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Posts posted by mariposa

  1. Well done, Mikaaaaa!


    They don't even play Love Today on the radio in Finland! I can't believe it! :boxed:

    Ooooh, that's a pity :thumbdown: I hope they'll play it later on...


    But I'm happy Mika's doing so fine in the UK!!! Go Mika! :punk:

  2. mariposa: She always forgets the whole world around her when listening to my music (wow!) , either she freaks and sings along very loudly, or she finds herself in a dream world...(I created)

    As most of the girlz on MFC she seems to be really nice, but sometimes "a tiny bit" crazy...:biggrin2:

  3. no one seems to understand the mika love we hold for him lol, does anyone actually have a good friend (not met over MFC) who loves mika as much as them and could talk to them for hourrsss about it?

    Well, I guess I can be happy then to have a flatmate who's also crazy about Mika!!! :roftl:

    Talk about nothing else......well, at least almost!!! :wub2:

  4. die habe ich noch gar nicht gesehen :naughty: trifft aber gut zu lol

    ich bin Catherine Toussaint (université marc bloch strasbourg)


    Oh ja, die ist echt lustig!!! :biggrin2:

    Cool. merci, dann such ich dich gleich mal..... ;)


    Wie geht's dir??? Auch noch online??? Jaja, die Sucht.....kann mich einfach nicht losreißen :blush-anim-cl:

  5. You can post on here, Mariposa, even though you don't speak Finnish. :)


    By the way, did you know that Mika is actually a Finnish name? Yeah, we have lots of Mikas around here. :D



    Oh, kiitos!!! I'm really glad you don't just throw me out of this thread!! :biggrin2: That's really nice!


    Hehe, yes, I do know that Mika's a Finnish name :wub2: But since our Mika has come up it has a new meaning!! Who doesn't know Mika Häkkinen, Mika Kaurismäki or Mika Kojonkoski? :roftl:

    Guess it's difficult for you if you tell someone that you like Mika.....and everybody's like: "Mika....which one do you mean?" :naughty:


    Pitäkää hauskaa in here! :thumb_yello:

  6. Thanks for visiting Mariposa!

    I'm sorry to tell you that MIKAmania isn't so big in Finland as it is in other European countries :blink: But as you know, Finnish people love to listen dark and gloomy music. We have thousands of heavy metal bands :punk: and maybe Mika has too much happiness and colours :naughty:

    :tears: Hehe, it's really sad that MIKA isn't THAT big in Suomi, but same in Saksa.....so I guess I'm lucky that at the moment I live in France.....where ERVERYBODY seems to love him!!! :wub2:


    Concernig Finnish dark music, I love most of them and listen to them quite a lot :punk: And in a way in can understand that Mika doesn't fit in this pattern....


    Well, but as long as you love him everything's okay =)

  7. ok, though i spend on this forum A LOT of time, I am a little puzzled cause I seem to have missed smt..


    a friend of mine submitted to me this morn a mika video she'd seen on tv and then found on you tube. it's this. she thought it was cute and wanted to share.


    looks quite well made to be a fan video. *love it, besides*




    i thought to share with the forum, but since the forum is ever so updated, I browsed older post first (not to repost the same thing all the time..) and came across this thread in the members only board, where a fan said he's put up a site of mika videos. well, he's this video among the others and he lists it as relax official video.. :blink:


    do we have a new single out and I didn't know it..? :shocked:


    am I so in the back of beyond...? :blink:


    if it's not true, pls stop laughing at me: I can see ya all giggling, sitting behind your pc/laptop screens! :thumbdown::biggrin2:



    avoca :blush-anim-cl:


    Hey avoca!


    I think it has aready been posted somewhere.....don't ask me where *lol* But I have to say that I kinda like it....Btw, "Relax" will be the next official single in Germany (release beginning of June, at least that's what I read on a forum)......Where else? Does anybody know....

    But yeah, it's pretty COLOURFUL :thumb_yello:

  8. Jau, habe ich gesehen. Habe dich schon geadded und dir was nettes auf die Wand geschrieben.

    So, das mit dem Putzen habe ich zum Glück hinter mir, nur meine Erkäktung will nicht weg :(. Naja, früher oder später bin ich die auch wieder los ;).

    Dann wünsche ich dir erstmal noch ein paar erholsame Stunden. Ich werde mich mal auf den Weg machen, um zu gucken, was hier in den letzten Stunden so passiert ist.

    Danke!!! Hab ich grad gelesen :thumb_yello:

    Ich wünsch dir 'ne gute Besserung....genau, das wird schon wieder!

    Hehe, viel Spaß beim Posts durchstöbern.....Ich liebe es :wub2:


    Lg x

  9. was ist studivz?

    Haeschen02 hat das schon richtig erklärt....:thumb_yello:

    Nur wollt ich noch hinzufügen, dass auch viele angemeldet sind, die Deutsch nur in der Schule/Uni etc gelernt haben, also nicht deutschsprachig sind :biggrin2:

    Im Moment sind es schon über 2 Millionen Mitglieder, was enorm ist....und ein paar schöne Mikagruppen gibt es auch :thumb_yello:

    Auch wenn die natürlich lange nicht so gut sind wie der MFC!!!!


    klemmer, mariposa

  10. Die ist ja toll. Ich glaube der sollte ich vielleicht auch mal beitreten ;).

    Achja, ich bin übrigens Christine Wagner (Uni Bielefeld). War gestern Abend nicht mehr online.


    Hey, ich hab dich gefunden! :thumb_yello: Naja, ich geb zu, war jetzt nicht mehr allzu schwer, ber egal ;)

    Du Arme!!!! Ich hasse putzen!!! Aber muss leider ab und zu sein....:wink2:

    Werd heut nicht mehr allzuviel machen, mich ein bisschen vom Unistress erholen :biggrin2:


    biz mariposa

  11. This is the best forum ever, i wouldnt be addicted if it wasnt. Mika's hypnotised us all to be happy polite and friendly mika lovers:sneaky2::roftl:



    You must be right!!!

    I think it's true for all of us that Mika's music has changed us a lot and triggered out something BIG, something unbelievable, something which we can experience here in the forum every day, every minute and every single second...:wub2:

    The minute I registered I immediatelly felt "at home", everyone is sooo friendly and everyone helps each other....

    It's just like dream - an amazing dream - that has captured us all and hopefully will never let us escape ever again......


    May this great forum continue for good and spread the word! :thumb_yello:


    THANX to all of you!!! :wink2:

  12. hey wie geht es Euch denn heute?


    Solltet Ihr auch irdendwelche Fragen haben, pm an mich und ich werde sehen was sich machen laesst...ansonsten wenn Ihr irgendwelche Probleme habt seid nicht schuechtern, meldet Euch!





    Danke, alles bestens! :biggrin2:

    Sind nicht schüchtern :punk:


    Wünsche allen 'nen schönen Tag!!!!!

    PS: Relax, take it easy...

  13. ja ich bin auch dort angemeldet. und bin auch in einigen Mikagruppen. es gibt schon recht viele Gruppen :blink:


    Cool!!! :punk: Hast Recht, es werden immer mehr!!!

    Meine Lieblingsgruppe ist seit neustem "Wir tanzen in Unterwäsche zu Mika" :biggrin2:


    Wie find ich dich denn im studivz??? :wink2:

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