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Posts posted by titty

  1. Sadly, not this time around. Going to New York cost a small fortune,

    actually, and I feel pretty guilty about splurging so much for just one

    show. When he comes back to the states, hopefully he'll come to DC

    again... and maybe if he goes to Orlando I can tie it in with a business

    trip :wink2:




    Pot? Really? I didn't see any of that going on... :blink:


    But yes, it was scary at the end there. Glad you survived!


    Cute baby in your sig, btw :)




    OMG Debbie, I smelled something , but I wanted believe that, this does not have anything to do with Mika`s music and messages! I am sad for that!!!!

  2. sapete cosa mi ha detto una signora newyorkese che era in fila con me? che il mio nickname in inglese significa ....tetta!!!OMG!! wow adesso mi vergogno moltissimo, da queste parti. lei me lo ha detto molto simpaticamente e abbiamo riso moltissimo , mi ha anche detto che quando ha visto il mio nome ha pensato: questa deve essere davvero proud delle sue boobs!!!! immaginate come mi sono sentita!! ma ormai non lo cambio!!! :naughty:

  3. quant'è esageratamente bonoh... :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


    grazie per le foto titty! :)


    Grazie a te Matt, anch`io devo ringraziarti anche se in ritardo per il fantastico materiale che hai postato dal concerto di Bologna, e` stato un hit!!

    Questa foto piace moltissimo anche a me, molto naturale e con Andy vicino , mi piace proprio!!

  4. Titty... it was so nice meeting you in Boston! :wub2: When I was at my seat I looked over and I believe you were in the same row as me just across the aisle. I saw your MFC badge and really wanted to go say hi but I was too shy to at the time. :blush-anim-cl: I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye!


    It is a pity you missed Martin , he was walking just close to you but you did not notice him and i could not yell "Hey Jen, ask him for a picture!!" but I would it:naughty: :naughty: :naughty: ... next time!!

  5. Titty... it was so nice meeting you in Boston! :wub2: When I was at my seat I looked over and I believe you were in the same row as me just across the aisle. I saw your MFC badge and really wanted to go say hi but I was too shy to at the time. :blush-anim-cl: I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye!


    Hey Jen!!! it was very nice for me too!!! I wrote you something yesterday on the american thread i think!! we had a very nice time and it was worth the waiting under the rain with the security guys not so nice with us!!! I grabbed a taxi once I met Mika , I wanted to wait for you still on the line, but the security guy was pushing me away!! but I knew how to reach you on the forum!! say hi to your lovely mom too!!! I was thinking , maybe in a couple of years I`ll do the same for my kids!!! and i am sure I will!!

  6. :shocked: Questa è...ehm, notevole!!:naughty:


    Titty che belle foto!!!

    ..e finalmente ti si vede!!! bellissima la tua con Cherisse e Sara!:wub2:


    Hai ragione Mirti!! non mi si vede molto , vengo sempre sul forum , per stare un po` con voi , ma posto molto poco!! mi fate sempre molta compagnia! e adoro leggere i reports delle vostre avventure in giro per l`europa dietro al "secco ", come dice Giuli:naughty: , e la sua simpatica band!!

  7. titty...sono FAN-TA-STI-CHE!!!!! :wub2: :wub2:

    GRAZIE :wub2:


    che risveglio.....:blush-anim-cl:


    ancora un suggerimento:

    ogni volta che incolli un codice nel post, vai a capo....se no si creano post giganteschi!!

    uno sotto l'altro, praticamente....


    ciao a stasera (x me!)


    :shocked: :shocked: Hai ragione Robi!!! non me ne sono resa conto prima ed ho cercato di rimediare , cosi la foto di Andy a Boston e` diventata piccolissima:bleh:

  8. Titty sei grande... :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:



    propongo una petizione pro ritorno dell'allegra... :mf_rosetinted:


    hey Betta, grazie, spero di poter fare la stessa cosa in Europa , magari questa estate con tutte voi!!!!

    o magari fate voi una invasione degli states !!! ci pensi che bello!

  9. Titty!!!! It was so nice to meet you in Boston! :biggrin2: Thanks for helping to convince me to stay even though at some points I was going to walk off because I couldn't handle the security yelling at us like that anymore and how they were trying to kick us away no matter where we were. I'm sorry I didn't get to say bye to you!


    Hey Jen!! I am so happy to say hello now!! I know , that night was so exciting and then it was so late and raining so I stopped by to Mika to say hi and i grabbed a taxi , you were still on the line , but I knew , at this moment, you were so so happy. it is a pity you missed martin , i saw him passing just close to you:wink2: :wink2: , and i remember when you took your lovely picture with Luke! I knew we could meet again on the fan club , and i was waiting for that, say hi to your mom from me.

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