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Posts posted by TTel20

  1. Hi :)

    I understand yr point of view and I'm really sorry you couldn't enjoy the gig :(

    I was in the circle as well, as I cannot stand for long, but I did stand up during a few songs; as I did it outside the sitting area, I don't think I annoyed anyone

    Maybe next time you could sit at the side or tell the venue about yr problem and ask for a seated place in the first rows or in the disabled area.

    Which row where you sitting in?

    Has anyone got other advice?


    Thanks for your reply. I was row V on Sunday (and K on Monday).


    PS: lovely group pictures girls!

  2. Hi,


    I went to the gig on Sunday and it was good.

    I have a concern and I can already "hear" some people commenting and not agreeing with me.


    I had a seat as standing too long for it's difficult. If I'm at the front for example, lining on a barriere that's ok. To be at the front, it means queuing for a long time which I can't do so I have booked a seat with was fine for me.


    THe problem was as soon as the second song started (big girl), people were standing up and dancing. To be really honest, it ruined my evening as there was no way I could stand up the whole gig, plus people standing up -being taller - couldn't see the stage.

    I know we all enjoyed MIka's concert and even him made some comments about the seating area.

    If people want to stand up then they should buy a standing ticket as they need to take into consideration the needs of other people who might not be able to stand up.


    Don't get me wrong, for some songs, I understand perfectly and yes it's a concert, we need to have fun. On Monday, it was better, as people stood up for LOve Today etc and for example sat down for "Toy Boy"


    I wanted to say this, hope people won't take it the wrong way.

  3. I just came back a couple of hours ago so here is my little report.


    When I arrived in the city centre and was looking for my hotel, a lady asked me what I was looking for and took me near the Olympia Theatre. She asked me who I was going to see. I replied Mika and she told me that some of the fan-club were at the venue since the morning as she saw them on her way to work :wink2:


    I didn't queue as I had a seat but went to say hello to Kath and others.


    I had a very good seat so the view was great for the stage and the audience. Was good to see how the audience react to the songs, dance... I though that WAG worked so well with the audience.


    First act: the man talking about the plural of albatros, that was a bit strange lol


    I didn't read about Belfast so Dublin was new for me. I really like the intro with the book and some French.

    The band was very good and they all seemed to enjoy the night.

    I also liked the "musical bin". I thought it worked well with the band ect...

    Good to see the skeleton again.

    Any other word as really powerful, there was something when he sung it this night.


    On the down side: I was filming "Blue eyes" when I've been told (by staff from the theatre) for recording. Fair enough but what about all the people who were recording and I could see?! I thought it was unfair and now I don't have souvenirs of songs I like :sad:


    I have a question: I came in on the side for the seating area. After the show, I saw people with posters. I am wondering if there was a shop to buy "Mika products". Just like to know for my next gig.


    I stayed in a hope of a M&G. We've been asked to line up and had to wait a long time. After he came out, people started to push and I ended up crushed between people and my poster been damaged. I have to stay that Mika seemed calm and always smiling. While he was signing for me, somebody pused him and he apologised to me (as the pen moved when he was signing) and I fel sorry. He shouldn't be apologising when he signing! He took time to talk to some people, he was talking to a lday from Japan (don't know if she's a member of the forum).


    It was a great great night and now I regret not to be able to do more gigs around Europe. I'm going to the London ones and that's it. It was always magic to see him on stage and I love this tour with the effects, settings etc...

  4. Hello,


    I'm not brave enought to read all the messages but was wondering where people are statying ( I know some are staying in the Travelodge, other in hostels). I'm looking for a hotel at a short walking distance to the Olympia as I am on my own.

    Was looking on google maps but gave me a hotel "close the venue" when it was actually really far so don't trust it.

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