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Status Updates posted by Foxxy

  1. Ooh, I'm so happy for you for seeing both Muse and Mika. Ohh, no gigs for me this year, nobody comes here :// Seriously, this is getting annoying. I hope Mika will come here again soon, I missed him so much!

    Yeah, I'm back to school.. so much work, oh. I need to find internship soon, but no idea where, since for my english course, there's not much what to do :/ this sucks.

    How are you? How you been?

    luv ya :huglove:

  2. I cannot wait till my copy reaches me too! The album is so good, you gonna love it! :wub2:

    Yeah, I saw! He looked so good and the performance was amazing :wub2: So good to see him back :wub2: I'm so fangurling right now :teehee:


    How are you? How's autumn so far? :naughty:


  3. Hey hun!!! I'm good, now listening to Mika's new album and absolutely loving it! How are you! I still have to answer to your letter! Gonna do it soonish xx

    Love ya :huglove:

  4. Yeah, it was weird at first, but I am ok now. Glad you liked the postcard :wub2: Ooh, seeing your friends get married must to seem so weird no? :aah: And buying a house! That's a bit step :aah:

    Oh my god, I'm so sorry about your pony! It is always hard, when someone you love dies :sad:

    I have a quite a problem myself now. This is so weird and unexpected, I really dunno what to do! So, there are two guy who likes me right now. One is my best friend, he told me that he likes me and I thought to myself "Wuuut? I like told you everything, you're like a brother to me". And then the other, waited two years to literally just to talk to me. Two days ago I log into my FB and I get a message from him saying something like "Hi, I always wanted to talk to you, cuz you seem very interesting and very cute.". I knew him from my school, he was in our group of orientations game, but I had no idea he even knew me o.O I'm so confused right now :huh:

    Love ya hun! :huglove:

  5. I'm hoooome! I'm about to send you a postcard from Huelva, gonna do it from here, cuz I had no time during the last days there, but anyways :biggrin2:

    Already miss the good spain's weather. It's all snow here ;S

    Aaw, so glad to hear a postive things about your aunt!!! So good that it is getting better!!!

    Uuuh, what did your friend told you? Now I'm curious! :teehee:

    Sorry, I'm here like a ghost, coming in and out once in a blue moon :huh:

    Love ya!!! :huglove:

  6. February will come so sooooon. Aaaah. 27 days left. My friend counted :aah: It's gonna be so weird :aah:

    Aw, glad your year started good :teehee:

    Oh, sorry to hear about your aunt, hope it will get better soon :(

    There is a joke about being single on New Year? Never heard of :naughty: Nah, not really... They all either blah or gays :naughty: Tho, I'm not looking, I have too much work here :naughty:


  7. Heeeeeey!!!

    Yeah, no news from Mika lately, hopefully after the release of the album everything will be back to normal :3Having Mika's Grace Kelly on repeat right now after long time. Ahh, I love him so much :wub2:

    I'm going home in the middle of February. Dunno weather I should be sad or happy that there are little bit more than a month left here. Got a cold right now, but I have medicine, hot tea, so I hope I'll feel better soon. My Christmas and New Year were great, we had a little party both times, and in the mean times, so it was great :wink2: How was yours?

    Of course, I care :huglove: Hope she'll be ok very very soon :huglove:

    Oh, I'm sorry that it didn't work out with that guy. He was not worth it. You'll meet someone ever better, you'll see :wink2:


  8. Wow, I'm so sorry for answering just now! I dunno what got into me, I just stopped coming here :sad: My bad, I know... :huh:

    Our new roommate is awesome! He;s funny and talkative and all, but he's very lazy and all, but that's not a problem with me, so :naughty:

    Breast cancer.... ooooh, hope the threatment will work! Holding my fingers!!!

    Hey, how it ended up with that guy? Hope it's still on!

    Man, I really need to catch up with things :aah:


  9. I dunno, still looking for something special :naughty:

    Oh, now we have a roommate, a guy, he seems cool, realy funny :naughty: hopefully all be good this time :teehee:

    My fingers are crossed for you guys : Don't worry!

    Well, I hope he won't let you heartbroken no no no :sad: hopefully he's a decent guy :wink2:


  10. Yeah, it is weird most of the time :aah: Food especially :aah:

    Yeah, she was one weeerid bitch, but she moved out last night. THANK GOD. Couldn't stand her. Going to have new roommie soon :wink2:

    Oh my, hope your aunt is doing ok! Be strong :(

    Hope it's nothing serious with that boy of yours. And yes, they do need to put effort, so I dunno what to tell you. Try to wait and see what happens :wink2:


  11. Well, that's the first impression, I guess. I met Isa the other day and we had great time together. She told me a lot about the Spain traditions and stuff, tho it's still weird :aah: My roommate is weird.. Sometimes it feels like she likes us and sometimes it feels like she totally hates us :aah: I dunno what to think. She's just weird :aah: When we made dinner, we also invite her, when she makes dinner, she makes it only for helself. Yesterday, she bought wine and we all drank it, totally normal. I just don't get her sometimes :aah: Oh, the weather seems to get a bit cooler now, that's good, cuz too hot is not the best thing ever :huh:

    Oh girl, I hope he does feels the same about you... The same was with my ex, I always wanted to see him, making arrangements and stuff and he did nothing. He haven;t invited me anywhere... I had enough, so, now he's my ex :naughty: But if you love him, you should really talk to him. You have right to know :wink2: Hope everything will be ok :huglove:

  12. Hey sweeety! So, did you ask him out? How did it go? Tell me everything :aah:

    Sorry that I am replying just now, I've been s bit busy with stuffs. I'm in Spain already, and to be frankly, I don't think I like it here :huh: Well yeah, the Spanish people are so nice and helpfull, but they are so nasty. Their streets look like one big dumster with dog's poops and stuff. And it always smells bad here. Like literaly air smells awful :huh: They don't have a lot of food products that we usually eat and it sucks. I can't make a dish besicly because there are no ingrediants :/ And the feat. It's soooo hot. Now I can't wait to be back to Lithuania. I never thought I'd say this, but I even miss Lithuania :huh:

    Hope you are doing fine :huglove:

  13. Well, from the things you said, I can assure he's really into you, he just needs some time, I guess, or he waits till you do something. Now you ask him out :naughty: Make sure he knows you like him too :teehee: I don't really know how does the mind of boys works, but I know that they enjoy a little attention too :naughty:

    Never heard of it, but if it's Dutch, I guess it's normal haha :naughty:

    Yeah, I'm counting the days :naughty: This Thursday's evening I will be in Spain :aah: Mind-blowing... It's so crazy... :aah:


  14. I dunno about you, but it feels like he really likes you :naughty: And about those messages, maybe he feels like he moved too fast and wants to be sure you feel the same, so he's being save now, you know? I'm sure you have nothing to be worry about hun :naughty: And I know this wasn't the most important thing that evening ( :naughty: ) but what did you watch at the cinema?

    Yesterday was such a beautiful day here too! And today it's really fogy and moody :huh: I hope the weather in Spain is waaay better :naughty:


  15. Haha, thanks :naughty: I remember being surprised that the autumn is later in other countries hah :naughty:

    Sooo, how did it go? Hope he was everything you expected :teehee:


  16. Oh, we have autumn here from the 1st of September :teehee: But hey, happy autumn :naughty:

    Oh, I dunno how about you, but if someone texts me A LOT it starts getting a littbe annoying, but of course, if it's sweet... :teehee: Hope he can make it this Friday :das: Oh, I smell a date here :das:


  17. Well, you'll see what it is all about soon, I guess :naughty:

    I know! Today the weather was ok, quite warm, but you dont know what to expect tomorrow... We wanted to go to the sea the other day, but it started raining :aah:

    Aaah, nice :aah: I hope he will say "yes" to that having-a-drink thingie :das:


  18. Oh, not that long :naughty: I wonder do we have to subscribe again or we can keep our accounts? :naughty:

    I was a bit worry too, but it turned out to be good. It's getting cold here. Only like +12 at the moment. Hope I won't get a cold or anything :naughty:

    Uuuh, sweet :das: Was he cute? :teehee: Glad you're having a good time :teehee:


  19. Oh, not that long :naughty: I wonder do we have to subscribe again or we can keep our accounts? :naughty:

    I was a bit worry too, but it turned out to be good. It's getting cold here. Only like +12 at the moment. Hope I won't get a cold or anything :naughty:

    Uuuh, sweet :das: Was he cute? :teehee: Glad you're having a good time :teehee:


  20. Yeah, nothing can come even close to HP books... I hope you can try it out soon :wink2:

    Cool haha :naughty:

    There were no hurricane. They just scared us. There were a big wind, but nothing like hurricane... :teehee:

    Hope you have a great weekend too :huglove:

  21. Yeah, hopefully :naughty:

    Well, teah, Pottermore is little bit disappointing. Chapters are really short and has no interaction at all, you have to brew potions, that are stuck all the time and well... You'll see :aah:

    Wow, sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! Bad-ass event :aah: And you wore a kilt? I gotta see that :aah: Mika looked good in kilt :das:

    I don't know about you guys, but it looks like we will be having a hurricane around here... Can't remember what's it called, but it starts with letter "K"... We'll see if it happens :aah:


  22. Me too, believe me :naughty:

    It is. He's so tired of all this. He was like "Oh, why I started this all mess?" :naughty: But his flat will look so cool after all the work is done :wink2:

    So what you did on that surprise company event? :naughty:

    No, just boring weekend at home. I get my welcome letter to Pottermore yesterday, so I was exploring it, but it turned out to be one big disappointment :huh:


  23. Aww, glad you had so much fun! And it was that close to your home? Sweet :naughty:

    I know what ya mean about not getting shower in the morning.. My cousin is having his flat under constuction, so he doesn't shower installed yet, so it is awful :aah:

    Yup, I don't have to go to school till my Erasmus. Cool, eh? :naughty:

  24. I was in Klaipeda today and the weather was amazing :wub2:

    Oh, sounds great! Hope you have a great time! :naughty:

    My first day will be next week, our uni is always late with it :naughty: Btw, by the way, because of my erasmus, I have one month of holiday more :naughty:


  25. You are welcome :naughty:

    Yeah, that's what I thought the other day - we had no proper summer :huh: What festival you are going to? :teehee:

    My sister isn;t really happy about going to school either,k but I'm glad. I missed being a little bit away from home and because I like my uni, ofcourse :naughty:

    Congrats on being permanently employed :naughty:


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