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Posts posted by titty

  1. That necklace was beautiful!!!. He loved it!!!

    Do you know who gave him the keychain: it was a small pink doll. He was wearing after the show. I saw it.

    When he was talking to Naomi I said: OMG, you have the keychain and he just smile back at me!!!!:):)


    Hey Lucy!! Hi, I gave him the little doll the night before in Boston , I was so happy to see he liked it!! It is a doll from the cutie gang , they are on the happy ending video ..or at least they are very similar , so when I saw them I bought a couple of them for our boy!!

  2. Titty, that was you there ?? I didn't know that! I was like right after you in line. My three friends and I got there at about 4:30. Must have just missed them all!


    We were the ones who got bored and decided to draw a picture on the sweatshirt, haha. We were all holding it up against the wall and probably being VERY loud. :naughty:


    YES!!! I remember you!! how are you girls!! we had a very nice time, the band came around 3.30 and Mika around 4.00 , yes , you missed that for a little while!!! I am sorry! I came very early to the theater just to catch the band and Mika!:naughty:

  3. hahahaha, sorry for going off-topic, but i just saw this in sariflor signature, and i gotta say, as half-lebanese that i am, i understand you, mika. XD [and i can't believe i forgot to tell mika that my family origin is lebanese, 4 of my great-grandparents are lebanese. =P]


    ok, now back to topic. XD tiziana, i sent you a pm with my e-mail! ^^


    I am happy it worked Raf and you liked it!! I am not so good managing photos and videos!!

  4. No need to apologize, it's not your fault that it's not working. ^^ I'll wait, it's ok. I couldn't find me in any of the pictures at the Italian Thread. =P Anyway, thanks. =] I'll be cheking here to see if you've got any news on your photobucket.


    you are right I posted the one I sent you , I have another one just after that , where you are in...what is wrong with this Photobucket!!!

  5. Ciao, Tiziana! =] How are you? Of course i remember you. I'll keep an eye in here to see if your photobucket started working again. Thanks a lot for the picture. ^^


    Take care!!


    Raph I am so sorry , it is not working but I posted this photo already , I am going to search for it and I `ll tell you where it is, I suggest you to look for it on the italian thread and on the terminal 5 thread!:thumb_yello:http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12133&page=78 , I have another one where you are in the middle!!

  6. titty innaturale o meno ricorda : Mika può tutto :mf_rosetinted: .. quindi due parti diverse del suo corpo possono trovarsi in bizzarra posizione nella foto.. egli può.:mf_rosetinted: e poi il calzino da solo vale... voglio anch'io il calzino arcobaleno...:tears: i miei ultimi sono arrivati...

    non so se la cosa può interessare qualcuno ma qui sta venendo giù il diluvio universale... domani mi toccherà uscire in gommone...:shocked:


    notte sarina!!


    il calzino ora e` un must , sono contenta di questa strana anomalia della matrix (direbbe mio marito) cosi` li abbiamo visti bene! epoi e` vero Mika puo` tutto:thumb_yello: :king:

  7. mia madre mentre mangia le frappe... come fossero animaletti dello zoo... lei si fa anche grasse risate con emilio fede!

    vado a prendermi qualche castagnola ripiena proma che si volatilizzino!!

    A domani!


    Oddio , Betta, ma io dove le trovo le castagnole ripiene , devo andare a little Italy!!! e non sai cmq che trovi! e le frappe , in genere le faccio io , anche le castagnole , ma quest`anno...non ho voglia , mi sta salendo la crisi d`astinenza da Mika!! dopo due giorni cosi` intensi , ora ho nostalgia ..e di tutti i MFCers pure, ovviamente!!:tears: :tears:

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