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Posts posted by LollipopGirlSian

  1. What pages are all of the entries on Ive only seen cazgirls? xx


    I think my first ones on 4.... the really lame animation lol.... but NEW IMPROVED LOLLIPOP GIRL (which isnt that much different to the first one....)/Relax Take It Easy is on either 5 or 6...


    I wouldn't even look lol cos they are really bad :blink:

  2. lol no problem :thumb_yello:


    yeah everyone was thrown into a frenzy last night. seriously, if we were altogether we'd be running around like headless chickens.


    well..my homepage still aint working but at least the blogs are now...


    Yehh thats good. We can keep checking lol!


    His last login was yesterday.... so SURELY he must have looked at the entrys.... Leeds show is on Sunday so it must be decided soon!!

  3. *sigh*


    agreed. my madness pretty much went out last night though, ive calmed down a lot.

    I mean, last night was so random. first, we dont get told when the competition is closing. so we start asking when the closing date is and then all of a sudden "OH THE WINNERS ARE DECIDED!!" so everyone was like "GEH?!?!"


    Oh I know it was SO confusing!!


    I read ur bulletin saying that people had got msgs saying the winners were up then totally freaked until I realise it was an email from MikaSounds and I did have it after all.... but I looked n the winners weren't up... :blink: Think it was like the same story for everyone lol.


    I was pretty convinced it would have been announce by now.... but still nothing argh!!


    Thanks for the pic comments btw lol :biggrin2::thumb_yello:

  4. Yes, twice! :)


    Have you ever gotten a kiss on the cheek (or the other way around) by someone famous?


    Yes! Someone from Liberty X lmao!


    Have you ever seen a Robbie Williams concert?

  5. My school blocks EVERYTHING too! And they also have this thing where any teacher's computer can find out exactly what any student is looking at at any particular time.


    Oh yeh we have that too... They'd have a shock if they looked at what I'd been on when I'm meant to be working... but at least it would explain why I suck at I.T. lol!!

  6. hehehe aww i used to hate school pcs at my school they always had hotmail blocked we were forced to use the schools system email :naughty:


    Lol they block like EVERYTHING at my school. I used to get away with going on arsenal.com cos my I.T. teacher supported them.... but they've even blocked that now :sneaky2:


    Not blocked MFC yet though thank god!!!

  7. http://www.safelizard.com is another one


    i cant remember any others, there are loads!


    oooh! http://www.safehazard.com is another one



    they are all the same, but just in case one or two are blocked :thumb_yello:


    Aaah get in!


    Having said that, checking at school may not be the best idea because depending on the result I will either be screaming at the top of my voice, or crying my eyes out!!


    Sure that would go down well in Maths haha....

  8. ShowBiz has posted an interesting but brief interview about our man Mika’s love life–or (surprising!) lack thereof.


    “I may be getting famous now but no one wants to go out with me. In fact, no one has ever really wanted to go on a date with me,†Mika says. However difficult that may be to believe, let’s band together as Mika fans and help him feel the love. Read the whole article here, and don’t forget to buy a his single “Love Today,†in stores now






    WE ADORE YOU ! WE 'LL DIE FOR YOU ! :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

    :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    I think this may have been said before just a few times but I'll say it again....

    WE ALL LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! hehe

  9. well i dont know i have a feeling it wont be announced until tomorow i meant why would they send mails out at this time of night to the winners i would say its a morning thing



    But dont quote me on this :bleh:


    Lol itll probably be during the day while I'm at school. So tomorrow I'm gonna be legging it to the I.T. rooms like a madwoman every break we get!!

    But our school has blocked myspace!!!

    So I may have to spent the day completely stressing and then running home to the computer as soon as the bell rings!

  10. Ittssss the biggy !!! , whos the sexist , we all love Mika , but is he the sexiest ???? .... the discussion was between Mika and the Robster , but Ive thrown Bono and Freddie into the mix






    I cant choose!!!!!!!!!


    But Mika doesnt smoke. So i pick him. And of course theres the fact that I am here on Mika Fan Club and not even a member of a Robbie Fan Club.... :biggrin2:



    Basically like a accent from a certain county, e.g. Cockney accent, Liverpool accent etc etc....


    I have one - a Yorkshire one!!! hehe :biggrin2:


    The Mika quotes form an interview in CosmoGirl i think

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