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Posts posted by Ms.Mewissa<33

  1. i cant understand why she said OLD

    niissh....ohwell...thats her opinion Oo


    and i wish summer is coming NOOOW!!

    i cant stand it anymore! uggggh!

    i hate everything were doing in school! Oo

    were doing nothin!....cept listening to songs....like Relax! yaay!

    Everyone at schools thinks that song roxx!! yaay!

    at least it was something positive :D

  2. doesnt it hurt you guys when you talk about how cute, talented, hot and so on about Mika and how you want to be in his concert and then suddenly your friends would be like "so what!? he is just an old guy with really curly hair!?"

    :tears: :tears: :tears:

    i got so mad that i cancelled our trip to the amusement park...which is soo unlike me coz i dont really get that mad :S

  3. sorry to disappoint but this fragrance was launched in 2005


    'The Floral packaging emphasizes the colorful yet simple signature of Paul Smith design: Round metal case and white lacquered opaque bottle… Pink for the signature and lip of the bottle, translucent yellow for the pump and orange for the cap associate with a very ‘Psycodelic’ logo.'


    ohh =.= LOL

    but maybe it is thats why Mika is in Paul Smith??

    the Mika-ish thingies?? x]

    niiish...watevvrr...nvm xD

  4. I hope they'll show it in Sweden later, I like So you think you can dance ^^ Even more when Mika will perform :biggrin2:


    ohhh! i think they show it in Norway too!??

    i havent seen it i think?....but has Stacy Kibler [or something] from WWE been in that show??

    [eheh...i <3ed WWE :bleh: ]

    then i think i have seen it x]

  5. omg mika is just so cute i dont know wat i would do if i got a hug!!! u should have seen him at the concert in d.c. he was just sooooooo sexii!!!!! the best i have ever seen him! i bout melted!!!:wub2:


    im just wondering....have you heard the CuppyCake song?? :roftl:

    Your my honeybunch, Sugerplam

    Pumpy Umpy Umpkin


    LoLiiees...how cuute :roftl:

  6. Haha, Norway is so effin slow! I've only heard Grace Kelly, and for the first time yesterday, when I sat on the bus being all sad and stuff, I heard Relax on the radio. So I got a lot happier after that:biggrin2: But I want to hear Big giiiirl!!


    i knooow! =.=

    they havent played Love Today in the radio......well not that i have heard :thumbdown:

    But they do play Relax.......everyone in my class loves it :thumb_yello:

    although they are reaaaally iskc of Grace Kelly :(

    The radio must play Love Today && Big Girl!!!!!

    but i think they played Lollipop too.......since it was on the list before.....

  7. ok so some of u saw me wear it at the LA show.... to who ever that didnt here it is:




    mikas mom took pix of me wearing it...LOL! i wish i had those pix! cause i didnt take good ones of me wearing it that day!


    wow...Sivan?? that shirtm which i love, is made by you!???

    wooooah....your too good :shocked:

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