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Posts posted by mikaluvr

  1. Hey Y'all! I had so much fun last night. I partied at the Butterfly Lounge and got the DJ to play "Big Girl" for me. OMG, I let loose during that song. A few people that I was with were like, "Dang, look at her..she knows all the words." LMAO!! It was pretty funny. A few caught on that the song had the Butterfly Lounge mentioned in it and then they were fascinated. LOL May have a couple new fans now. :naughty:


    Now, I really can't wait.


    Oh that is SOO cool! How great that you actually get to go to the Butterfly Lounge! Good work spreading the Mika love lol. :thumb_yello:

  2. Sorry I've been gone, family photo with mom and siblings after 15 years! Anyway, I'll be glad to help!


    Char - I'll pm you my email.

    Mikaluvr - Hi Natalie!

    Heineken22 - Hillary right?


    Of course my name is Jennifer! Not very creative on this site. And, I don't want to mislead anyone, this is my First MIKA concert! Only been to about 6-8 other artists. Mostly after marriage.


    BTW!! - 101.9 The End said they will be doing a contest next week for Mika tickets! (Kind of a End Zone performance, but at In the Venue for whomever wins!) So, good to hear they are advertising!

    I'm tingling with excitement! :)


    OHHH! Your first MIKA concert! Well, this is mine too. Is it your first Hilary? Char is the world traveler.


    That is GREAT about 101.9!! SOOO COOOOLL! I hope they keep getting the word out. Sheesh - do you find that whenever you listen to The End lately all it is is Parker talking?? I swear EVERY SINGLE time I have turned it on lately, it is just him jabbering away. I might write in and ask if they changed it to "talk radio"!! :roftl: Actually it is driving me crazy though!! I want my station back ... with music!

  3. Sounds good to me too! But hopefully a few of us will be there before too long or the other people will hate us when one person all of a sudden turns into 8 haha! But 3 or 4 into more isn't as bad kwim?


    I am thinking we tell as many people as we can to hold the hearts up (and can write on the back - but that's a lot of writing.) and hopefully people will get it when we start doing it!!


    Whenever my son sees my calendar with Mika written on the date, he looks at me with a big grin 'cause he knows I can't wait! lol


    Jen and Hilary - I'm glad you are on board!!! Btw, do you all know my name is Natalie? :roftl:


    Jen - first concert ever!! What an honor for Mika. :) Hmm.. cute jeans and a pretty top? I don't know - what is everyone else wearing?


    Oh wait, I think Hilary is wearing red pants, right? :punk:


    Char - I am pming you now with my email.

  4. Well, I guess that I am just going to have to do a little PR for the MFC in SLC! I was thinking that we could make cut-out hearts for the show to hold up during "How Much Do You love me?" It would have Mika and MFC written on it. What do y'all think? We could hand them out to hold up during the song. We did this for Josh Groban and he got really choked up. Anybody want to help me make some? Could be fun. I think this show is going to rely heavily on us. :wink2:


    So excited. So excited! So excited.


    What? NO ZCMI! WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? :shocked: I feel so lost. :blink:


    Yeah I know! I grew up going Christmas shopping, etc. at those malls! I'd love to help make hearts - that's a great idea - I love it! We've got to show the love to our Mika.

  5. Char - I know... where are all the fans?!? I can't believe we are the only ones on here. But the place will hopefully have lots of people right? So maybe they are all in SLC and just not MFC'ers, I guess... who knows.


    That is a quickie. You for sure should get in touch with your college roomies! i'm sure they'd love to hear from you. Good ol' ZCMI lol --Guess what? They tore down the ZCMI and Crossroads malls! They are doing some big project there with stores, apts, etc. etc. The Gateway Mall is great though - it is pretty near where the gig is. It is outdoors though which is crazy here!


    Jen- Absolutely LOL!! I am a little nervous - I don't know anyone either and I always feel a little dorky until I get to know people! :naughty: No worries - none of us know each other in person either yet!


    WOAH --10 days!!! WOOOOOT!

  6. Woohoo that's awesome Char! Let's definitely get together! At least in line!! I'll be going early and my friend won't be there until right before so it will be great to meet up with some peeps so I'm not the only lonely one. :naughty:


    Wow - I can't believe you got your dad to come Hilary. He must be cool! That would be fun if Sivan comes but we will have FUN no matter what!!

  7. Okay, is anyone else getting excited! I just can't imagine why he is coming to SLC, UT?.!! Not that I am complaining one bit! Las Vegas is only 7 hours away, but Utah? I love this place, but why did we get chosen? Thoughts?


    Yeah, I'm definitely NOT complaining either! I am soooo glad he is coming here. I don't know why here. In some ways Las Vegas seems so NOT Mika - ie: tacky and fake. But in some ways it does seem like him too in that he likes Circus-y stuff. I know some fans had a petition out to get him here so maybe that actually got to him and had something to do with it. That would be cool. What a sweetie he is to come HERE!!

  8. Oh wow you're awesome Hilary!! Great work. I'm glad you said your dad hears it on the radio too! I haven't heard it but I only listen to the radio when I'm in the car, and that totally varies.



    I missed the parents conversation, but let me just say, I completely understand!! I am 35 but since my divorce, among other things, my parents treat me like a child. They are a great help with my son and I do need their help sometimes so it is a catch-22! I am totally grateful but at the same time totally crazy from it lol.

  9. Oh yep - I saw that. I forgot - I was going to come share it here. I heard the last 3/4 of Grace Kelly on the radio last night which is very rare! I hoped that maybe right before they played it, they advertised the concert - maybe!


    What time did you guys think you were going to go? I know if I get there very early I won't be able to make it through the show (because I have chronic fatigue syndrome.) So I was thinking maybe 4:30 - too late to get really good seats?

  10. Suhweet!

    Good job on the recruiting! My good friend is coming with me, but I have wondered if she'd back out! - She's not a huge Mika fan. (I know - something is WRONG with her lol!)


    The other people I know that are Mika fans can't spare the $ at this time. The tickets are a good price though, compared to some of the other concerts. Anyway... keep up the good work! :biggrin2:

  11. I don't want to be in the dark, but who is the Luke that posted a message on myspace and then they posted it on the home page here? I assume it must be a band member or something like that? Forgive me if I'm asking a duh question!? Thanks!


    Hey Jennifer,


    Luke Juby is a band member -(keyboard player) Nah, nothing is a duh question. You learn a lot by sticking around the forum... it can be hard to keep up though!! Here's a link to Luke's myspace page:



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