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Posts posted by BonjourMika1990

  1. Axl's not getting back together with the old members. I wish it were a surprise :(


    He had some words to say about Slash not too long ago:naughty:


    "I suppose (former bass player) Duff (McKagan) could play guitar on something somewhere but there's zero possibility of me having anything to do with Slash. In a nutshell, personally I consider him a cancer and better removed, avoided — and the less anyone heard of him or his supporters the better."



    This is an amazing and intense read. It's the first interview Axl has done in a while and he throws down:shocked:





    Does anyone know what might have happened to make Slash and Axl eternally enemies? I read Slash's book, but he's really not very specific.


    All we are saaaaaaaaaaaayin is give peaaaace a channnnce.....












    They were so cute together: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkk197KyMHU

  2. Hahaha. Yeah we remember that now that you said that.:roftl:


    Can't wait to see that new movie with him in it, "Public Enemies".


    We remember we sent an autograph request to the Chicago address and we got it back. Johnny had signed our picture we sent of Sweeney Todd. He signed it in silver sharpie.:wub2: He also sent another autograph of himself which is very dreamy.:wub2:



  3. omg I remember this day, it was on mfc...myspace...EVERYWHERE :naughty:


    Yes:naughty: That night, that week, that year:roftl: I literally found myself telling the story over and over again to new people, to people I had just met. I just told my new hair dresser about it yesterday...and a week before that, my entire fiction writing class found out as well HA! It never ends!


    Happy anniversary.

    I heard recently that Johnny had bought a place in Bath, not far from me.


    Thanks! And I've heard Bath is beautiful! Wish I could see it someday:mf_lustslow:

  4. Perhaps it is that no one cares about the story anymore... but to me it's still as real as the day it happened. EXACTLY ONE YEAR AGO.


    I wrote this bulletin on myspace, and the video is essential to watch because well, if you are a woman and love looking at Depp you just need to see it:naughty:


    A year ago today, at this very moment...



    I was taking a nap, no doubt lost in a sleepy dream that I would not remember... A nap that would be cemented in my history as the precursor to the manifestation of an impossible dream to be lived before my very eyes in a matter of hours. It was late in the evening on March 25th 2008 that I met, spoke to and experienced extensive hand holding with my favorite actor of all time: the incomparable and devastatingly beautiful Johnny Depp. The events of the evening were numerous, and plaugued by a fierce, cold wind that numbed my bare hands into a state of bitterness that I have never experienced before...waiting for hours, for an impossible hope of meeting my muse was an idea laughed upon, an idea which provoked many an eye roll but that no doubt embedded my faith in the laughable instance.





    And so it happened. I shook his hand;he held onto it;I spoke; he listened;he overlapped both hands over mine; spoke to me; I listened; he warmed my hands; told me I was freezing and that I needed to be warmed up; he chuckled; I laugh and completley agreed with him; I released his hands; he went on; I went on... and have never forgotten those minutes upon me speaking to him. Every smell, sensation, sight is vivid in my memory...every glance he gave, preserved in my memory...mere snapshots of the very thing they said was so impossible, so childish to hope for.





    I lived a dream; the dream was holding my hand; warming what was numb; reviving me; helping me realize it's presence but an inch from my face; It was the warmth that ignited a determination to go on living with faith in these "impossible" dreams of mine.




  5. 1. I love his hat.


    2. His hair is so precious:blush-anim-cl:


    3. I freakin love the music I've been hearing in the last two video updates. I get a familiar feeling that I used to get with LICM.:wub2:





    So, yeah, that's what is on my mind right now. I just love that boy...love love love:mf_lustslow:

  6. I just posted a bulletin on myspace of another bulletin I read from a friend of mine (a musician who requested me a few months ago)




    His name is Chad, and I came to be his friend on myspace because I loved his music! And his lyrics are so beautiful.... He literally looks and sounds like an angel. So anyway, his friend put out the bulletin below through chad's myspace...he's in the hospital right now, and not doing so well.



    myspace. com/chadjrsdaddy. com







    when i went into see him yesterday he was begging me to kill him.....and he tried to take out his breathing tube so the doctors restrained him....it was horrible

    if your best friend was suffering what would you do?

    help me


    (the rest is just the same as the last bulletin)


    Hey i'm Chad's friend Matty and for those of you who don't know Chad has a heart condition called HCM.


    His medication that he was taking developed a

    hole in his heart and this affected his lungs. One of his lungs collapsed 2 nights ago.



    Right now he has a breathing tube in but he's on the verge of a cardiac arrest and when that happens his heart isnt gonna be able to function so he's gonna be on full life support.



    They're also gonna remove one of his lungs cause its useless and the other one is too weak to cope on its own

    So basically he needs a heart and a lung transplant if he's gonna make it. I think if he gets a heart his dad is gonna be a lung donor for him but he's still like 27th on the list for a heart.



    It will be up to his parents about what happens to him.


    if they wanna keep him on life support or not, until he might get one

    If its longer than a month theyre gonna take the risk and try to fix the hole in his heart.



    Pray for him please, leave comments, comment his pics and if you don't pray, keep him in your thoughts.




    Please and Thanks




  7. I've never seen this thread:mf_lustslow:


    I love Mick...my close friends and family actually call me Jagger lol....ever since I was little they've dubbed me with that name. I used to rock out to the stones, and my middle name is Bianca (his ex-wife's name...i think she's his ex haha)

  8. Ooooh ah :mf_lustslow:


    Okay, here's the deal... I've already received a bit of work. We're on schedule...once I get everybody's I'll do a final run through...we'll take a few days to add on things etc and than he'll have his book by the end of februray:blush-anim-cl:


    I will take a while to finish the massive message section as I have a scholarship deadline coming up on the 13th. ( I have a total oof 2 biographies to write and 4 essays! )But don't worry it will be done. I have to say it's definatley alot more simple than all of your talented work, but I think it'll work.


    I'm so excited! :)

  9. :woot_jump: INXS,INXS, INXS !!! I love them!! I looove Michael :mf_lustslow: it's his birthday today actually!


    My fav songs are "Need You Tonight","Dissapear","Never Tear Us Apart","Suicidal Blonde","Elegantly Wasted" ... all of them actually :punk:


    aww I didn't know it was his birthday! How old would he have been???

  10. The problem with using a tumbling clown for page numbers is that, with so many people designing these pages, it'd be nearly impossible to keep it consistent throughout the entire book. And it would make it truly impossible to do any last minute page insertions or deletions.

    It's really not something that would work well with the piecemeal approach we take to this book. And while it is a brilliant idea, it's one of those things that can look really shoddy and half a*sed if it's not absolutely perfect. Not to say, of course, that there's anything wrong with what you'd create; it's about the nature of how the book is put together.


    Hope that makes sense!




    Right-click on your contacts name, and choose "Create sharing folder." If your contact already created a folder, it will say "Open your sharing folder."


    Best of luck!


    Well see I think we can incoorperate the clown not as a page number but for just the messages section... have him go along the sides of the pages. Because as of now, I have no design scheme other than a little bit of color in the boxes I'm putting around pictures and some headlines. I think adding the little guy would add something fun, atleast for those 100 and something pages :-)


    How many pages in total will this be peeps <just curious>


    At the least, 400 pages. It'll be double last years for sure:thumb_yello:


    Okay, so here's the thing. I'm not sure if this is alright for the layout of the HMCML section. I made them in photoshop CS4 instead of word so I wanted to ask before I made all of them.

    And they're not compleatly finished. I'm gonna add more clowny stuff









    I love this, completley. I love the individuality to each page. IT'll be fun for not only Mika to look at, but the poeple who wrote these stories. I think it's brill :wub2:


    EDIT: I forgot to mention the text though... I know for the last, the centered text works perfectly, but for the others...is there a way to justify it so that it's in line...or if that doesn't work center it? I was editor of my school newspaper lol...we never let anything go past without justification in text. So if that won't work, don't mind me : P

  11. I really LOVED INXS back in the day... they were incredible. Michael Hutchence had that certain quality that was just SO charismatic and beyond sexy, and he was SO talented, with such a unique voice. Never Tear Us Apart used to make me cry every time! It still gets me! And Need You Tonight, Devil Inside, New Sensation, Mystify.... they were AMAZING. Love love love them.



    mmmhhhhm sexy is definatley the word. I was just thinking about how there's no one really out there right now who's sexy in Michael's way...no one, mysterious,quiet, with long dark hair and leather :naughty:


    Maybe that was just the era, but i wouldn't mind seeing some semi long haired rockers like Michael again. Everyone's wearing preppy suits,fedoras and eye liner now (which is cool) but not effortlessly sexy.

  12. I love INXS:naughty:




    Favorite songs: Need You Tonight & Beautiful Girl



    I'm curious to know if anyone else likes them. I was reeeallly young when they were at their biggest. But I do remember when the lead singer, Michael Hutchence past away and what a huge devastation that was. He has one of the best voices I've ever heard. Soooo amazing...








    Wow. :blush-anim-cl:

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