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Posts posted by hunnyangel

  1. "The person who leaked all of these GaGa tracks got caught and was sent to jail! Apparently he stole cds from the studio!" WOW another guy got send to jail this year cos of the same just with Guns N Roses... I hope peeps will learn something from it...


    what tracks were leaked? how can people do that? idiots.


  2. I finally had a Mika dream again!! :boing:


    We were in Cambodia, where I went for the holidays, and we went to a restaurant. When we got there I sat down at this table with my parents and kathy from the MFC (MissPie) and we realised that someone relatively famous was sitting next to us! So we figured there must be something pretty big going on. I then saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sit down at another table, so we were like :yikes: and Kathy said 'OMG what if Mika comes here you'll go crazy!'


    And then music started and I saw the singer and it was iMMa, and Kathy went crazy and she was begging me to get her an autograph. but suddenly all the walls dissapeared and in the middle of the roon there was a swimming pool full of glitter and Mika was swimming in i! Then Rain started and we realised it was just a new performance of Rain. I got so excited I squealed and I hit the tble really hard, causing half of it to collapseand a peice to roll to the other side of the room! So I got up to go get it,k but that was just the part when mika got to our table and was singing about giving us an autograph, and since i wasn't there, he gave it to kathy, but in the end it was just the restaurant bill. he was still singing when I sat down and I was starng at him like :drool: and he turned and winked at me!!!!


    and there WAS more but i can't remember it! What a strange dream :loco:

    wowz, what a mad dream!! i love the glitter swimming pool bit!!

    I'm quite fond of dreams in general so, I'll give you a piece of advice:


    dreams are the result of our brain during the night when we get to see what we actually want to happen in real life. (tho apparently we think that it just can't be...).


    In order to set what you want to dream, you need to , for example if you want to dream something whatsoever about Mika you have to watch one of his DVDs, or vlogs, look through some pics (stare at them better) or even read something. It works for me everytime, not only with Mika. In my dreams the unfinished reality goes to the next level and ends...with credits and all. :lol3:


    I think you should watch some Mika before going to bed. :wink2: Try it!


    Looking forward to your dream. :biggrin2:


    erm. i worry then!!! all my dreams either end with me killing someone, or i break something... or someone is trying to kill me... (i had one where mika tried to kill me with a spoon :blink:)


  3. Thanks for all the captions!! i didnt want to quote them all, coz it'd make a LOONG post, but i laughed at everyone of them!! :lmfao: :lmfao:

    totally agreed!


    :lmfao: i love it!!!!!!


  4. I don't know why I resisted, to be honest. I have mild panics when I start to like another artist because I don't want them to "take over" Mika if you get me :naughty:


    But you know what? No-one can do that. Not even GaGa. I love her, but Mika means the world to me :wub2:


    i get that too!! i always worry that someone else be enter the top 25 listened tracks on my ipod... not bloody likely!!!


  5. bianka!! that's mad!!


    i had 2 dreams, both wierd one funny one not so funny


    1st one:

    i was sitting in this hall, on a stage listening to my ipod and i was singing along to 'bad romance'. seemingly unaware that mika had crept in and was listening to me. he then somehow fixed my ipod to the speakers and we danced crazily to it while he kept on singing 'i want you're love and all you're lovers revenge, you and me could do a bedroom dance' and i couldn't understand what he meant until he winked. then i woke up (but now that's all i sing when i hear it)


    2nd one:

    i was his girlfriend. i was still on mfc and you guys all liked me and thought me and him suited each other. i was friends with everyone and life was peachy. however i had an accident and hurt my knee and got told by the doctors to lose a bit of weight to heal it. which i took seriously and joined a slimming club. anyway, mika thought it time to do a vlog. it had all the band in it and it was right before i had to go to the slim club. i was holding a see through folder but tried to keep it out of view but failed. so as you guys were watching the vlog, you'll start noticing i'm trying to hide this folder and then someone does a screen shot of it. and then everyone turns on me saying that i was hypicritical coz i'd been happy refering to big girls as wonderful people. but everyone kept PMing me saying that 'big girls' not so beautiful?' and other creepy jokes refering to the song. i got really upset and spilt with mika saying that i couldn't take it with mfc ripping chunks out of me and being horrible.


    :lmfao: what goes running though a person's mind when their asleep huh?!!!


  6. That was the very first thing I thought of when I first heard Alejandro. I was singing Don't Turn Around with it like a mashup. LOL Ace Of Base only had about three background tracks that they mixed and matched anyway. LOL You can sing most Ace of Base songs over Alejandro.


    hey and welcome!! :huglove:

    yeah, don't turn around was the song i started to sing alejandro to, weird huh! glad i'm not alone!!


  7. i read a review that said one of her songs (i think it was 'aleandro') had an ace of base theme to it. i bought an ace of base cd and by heck they were right! (end of very boring, uninteresting statement)


  8. And Grace Kelly in SLC, that was really clever how Luke jumped in so it sounded like the CD, then the second time he played it, the keyboard didn't cooperate.

    i love this soo much, even my mum found it funny!!

    Awwww... He is really adorable in that one :wub2: Thanks for the link!!


    And at iTunes I think it was hilarious when during Love Today the audience kept singing and the band stopped too early :biggrin2:



    I think only Mika can be even more perfect if he makes these little mistakes :wub2: He is so relaxed, laughs and continues. People love it every time. Thank you everyone for these links :thumb_yello:

    hehehehe, naughty band!

    This is my favorite screw up video, cuz they messed up twice and cuz I was there. :teehee:


    i love his scream when it goes right!!!


    have noticed that the general trend is either Grace Kelly or Happy Ending the lyrics are cleverly mimed, and Toy Boy is cleverly musically mimed, ie the sound board thing doesn't work! i wish i were as clever as that... :lmfao:


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