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Posts posted by Ms.Mewissa<33

  1. exactly my thought! damn norweigans are obviously ahead of us in the Ugly Betty department...

    WHO MS.MEWISSA, WHO?! :shocked:


    aah sounds like you had the perfect day! apart from the rain.. if it's any consolation it was sunny here almost all day

    so happy for you that you got in touch with your friend again!


    LOL we are?? cool :roftl::cool:

    well i dont want to ruin others :naughty:

    but it was definately sad :(


    uggh....rain....its been starting to rain here =.= :thumbdown:

  2. *haha* thx ppl!!!


    *hehe* no... hes not cool....HE JUST THINKS MIKA'S ALRIGHT!!!:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:




    Bexxy what did my dad say to Tia in the que...hopefully nothing embarrasing!!!:shocked::roftl:


    well your dad is still cool coz my dad thinks Mika is well....he doesnt really care!! =.=



    but happy birthday! xD

  3. Ready for some random perviness? It's actually too silly but...well...:insane:


    Click on the warning... (and don't say I didn't warn you - LOL)




    MIKA, please forgive me but the samples you provide in your interviews are just too tempting - LOL



    OMG!! hahahahhahaha :roftl: :roftl:

    ITS HOOOT hahaha

    i knew this one is gonna happen HAHA

  4. my mom doesnt like mikas MUSIC. she loves his voice but not when it goes high. she thinks he has lots of talent. i want to convince her to like him but she was in a rock band for 25 years, so shes hard to convince. any suggustions?



    i think your mum will like the way Mika sings higher soon...my friend didnt like it but now she doesnt mind

    my friend didnt even want to confess that Mika was cuuute in that video!! :roftl:

    ...so i hope your mum will change her mind!!

    unless she already did and dont want to confess :naughty:

  5. I LOST MY MIKA CD:shocked: :tears:


    ive been sweating yesterday coz i cant find it!!!

    i have the cover and all but NO CD! O_O

    ive been searchin over the place!!

    i cant consentrate doing my homework which is due tomorrow!! :shocked:

    waaah....i need it sooo much :(



    && HI everyone!!! :D

  6. Hi everybody!!!


    I'm sure that when you seek new video on You Tube, you're :sneaky2: because you find OUR Mika but Mika Hakkinen and others too!!!


    When we write "Mika", all the video which have "Mika" in their tags

    (someone who wants to put a video on You Tube must choose some words to be easy to find. These words are called tag) appear.


    I think it would be easier if we all add tags like "Mica", "Mika" and "Penniman".


    I try on You Tube with "Mika penniman" and I only have video in connection with OUR Mika (few video but only Mika video).


    Please, can you all add "Mica", "Mika" and 'Penniman" (all these three words) on your videos?


    You can add "MFC" too thus we can recognize you. :wink2:


    What do you think about my idea? I hope it doesn't seem to complicate it for you.


    I just want to make easy the researches!!! :biggrin2:


    goood idea!!! :punk:

    i get ":thumbdown: " sometimes too!!

    so yeaa...ill remember :mf_rosetinted:

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