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Everything posted by hoochatootch

  1. that was like me not wanting to move to florida - because of the hurricanes... little did i realize that they hit about an hour due south of where we are now alot of the time during hurricane season!!
  2. i think you are right... and i don't think that i will ever really deal with it any differently either! guess it's just the pollyanna in me!
  3. sorry to hear about the cancellation.... however... now you can have a bit of a vacation then? are you all supposed to have a bad snowstorm over there?
  4. no.... really i am fine... just bitching i guess... maybe it's because i really have a problem with why some people want to make life more difficult, or maybe try to fool people... lets face it! i am an honest person and i wear my heart on my sleeve... i guess i always expect the world to be honest as well... you would think after almost 40 (eeek! ) years of living on this planet i might have learned how to deal with lies and deceipt a bit better!
  5. could be - but i know that there are those pesky little bots that get into the forum and make posts and pms...? honestly - you would think people would try to make the world a better place than to spend all your time throwing monkey wrenches into things to break them! i am particularly a bit perterbed today - as i thought i had made a wonderful discovery - only to find out that it was someone playing a joke!
  6. hey ricki! glad to hear you are feeling better! and good to hear that the problem is being resolved (hopefully) i really think that some people (ahem...hackers) are probably behind all of this... what do you think??
  7. same thing happened here!!!! have we been demoted as second class mfcers??? btw - hello lovely oldlings!
  8. and it looks like he was in the middle of filming this movie... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Imaginarium_of_Dr._Parnassus
  9. and this is the newest article that i see linked there - next to his date of death http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/22/actor-heath-ledger-is-found-dead/
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heath_Ledger they just locked it - because it is about someone who has died...
  11. just hopped on to say the same thing... but suppose that everything was released to the press at the same time! sad indeed - will hopefully hear what the cause was - they just said he was found 90 minutes ago!
  12. and you too sarah! have not been on at the same times, i am guessing? my sensitive sister!
  13. it was good seeing you again pooh! take care hon!
  14. need to finish up the dinner now anyway - will try to get back on later!
  15. good night ladies! sweet dreams to you all!
  16. obviously! but this site claims to have some great pics of mika - i think i may go take a peak! edit: that site doesn't work anymore
  17. now the picture is gone and this is what it says in the quick quote box.... and the relevance is??????
  18. honestly..... i am wondering what sort of advertising we will be getting next?
  19. hey kath! and SL! virtual hugs and kisses all around for the girls! (will ensure no sickness or germs being spread - as i have been somewhat of a germ-o-phobe since getting so sick earlier this month! )
  20. am wondering if the supermodel girl with all the pap was able to hear you carri - and wish that she had such polite and adoring fans like mika does!
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