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Posts posted by jackiexx

  1. everyone loved me cos i happened to dress up in something really purple !! it's purple love today ! so im gonna say it ...


    Jo Willy's dog looks dull, her bacon was yuck, her shoes belong to oxfam, her musical memorabilias should all be listed on ebay, she's been talking out loud for ages, does she really know the meaning of 'den' ??


    oops, i saw her dress in Liberty, why it looks like the 50% off fcuk on her ?


    Ooh, i might take all these back tomorrow mourning cos it's so good to have her desperately in love with M I K A ! auntie willy, very wicked

  2. don't Grin Your Arse Off !

    are you working for Albus Dumbledore ????

    I think you lot are playing Harry Potter and the order of Phoenix together with some aunties here !! Lord Voldemort is coming back and he is in the form of Draco Malfoy in blue hair !


    no, you are reading heat not daily prophets, are you Dumbledore's daughters ??????????




    She likes to sit on the stairs like this and look into the kitchen when we're in there. It's quite odd. She'll also spread out and sleep on a stair so you have to skip the step that she's on because there's no room for your foot.:roftl:




    she is a big girl ... don't give her any more M I K A, she needs a diet !!!!! really


    it could be better if you ask her to climb some stairs to lose weight and you can just free your foot !! the lazier the fatter !!!

  4. I'm an Aussie so I don't know Jo Whiley - but she is SO ANNOYING to me, LOL!!! *blah* but Mika is wonderful, of course.


    LMAO !! I think she is not that bad in this country but ... you know ... LMAO

    I just don't understand why she is in such a hurry to talk !!!! presenters ... old habits die hard !! You know what, I saw her dress in the department store !! this place is full of ghosts

  5. Hi Mika, I got my new bright orange wallet just now and I saw the relax poster all over !!

    I also received a Woofy email with a 'cool' image.

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  6. Wow.


    For those who haven't seen this yet...




    Hiya, if you are really interested, i can give you some helpful trivia ...

    i saw woofy wolf 3-4 times around Lower Addison Gardens in W14, 2 times at central line Sherpherd's Bush station !


    But what I did was, walk the other way round and take the tube at holland park avenue ... it's just not nice seeing him in person

  7. Well I wouldn't say you're thick :naughty: but I knew about the 'MORE' button. I used it for watching the videos during my lunch break. :naughty:


    And I loved every single second... :wub2:


    my boss and my lady boss are all out of London today, so i can have the lunch break all day !! and im leaving earlier wahahaha

  8. I don't know about anyone else, but on the Radio one Mika page, I watched the full Love Today video and thought aaaaaaaa etc then I discovered that if you click MORE on the top right corner of that box, you get the full video footage of Take it Easy (well he never once said the word Relax did he) and a third track is the full video of Teardrop. Did you all know this? Is it only me who is THICK?




    I wonder if someone can get the actual footage and put it up for us. I have no techie skills. Please?


    god, thank you for the link, that's Martin !

    he is so good at meow meow-ing too !

    seriously, he should find his son a singing teacher!!


    and the tabla was brilliant !!


    "Hi, Daniel, I hope it's going well !" girlies, aunties, homo guys, your beautiful sexy god is going Bridget Jones !!!!

  9. Jackiexx

    See down the bottom right of the panel there is a little button that says MQ that means you can quote from different people in one post, makes you look less like a "post-whore" LOL!!:naughty:


    Just press it each post you want to use, and then the final one press quote or reply. (trying to be helpful!!)


    Oh, multiple quotes !! much easier than LMAO !

  10. Jackiexx

    See down the bottom right of the panel there is a little button that says MQ that means you can quote from different people in one post, makes you look less like a "post-whore" LOL!!:naughty:


    Just press it each post you want to use, and then the final one press quote or reply. (trying to be helpful!!)


    don't LYAO !! im not !!!!!!


    usually i use 'edit' but i think it looks stupid with something like edited by jackiexx at 11:15

  11. just in case ppl didnt know Mika went over to Jo whileys house the evening b4 4 dinner and they played the board game Mr&Mrs and Mika's partner in the game was his manager. Jo Whiley said he made them play twice cos he lost the 1st time!!!


    I loved watching Mika singing Teardrops, i wasnt sure when i 1st heard it yesterday cos im not keen on the song but Mika sings it beautifully:wub2:


    Oooooh, not the manager again !!!! he actually occupies my head these days instead of M I K A !! is he actually running this place cos he is albus dumbledore ? im questioning this place now ! i don't think it's simply a fan club cos there are highlights for names and stuff from time to time ! it's unfair !!

  12. HEY!

    WAKE UP!


    i said...we can watch him!!!!


    i love relax that way...why don't you do it htis way as encore, mika?

    that would be an amazing CHANGE!

    and the kids stares while they watch him...lucky chicks! :bleh:


    the acoustic relax was really good !!!!

    who is the other one meow meow meowing ??? Martin ??

    I think his son could be the young Scottish M I K A, you know, smile, curlies and meow meow meow

  13. hello :)


    what r u trying to do? u just made a new thread... saying you are dumb ;)


    but im sure ull get it soon.... its not so hard just need to get used to...




    she is inviting everyone to her blog !! lets go and have a peep

  14. his flat must be like children's department of habitat and he will only tune in CBeebies !!


    god, this fan club is amazing, cos it was interviewed today and it's on youtube ! can you put on some moving M I K A images next ? oh, i shouldn't be too greedy but im typing while listening to it !!

  15. he looks positively cute when sloshed! I think he's a happy drunk (who might veer off into "I love my friends Shooo very much" later on)...


    And he's very bendy with the wellies....


    i doubt that he's ever got really drunk ... but there's no point to do it, is it ?

    drink and it's not necessary to get drunk !!

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