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Posts posted by paula.pop

  1. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,11036-2007380787,00.html

    LONDON's latest singing sensation REMI NICOLE is in bed with a cold and ruing the dreary weather more than most.


    Her catchy new single Go Mr Sunshine - released yesterday - is the kind of feelgood ditty that sums up a balmy summer's day.


    The only trouble is, no one can remember what a balmy summer's day feels like and Remi Nicole is worried the unseasonal weather will dampen sales.


    "Last summer when I wrote it, it was literally baking," Remi says. "If the weather was sunny I would be a bit more confident."


    Regardless of how her song performs, it has been an incredible year for the 24-year-old, who less than 12 months ago was twiddling her thumbs in an office job and teaching herself how to play guitar.


    The trained actress was between auditions when she decided to pick up the guitar her dad had given her as an 18th birthday present.


    "I was bored and I had a guitar but I'd never really got around to playing it, so I taught myself," she says.


    "I wrote Go Mr Sunshine at work one day but I really just played it for myself. Then last summer in the park I played it for a friend who said I should really do something with it."


    When producer Johnny Douglas put it up on his MySpace page, the record companies immediately began circling, sensing the presence of a new LILY ALLEN or KATE NASH.


    "Everything just exploded after that," she says. "I had every record company and every management company contact me and it went crazy.



    "I think the industry hype I got early on has meant I had to rush to get working. I didn't have time to do it at my own speed, but I'm really happy with my album now."


    The North Londoner, who is part Trinidadian and part Jewish, describes her sound as guitar-based pop with an edge.


    She berates the assumption that just because she’s a North London black girl she should be listening to a staple diet of hip hop and R'n'B.


    "I couldn't be less R'n'B," she says. "I grew up listening to the BEATLES, ROD STEWART, the CARPENTERS, TRACEY CHAPMAN, but my tastes are really varied. I like AMY WINEHOUSE and I saw KANYE WEST last night."


    A steady stream of high profile performances have followed - most recently at the V Festival, where she appeared on stage with MIKA dressed as an elephant.

    And she has even learnt how to play guitar standing up.


    "When I played my first show I didn’t even know how to stand with my guitar," she laughs.


    "I’d only ever sat down playing, so I had to stand in front of the mirror and work out what looked OK for about three hours the afternoon before I went on stage.


    "I'm getting better. Now I'm even moving about."

  2. yes,you can say it was his single,according to new chart rules if you buy songs on iTunes or any other site and it makes to top 100 it is classed as a single-Lollipop made it to top 40 I think...

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