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Posts posted by jackiexx

  1. why isnt he on best live acts???????????????????????????????????????

    cos people here they are too drunk to tell what is good live

    and they are too superstitious on acts like arcade fire

    i don't know why people like arcade fire, arcade is for shopping !!

    They don't look good and they spend half of the time changing instruments and positions ... it's just tiring to look at them and listen to their stuff ...

  2. Thanks Petra!! :wub2:

    hmm ... hearts ... is your Asian guy from Toronto ? if you are going there to meet him in the queue, im going there to see Mika and visit my auntie's


    believe me, everyone should stay away from woofy wolf, he is very very bad, last time i saw him at central line station, he was talking loudly on his phone and chasing money from others ! i didn't even take his cds to oxfam, i just left them in the bin of our kitchen ...

  3. i went down to page3, it's a funny thread that i don't really understand ...

    Is it more interesting hanging around here than taking care of your kids and husbands ? i don't understand my boss either, he doesn't want to have dinner at home with my lady boss ... my dad is home all day but he looks at me and my mum through newspapers ...

  4. Jackie, as this is February, I really hope that you will wear some socks girl!! I don't wanna have to deal with a corpse:wink2: :naughty:


    thank you, sara, i'll try converse in Feb.

    it's a very big problem for me to go gigs, you know, i can't just stand there !!

    if you wear converse, you'll feel like you are a guy not a girl

    if you wear ballet pumps, you just can't wear socks !!!


    maybe, i can get some boyish shiny brogues at christmas sale ... brilliant


    i've checked it's on Monday !!!!!!

    ****, i must ask for one day off again for the front row ! i want the number 22 this time ...


    you know what, Mika is not your almighty sexy god, he is a bastard and a ghost ... and he bullies all the others on tour ... i used to walk by the universal building everyday, then i moved, yesterday, i bought my friend's birthday present, when i walked out the shop to go home, i saw a building with a sign like "universal publishing house" !!!!!!

  5. Hi Luche !!!:wub2:

    Was so nice meeting you !!!:biggrin2:


    Hello, how r you ? how can you be quiet like that in real life but with some big titles and posts around 20,000 ?


    am i a bumble bee in real life with posts around 120 ?


    our presents are in the same plastic bag ! now i know you are a girl cos im not sure at the first sight ...

  6. Thanks Vanessa .. hope you got back home ok! Do you think you'll make it back in February?


    Jackie .. I just realised you're talking about me .. was nice to meet you too .. though you make it sound like I was happy about the cancellation :( It was just that after my flight in the morning, being told both gigs were cancelled and waiting in the cold for so long .. all I wanted to do was go home and collapse ... Did you manage to pass your present onto anyone in the end?


    Oh, you are here, thank you, i'll bring you cookies in Feb. i'd rather talk to you all than talk to my colleagues and my boss. and i want to say thank you to Queenie ?? cos she asked me to post more with a tone like grandma's, then i think why not, let's do it !


    Yeah, my present, it's on the way i think. I felt bit awkward about it but im fine now. Ooh, don't collapse, when there is a concert, we should be happy and jump ! when there is cancellation, we can still find out the other way to make ourselves happy if it cannot be changed. When Mika is there, what can i do, i just feel happy though i called him bastard to my mum just now. i don't want him to be ill ... maybe my dad was cursing him, no,


    you know what, i think we should introduce ourselves by our real names next time ! it's much easier for others to remember ... i don't know the names, but i definitely remember everyone i've talked to.

  7. I really love this one. The chap in his one minute of fame!! :lol3:

    he seems to be nice and very sweet

    i've no idea when he was putting on the sign

    i must be busy talking to others

    i really want to find the lady got me my coffee and say thank you, she is really kind and nice and when the show cancelled she said: good, i can go and see my parents now. i think she is british but lives in france.

  8. Nope. The only difference is the packaging. :)


    so i got the deluxe one for 9.90 ? hehee


    do you all think that Mika keeps the king size bed with hand creams on tour bus or they sleep on it in turns ? i think the others are on small bunks including the manager maybe ... but he is the main character and tallest one ... i think all the others are bullied and they have no choice ... i thought Luke is tall but he is just above average, otherwise he just couldn't fit himself into his tiny car .

  9. Actually His Hair Isn't Really Curly... ;-)


    i know that from the start. i just like curlies, then my Korean friend helped to have my hair permed several times.


    but if everyone loves curlies, why not have them perfectly permed ? are you all paying to see his curlies ? i like his curlies when he is sitting in front of the piano, they just pop up and down !! I like the interview called an early interview on youtube too. he didn't have hair permed, with a cloudy hoody and white converse .

  10. The story in four pictures:





    how nice was that !! i saw a photo that lily allen's show was among all gay nights. I think she is gay, she just doesn't want to admit it. Kate Nash is gay too. That's why they keep whining and cursing their boyfriends. I think they'd make a very sweet gay couple and live happily together.

  11. You should ask him (if he finally comes :sneaky2: )!!!..Mmm, are you interested? :bleh::naughty:


    nonono, i've no interest at all, i was just asking cos he wasn't here ...

    My housemate said Mika is gay then I said: you know what, i think you are gay cos your flat is as clean as gay's. And you are not french, you are a mix of Jewish and Pakistan. do u know why ? he's got a Jewish nose and a weird family name : Parkisizian or something. I think he was bit pissed off. But im just being honest and who said it's bad to be Jewish, they are clever and good at saving money !! i think i should learn from them

  12. Yeah, it was me!! How are your feet? :naughty:

    LOOONG! (i think that was his name) Come with us!!! :crybaby:

    thank you !! they are very well, i just hate socks cos they are so ugly and scary when they come out of washing machine, and i can't wear converse boots too often without socks cos they stink ! do you think he is gay ?

  13. aw I always wondered how it was when he came out after the gig in Switzerland were there a lot of people? Did they made pics with him? how long did he stay after the gig?

    I know what you mean with the tiny burgers :roftl: they're called Luxemburgerli !! Love them !!!!:mf_lustslow:




    i think he looked tired but still nice. we like him cos he looks nice in person and shiny on stage. we've seen lots of people off stage. They are like ****, we won't even bother go up and say hi ... don't take it for granted, it's still good fun to meet others and listen to other's story on the road.

  14. Oh yes, itw as great to talk to you, Jackie...

    Glad to hear that you're back home, Ana!! :huglove: back

    pleasure, i think i know you too, you r the emo looking girl with nice and wicked eyes ...

    hope you are all well and see you next time in the queue


    ****, i start to talk again but i don't care now i should do whatever i want to

  15. Jackie!! Nice to see you here!! it was lovely to meet you

    Where´s our new friend from Toronto? I miss him!!! :tears:

    Hi everyone! Hope you arrived safe at home!


    haha, i think i know who you are.

    you r the one with crazy long curly hair and the glasses and several pairs of gloves ... im good warm and safe at home with my new housemates teasing me. how are you ? you mean the asian guy ? he was seriously funny ... i said something like "what are we waiting for ? i want to go to the toilet ". then he was like " you know what, let's wait !! "

  16. Have you met Mika after the gig? I had to leave to catch the train and was very sad about that !!

    btw: how old are you ?


    :roftl: and what tiny teeny burgers? XD


    yes, we did, we were bit angry that girls asked for autographs on lollipops cos we all thought those massive lollipops were for Mika and the band ... but we didn't prepare very well ourselves. we should bring those tiny burgers !!

    It's a dessert, looks really cute and tiny with lots and lots flavours and quite colourful. it's from the blue cake shop, called sprungli or spruglli, i can't remember.

    im 25, the guy at zavii laughed at me when i was buying the licm dvd this morning. i don't know why, am i too old or am i too young ? or i looked bit quiet.

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