car and stole all his stuff!! His new iphone, ipod,

    PSP, new digital camera and more stuff all been taken!! All his

    photos from the holiday, plus gifts for everyone - all gone!!!

    He has a very long plane journey with nothing to do - and a lot

    of anger and depression bubbling inside him!!!

    I have lost count of the number of times I have been in tears

    this morning!!!!


    I'm so sorry, Wendi, what a way to end a holliday. :thumbdown: But you must comfort yourself, dear, at least HE is alright and coming back to you. The rest is only material. :huglove:


    Charlotte was with Katherine (I hope I got the name right) from

    The Butterfly Lounge - so they had VIP tickets!! :thumb_yello:


    That lucky girl! I am going to start reading now.

  6. Good evening Oldlings!!! My earlier post seems to have got lost in cyber space...hope you are all having a good weekend?


    Good evening, Sarahlou!


    good evening oldlings!

    i'm not here in real shape

    i'm in LA at the grammy awards


    :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:


    Awwwh, that is so sad, Robi. We all wanted you to be there. :boxed:

  7. Hello to everyone I havent said hello tooo :punk:


    Yeh things are not supposed to pop eeeekkkkkkkk



    Sounds painfull, Fred. :thumbdown: And they say a bruised rib hurts more than a broken one.



    I have my first real big dip since I stopped smoking. My sister and my brother-in-law visited us this afternoon, and they smoke like crazy. :boxed: But I'm proud to say, I managed. Just feel a bit depressed now. I will have to go and see some Mika pictures to cheer me up.

  8. Hi all:punk:

    Wendi, I hope your car doesn't let you down again soon!

    Martine: keep an eye on your stove, I smell something burning:naughty:


    I won't stay long, promised my (bit) ill daughter to sit with her on the couch for a while.

    O, o: other daughter came home shaking and complaying about not feeling well....:blink: Yep, she's got herself a nice fever too.....:thumbdown: (38,5 Celsius)


    Hi AMP!

    That's not nice, two daughters ill. :thumbdown: And just before the weekend too.


    I will dissappear in a while girls, when Marc gets home. It's sisters visiting thursday today, so I won't be here tonight. Maybe tomorrow?

    Have a nice evening!

  9. Garage had to come out - so that £35 straight away. They

    are not sure if the battery is faulty or not - so back to square

    one - just hope it was a blip!!! £90 for a new battery is not an

    option just now!!!




    Bye Miek - look forward to chatting again sometime xxxx


    :shocked: Wow, that's expensive.

    Garages always are, let's hope it's fixed. :thumb_yello:

  10. Got to go, my son is awake from his nap. :thumbdown: so i have to be a mommy and play with him, and peel the potatoes. Life can be so real sometimes. I'd like to stay here and chat with you guys, but duty is calling! Don't gt me wrong though, i love my live :thumb_yello: But the MFC site is getting pretty addictive:mf_lustslow:


    Goodbye Miek!

    Have fun in RL!

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