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Posts posted by Droopsy

  1. although that mini monkey is kinda cute. You could put him in your pocket and make him a dolls house and everything!! Yep i am crazy!! xx


    haha, no you're not! I would do that too :roftl: like I said, I'd take him whereve I go :naughty:

    And okay, maybe mika is a bit (waaayy) bigger than that little thingy, but it's exactly how I see Mika, cute adorable huggable lol:blush-anim-cl:

  2. Anyway...


    I've always wondered : how can girls say that a woman is "beautiful, stunning, awful, etc." whereas when you ask the question to men about men most of them (a huge amount of them) say "i don't know, i can't say" ?? :blink::wink2: Are they afraid that answering the question would give a kick to their male part ??



    hehe, I was wondering about that a lot too... And I'm sorry to say that till this day I have only met ONE guy that dared to say he found another man hot(robbie williams lol). And idd, that guy is pretty confident about himself... So that's it, only one guy lol

  3. true.But I have never found any girl attractive in sexual way.I think Jolie is stunning and I would love to look like her and get to sleep with Brad:naughty:


    bwaaahahahaha LOOLLL:roftl:


    I love Hugh Jackman too :mf_lustslow: (was mentioned here before). But then again, I wouldn't kick scarlett j. out of my bed either!:blush-anim-cl:

  4. I was doubting with I don't know and female and bisexual. I went for the latter.


    It's not like I had a real relationship with a woman yet, just guys for now. But I do believe the statement that you just fall in love with a person for who he/she is. And how can you know who's going to be your true love? I don't want to discriminate haha lol.


    I do have to say I'm more attracted to guys, and then mostly the big hairy manly guys you know? LOL. But there are so many gorgeous women too. Oh well, I'll just see what life holds in store for me :P

  5. I went with other: I would want stuck in the middle, cause it seems to me that would be the funniest to play on the piano.

    I think Over my shoulder is gorgeous, but I think I could figure that out myself.

  6. Whooooottt you guys! I had my first mika dream last night looll:roftl:


    Unfortunately I don't remember all of it...


    I remember sitting at a very large table, we were in some kind of ballroom or something, and there was something like a wedding or birthday happening cause there were balloons and stuff... I think it was the wedding of a friend, since she told me this week she got engaged lol. So that would be logical... Also because one of our best friends was there too. She sat on my left, and on my right was... MIKA! lol In front of me sat another Mika fan... in her late 30's or in her 40's with long curly hair.. Don't know why or who lol. And she was talking to me about Mika stuff, whilst he was sitting next to me, and he didn't look too pleased... How weird lol, I don't remember more of what happened. But I do know at some point we went outside and it was like early morning, still somewhat dark, only one light on outside. It was on a hill and we sat on some statue...


    lol, oh well, don't remember enough for it all to make sense, but hey, I'm glad I had my first M-dream :):wink2:

  7. hmm thats a first i cant help but ask the question if they hate mika soo much why do they have lyrics, videos AND pictures of him on their site ??


    thats why i am laughing at the moment :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:



    That was my first thought too! I mean, if you hate him, why do you put so many pics of him on the site? Just doesn't make sense.


    Anyway, I don't care, and I'm sure Mika wouldn't either. He would just giggle with it and say everyone's got his own opinion. I think he would even find it fascinating that so called Mika-haters would make an entire site/blog whatever about him lol:roftl:


    Oh well, he knows where to come for some lovin' HERE!:wub2:

  8. my first reaction was: LOVE YOU! but when I think about it... I would say hey Mika... why? Well if you would be screaming: love you!!! like a crazy person or something lol, what would be the odds he would start a conversation with you lol.


    When you'd just say hello I agree it's an invitation to start a conversation :blush-anim-cl: and HOW could he refuse that haha:wub2:

  9. No, only the ones that are slim are writing about it..... As for me, I'm keeping my mouth zipped...:wink2:


    haha, you're like me then?:roftl:


    no, but I really think Mika's just slim, and idd, that's quite normal for that age... A lot of my male friends (in their twenties) have this figure. They're slim but with some muscles, like we can see our Mika has too hmmm:wub2:


    I mean, look at this pic: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1177&d=1177085138


    I really don't see him as abnormal skinny, just normal for a guy his age, and oh well he's just hot lol

  10. I love sooooo many sorts of music so I'm just gonna post some names I love to listen to:

    -massive attack
    -marilyn manson
    -the kooks
    -guns n' roses!!!
    -sarah mclachlan
    -danny elfman!!! (composes movie scores! Like edward scissorhands... he's brilliant!)
    -dave matthews band
    -lenny en de wespen
    -sean paul (yes yes! he seems a bit odd in this list, no?)
    -Gotan project!!!

  11. I don't feel this way. I would love it if my friends loved him, so i could chat about him everytime and they would know who I'm talking too...


    I must say, I felt and thought like this back when I was 12 and had some major crush on a male celeb. That's not the case anymore...

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