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Posts posted by LollipopGirlSian

  1. well the earlier u get there the more chance u get to see him, and the longer u stay after the more chance u get to see him lol




    and no problem anything to help out a mfcer :D:D hehe hopefully it won't be too big for the post :bleh: well i guess by the 10th of july .. and hopefully he will be signing stuff :)


    Yeh hopefully hehe!!


    Oooh i wonder if he'll come and meet people after the Doncaster gig? Then again my mum is taking me and she won't wait around afterwards... not fair I'm never allowed to, not even at the McFly one which was only in Harrogate, 2mins away from my house.... :thumbdown:

  2. lets not jinx it eh :biggrin2: if i'm lucky i will see him before or after his concert, and maybe he may come on the first day of the art exhibition, will keep my fingers crossed, actually i'll cross everything..



    oh guys mika's gone up to no.10 on top 20 airplay on the box!! ooh i'm so proud he used to be 21 or summin yey, watch the box now if u wanna watch GK hehe


    Ooh yay go Mika!!!!!

  3. ok whatever u want just tell me, and hopefully i will be able to, and if my temptation for asking for a third autograph doesn't kick in :naughty:


    Lol! Thank you SO SO SO much! You are so nice!!


    Hehe I'll think of something Mika related to send. It will probably be the booklet, or maybe my Love Today vinyl thingy.... when would you need it by?

  4. well if i do.. err in july i think... but i'll feel cheap if i gave him a piece of paper to sign hehe anything in particular?


    Erm... not sure. I would send you my copy of LICM but i dont know if i cold bear to be parted with it for a long amount of time lol!!


    Hmmm.... I cold send the booklet or something... I would say a poster but i dont seem to have any cos magazines are so rubbish lol

  5. oh thats really unfair!! seriously, i understand he could've been tired but u know if he still managed to see other fans.. urgh i hate it when people don't do their jobs properly, u know what if u still don't get anything, i could try and get u an autograph? i'm willing to get anyone else autographs if they feel like they won't be able to get one


    OMG really? Are you meeting him or something?


    OMG yes pleeease!!!! That would be amazing!!!!!!!!


    Iv never had an autograph before ='( thats why im well upset that its lookin like we arent getting anything


    So yeah, if you can, i would appreciate is SO much! Thank youuuu!!!!

  6. Me to gotta remember that august :roftl:

    I'm always late....

    But I love pushing myself threw the crowd....love to bug everybody *muhaha* :naughty:


    Haha yeah same here!


    And i can get away with it cos im small lol!


    But OMG at the Mika gig in Leeds this REALLY tall guy did it and i was like :shocked: 'how dare you'?!?!


    Ended up going onto the balcony instead cos we had the little wristband thingys, but that was better anyway cos Cherisse, Mikey, Happy Ending girl (not quite sure who that was... the one on that pic of Mika on the jetski i think) and Mikas mum came and stood near us while the support act was on! I was like 'OH. MY. GOD!!' lol!! :naughty:

  7. WHOOP WHOOP!!!! And me! Been chatting to a woman via e-mail. I have to let her know when i can go next week. :thumb_yello:


    OMG wow u are lucky!!


    Wish i was over 18 and lived near London lol.


    And WOW how many gigs are you going to?!?! Geez, wish I could afford that my parents say one is enough haha! I say no amount of Mika gigs is enough...

  8. hey sian have u received anything yet for winning the dress up competition?


    Nope. Starsie said she would send us something but we havent heard from her.


    But apparently CazGirl messaged her asking about it and she replied 'I said I'd try'


    So it looks like we aren't gonna get anything... She obviously cant be bothered (I'll feel really bad about saying that if we actually do get something lol)


    But she also told us he was ill after the gig and wasnt gonna come out and meet anyone, so we went home, only to later find out that he had come out :sneaky2: I was like well if he wasnt doing the meet and greet specifically with the winners, she could have at least just said and then i would have waited outside with everyone else who got to meet him, instead of telling us he was ill so i just went home cos I was under the belief that he wasnt meeting ANYONE :sneaky2:

  9. actual first concert..



    Soo guys which was is better? standing or seats? xxxx


    My actual first one was Westlife!! Lmao, in 2002 which would have made me either 10 or 11.....


    Don't remember much apart from Shanes bright orange suit.....


    First major one was McFly in 2004 (the first of 5 McFly ones lol) that was ACE we were so close to them!!!


    Depends on who you are seeing really. The good thing about standing is that you can push right to the front, and it doesn't matter how early or late you booked your ticket.... Unless its segregated like Robbie Williams was (in that case you have to be lucky like i was and get tickets in the fornt section)


    But seated is good too. You never actually sit down lol. but at least you got no-one pushing you or trying to steal your place if you need the loo..... Seated is best in smaller venues thouh cos if its a big one you good end up right at the back and stuck there......


    Woo long post lol.

  10. lol oh good girl! i would of prob ended up giving my album.. but i can't now it's all precious it has his autograph and i couldn't risk anyone losing unless they want their heads chopped off :naughty:


    Lol ooh lucky you!!


    I ad a right catastrophe the other day, I was coming back from the pool and was loaded down with stuff, and while trying to open the door i felt something slip out of my hand... and guess what it was?!!


    LICM. I was like 'noooooo' (you know in slow motion like in those films lol!). Had a panic, going 'if it is broken i will cry!!!' lol. Luckily it wasnt hehe :biggrin2:

  11. LOL.

    That would be dead strange.

    If there was a mika fan..

    Who didnt own the songs.....:S!!!



    Lol I know its like my mate keeps asking me to send her the songs and I'm like 'nooo I couldnt possible do that to Mika, you get your ass out there and buy them because me sending you them won't contribute to his chart position/earn him well deserved money!!'

  12. Awwwwh...you too are sooo luckii..


    I havent been to a single concert and im 14!


    All my friends have been to hundreds i feel so left out :( lol


    But mika is comin to manchester and im hopefully gonna get the tickets tomoz!!


    So he will b my first!!


    Hopefully if my parents let me!! xxxx


    Are you signed up to his website?!


    Cos you get an email with a link to the pre-sale, so you can order them now rather than having to wait for 2moro, and guarentee that you get tickets :thumb_yello:

  13. well once you go to the concert u can belive it's real :) thats what happened with me and the big girl video shoot even when i got the email saying i was coming i didn't belive it so i wouldn't tell anyone about it til the day was actually over


    Oooh wow u went to the BG shoot?!?!


    Lucky lucky girl!!


    See thats why I'm moving to London lol!!

  14. You lot will be shocked to hear this.

    But i havent bought LICM.!

    I kinda dowloaded the songs..

    But i want the album to like keep..

    So hopefully this weekend i will try yo buy it.. xxx


    Lol aaah well as long as you have downloaded them!! would be well :shocked: if someone from MFC didnt have the songs at all lol!!!


    I dunno y, but i always prefer like having the album there downloads arent the same for me.... :blink:


    But with LICM it might be something to do with the hot pics i the booklet lol!!! :naughty::wub2:

  15. OMG. your soo lucky..

    I was at school...and i begged my mum to call..she didnt call by the time i got home they were sold out and on ebay they are like selling the the tt tickets for like a few hundred!

    I know..but im actually glad mika isnt supporting them..I mean i wud be happy if he did..but mika...he is unique..you get me? xxxx


    Oh i know that ebay thing is terrible. :thumbdown:


    Its a rip off and its stoppnig real fans from getting tickets! :sneaky2:


    The weird thing was, we got ours at 7pm when they were meant to have sold out... thats why i was so convinced that it was fake. My mums rang up Ticketline to confirm and everything but I'm still not 100% convinced cos it just seems too good to be true! :S


    And yeah he is unique!! Can't compare him to anyone

  16. yeah wished i saw them at the time... if only my friends were actually in the same music as me!! lol


    urgh i hate how they keep making up crap about celebs espesh good ones who don't deserve to be put down :thumbdown:


    Yeah that would have been cool...


    I still have a link between The Feeling and Mika. I bougt LICM on the day I was going to see them, and they kept playing it at Doncaster Dome while we waited for them to come on stage. People always laugh at me cos i can remember the exact date I bought LICM - 24th Feb 07 - but I'm like 'I have reasons i was at a concert that day!!!' lol


    Oooh yeah papers are stupid. Must be a great job, just sitting there making stuff up about people :sneaky2:

  17. would've been better for u take that fans if mika supported them :P hehe then u would be really lucky.


    did anyone see mika when he was supporting the feeling?


    OMG DID HE???


    I saw The Feeling in february... but they were being supported by The Fray then (not that I'm complaining cos i love The Fray lol!)


    Wish he did support Take That!! I read in the paper that he was asked to but turned it down... but that turned out to be made up lol, bloody papers =/

  18. lol just read yur sig!

    omg yur going to see TAKETHAT! yourrr sooo lucky..

    I SOOO wanted to goo..but the tickets sold out ... :( xxxx


    Yeah i love em!!


    OMG i know i am lucky. We had right problems getting the tickets though. Got home from school n mum said she couldnt get any, n i got really upset and went on the computer, seeing if ther was still any hope lol.... and there was this comment on thier myspace saying 'OMG this number still has them' so i rang it and booked em...



    ...But then my mum was like, what company was that number from and i checked the website and it wasn't the companys number.... so we spent the whole weekend thinking that we'd given my mums credit card details to fraud people!!


    But somehow... it turned out to be genuine..... Unbelieveable really, its the only good luck iv ever had!

  19. *haha* im not a mad stalker!!!! lol:roftl:


    i think theres only two ppl from yorkshire in the MFC anyways...I THINK....CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG!!!!:thumb_yello:


    Theres 3 if u count my mate Nicki lol.


    But she only signed up cos I persuaded her and she had given up trying to speak to me when I am on here haha!! She only has like 4 posts bless her.

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