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Posts posted by blanca

  1. =.=

    well i have 2 mums

    1 is my real mum and 2nd is a friend of mine who sometimes get sooo mum-ish and it makes me like EEEEEE! O_O

    So im like mum-ed 24 hours xDD


    lol! i kind of do too, but my second mom is a friend of mine ANNOYING she is like "stop moving your leg" "don't sorve with your straw" "blanca! what are you doing, doN'T do that!"



  2. hey guys!

    im only on for half an hour can any one fill me in?

    and if any pics were posted could you re post them or tell me the page they was on?





    lol you dont want to see the pictures, they scared the s**t out of me, today i discovered what a "chav" is :shocked:

  3. chavs????

    im not really sure what it is.....but i read somewhere that Lily has this Chav image or watevrr??? :S

    what is it xDD

    i dont like my dictionary O_O


    i didnt find it in my dictionary!


    this is what i understood:


    white ppl trying to as cool as black ppl, pretend to be preppy but they are dirty and loud and ignorants, they also think they are cool because they smoke and you can see their butt over their pants


    there are some pictures to clear it up for you, which i think are horrible, mostly the first one:shocked:

  4. CHAV:


    • Tracksuits
      they're usually a little chubby
      hair scraped back into a tight ponytail
      gold jewellery *aka "BLING"*
      Lots of foundation...lots of makeup in general
      they usually smoke (tobacco AND weed), usually get drunk a lot, some of them have children at a young age




    • Tracksuits
      baseball caps with "NIKE" on or some sort of swear word
      Gold jewellery
      Always up for a fight
      grubby trainers
      their trousers are usually hanging under their bum, and they're always grabbing their crotch area to keep their trousers up


    they both say the words "innit", "yeah bruv" etc.


    ya, we dont have those here, or may be we do, but they are crappier of course, they wouldnt even know what fred perry is, but yeah lots of fake gold jewellery and here they say "achoooo!" lol never mind

  5. Guys!!! i have had the best home day ever!!!


    okay, so i have a cold. so my throat is sore. so i have an on and off headache.




    my mother and i were singing grace kelly, really enjoying ourselves, when my mum said "put it on! put it on!" so i was like YAY - Mika on full volume!!! i usually play him in my room (lmaoooo) but my mum was asking for him to be played DOWNSTAIRS (bearing in mind she is still singing grace kelly, and so is my sister now, at this very moment!) and this never really happens!


    So, we finally got the cd player to work (it's very old) and we were just singing away.


    me and my mother. singing together. dancing like complete loons. around the living room.


    when lollipop came on my mum was still dancing crazy, singing "suckin' too hard on your lollipop" (although she asked me what he says when he sings "say love", she kept thinking it sounded like "sailor") and i'm so proud that my mum likes Mika. Also joining in on love today (love, love me, shock, shock me) and relax! ("take is eeeaaassyyyyyy!") and I was just warm inside.


    And today hasn't been a good day just because of this. My mum is usually embarrassing - so much that she embarrasses me most days even when there's no-one else around, but because we were BOTH enjoying the same thing, it was different. I totally loved being with my mum today.


    Then we put Phantom of the Opera on ... I sang Christine Daae while mum sang the Phantom. We've done this before but it's so nice to do this with my own mother.


    Then we played Mika's album again lmao! singing and dancing like crazy again!!


    Then my mum wanted to see Mika's video...so i showed her grace kelly.


    and then! She asked if his album was still in the shops! She got my album and wrote down his name and the album title on a piece of paper, so I think she's gonna buy it and play it in the car on her journeys.







    What a fabulous day, no?


    aww what a lovely day!! i always feel good after a day with my mom

    im so happy for you, hope you repeat it some other day!!:biggrin2:

  6. ewwwwww....this is what defines a chav for me:




    AKON, SPECIAL D......




    and the word...."INIT"


    .....................:thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown::roftl:




    o really? i like fred perry and burbery.... but i dont think im a chav, am i?


    i thought fred perry was more "mod" i love mod style!!:biggrin2:

  7. I really don't want to go but I have to go and make Jacks tea.






    I'll talk as much as I can.





    well im going too or my computer is really going to leave us....:mf_popeanim: ya, o god i had never been on the computer for so long i think....but we had fun being alone didnt we sherry? lol! again some day!


    well everybody, bye i love you so much! back on tonight may be :biggrin2:

  8. I know! "are you a believer? no? here, have a flyer..." sort of :naughty:

    hehe I think it's prob hard to get other ppl to love him as much as us mad mfc ppl do! but we wont stop trying! :thumb_yello:


    yay!course not!my friends say that im going to make them hate him of so much talking of him and stuff but i know they mean "love" and at least i got them to know him:thumb_yello:

  9. Um... Oh my God it is raining so much here!


    It's really hitting the windows...


    Um... We could talk about... I don't know :boxed:







    :roftl: we can talk about rain lol! or about how fricken hot it is here right now!:thumbdown:


    but those subjects seem to be for "general chin wagging" where said "you can talk about anything like the rain falling from the sky" haha i loved it when i saw it



    i dont know, think of something sherry!

  10. i have to go now, but if you find any more pics please post them! =]]]



    bye! i think im going as well, my books are so alone...:bleh:


    pff i dont want to... but i have to.... hope to be strong and not come here right in a moment...



    kisses, i love you!

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