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Posts posted by LebAngel

  1. Is the first bold bit refering to Mika's mum? :shocked:


    And is the second bold bit refering to US?






    Yes, it's what he would most hate.


    For his mum, in french it doesn't sound rude...it said in a kind way..


    For the groopies part......no US= fan club from 7 to 77.....the overexcited ones are the others:blink:....I suppose:mf_rosetinted:


  2. then he introduced billy brown, the way he does in all other concerts ... but in Lebanese

    "haydi il ghineyeh issit sadi2eh billy brown" "this song is the story of my friend billy brown"



    then the stage went dark... and "Rafa" voice started reciting her story (taken from the album)


    This was my favorite live song ever... i can not describe the way he played the song or the way the crowd interacted... it was very intimate a his voice was perfect... the whole stage was dim except the clown's face in the background

    towards the end of the song he left the piano and encouraged the crowd to sing along...


    Then there was ring ring (i think, am not sure of the order)


    more to come....



    Any Other World.....every time I listen to this song I think about Lebanon....so I understand hhow special and emotional it must have been, played in the Martyrs' square...:wub2:


    Cant wait to watch ur vids!

  3. MY REPORT....


    OMG what a wonderfull gig , i've only read 4 pages of this thread but really felt the need i had to tell you all how amazing that show was !

    I arrived at 3PM to the Martyr's square and maade it directly to the doors but the security guys told me that they won't open doors before 17h30 so i made a tour around the place and had an ice cream , then i went to the Virgin megastores wich is just next to the square and i saw a crowd in there bying tikets for the night's gig i laughed and came back to the entrance.


    I saw a few people already waiting and i actualy met an internet friend of mine who has seen my picture on msn and recognized me !!! he came and talked to me I was very surprised ! it happens that i talked to him once on the internet because of a post he made on youtube about mika and now i meet him face to face in a mika gig !


    Then they openend the doors and we were allowed in , i had my blue bracelet put around my wrist , and went directly next to the stage i took some pictures. My parents bought me a seated ticket but i realised that i could stay standing and in a very good place but thought that i'll have a better view from my actual seated place ! i was wrong ! when i made it up to the chairs the hostess indicated me the chair where to sit and it was not a very good place. Confortable yes the stage was far !


    Anyway the place was rapidly full of people and a lebanese DJ called underground put some very good music and at 9PM Mika arrived with Relax !! the crown gone mad those on their chairs got up and started dancing in front of their chairs it was a funny thing to see !!

    I overheard people saying that Mika offered 500 places for the handicaped children but i don't know if it's true or not.

    Then it was the big girl song with a bunch of big girls who came in holding a big coke and then a giant plastic pizza !! then it was my interpretation , beautiful as always !

    Before the billy brown song mika introduced it saying ''it's the story of one of his friends called billy brown''

    Then it was Stuck in the middle , mika mentioned his dad with a wink and he ticked his tongue when he mentioned him ! so now we can assume that the song has something to do with his dad.

    then to the words of Raffa he played an awesome In any other world then it was Ring Ring and here the crowd got mad again , then he played Holy Johnny , Happy ending and love today !! on the LT song the crowd went mad and everyone started jumping and dancing and he made the usual battle with Cherisse he took off his shirt then he sang grace kelly and teased the crowd and at last it was the lollipop song !! he came back after it for the other version of Relax , then when it ended they started fireworks !!!

    And instantly after it ended we saw mika leaving with 5-6 cars and accompanied by the army !


    *Mika talked english-french and arabic fluently during the gig ! i was very surprised i thought he only talked a few words !

    *At the end he told the crowd that he loves us

    *He thanked us for the great support the lebanese were giving him and said that he was proud to sing in the Martyr's square

    *While waiting for mika the lollipop girls were giving lollipops for the crowd for free !

    *When he was singing someone from the crowd gave him the lebanese flag and he hold it.

    *When i was waiting at the entrance , someone from the radio came and interviewed me lol he asked me why i like mika and i answer him because he sings good , he have good songs and because he created an amazing world next to his songs !


    I hope i didn't forget something , but it was certainly a night I will remember !



    :yay: Cubs!!! Allegra was soo worried about you!!

    Thanks for the report but we're waiting for more!!!!:roftl:

  4. :

    (btw, which hotel is it?)


    Phoenicia I guess, it's well known there, it's in front of the "St Georges" pool were Mika took his bath this morning ;)

    we were used to go there when I was a kid and we were living there...I mean the pool...not the 5 stars hotel...





    Thanks dear for the pics and everything... you had a really nice view!

    those balloons are so big!


    Mika live in Beirut

    Posted by N10452


    <<Tens of thousands expected in Beirut tonight to watch Mika perform live.

    I got a free ticket but i gave it away. Even though i do like few of his songs, i can only imagine the audience to be 15 years and less …


    Nonetheless, this is a great boost to launching the summer activities & concerts. DJ Tiesto is expected on the 31st, Bob Sinclar as well not to forget the Baalbeck,Beiteddine & Jbeil festivals etc etc …


    Lebanon is alive this summer, at least till now. It seems HA ran out of ideas to screw us all and mess up the summers.>>






    wawwwww you've even gone to a political blog to find some reviews!!:roftl:

  5. Mika in front page of the lebanese newspaper L'Orient le Jour.


    The first article is a little introduction, then a report of the gig with the press conference which stands before and finally a short and quick questionnaire!


    Unfortunatly I wont be abble to translate this today but french speaking ppl help would be appreciated :wink2:








    C’est par un mégashow à Beyrouth, sa « terre natale », que Mika, l’artiste pop du moment, a clôturé hier la tournée mondiale de lancement de son premier disque Life in Cartoon Motion. Son concert, un spectacle total, a drainé place des Martyrs plus de quinze mille personnes de 7 à 77 ans. Ce soir-là, la foule en liesse a remplacé les foules en deuil. Faisant écho à un Mika, bondissant, tourbillonnant, vocalisant, véritable « dynamite pop », sur une scène où Big Girls, échassiers, lollipops offraient, confettis à l’appui, des tableaux haut en couleur, le public a fait la fiesta, jusqu’au délire. Et jusqu’aux magnifiques feux d’artifice en finale.


    L’article de Zéna ZALZAL

    lire aussi >>





    Événement - Un mégashow placé sous le label des Festivals de Baalbeck et Beiteddine et de 2U2C

    De la dynamite pop au centre-ville : Mika !

    L'article de Zena ZALZAL






    C’est par un mégashow à Beyrouth, sa « terre natale », que Mika, l’artiste pop du moment, a clôturé hier la tournée mondiale de lancement de son premier disque Life in Cartoon Motion. Son concert, un spectacle total, carnavalesque, « cartoonesque », a drainé, place des Martyrs, plus de quinze mille personnes de 7 à 77 ans (plus de 7 que de 77 quand même !). Ce soir-là, la foule en liesse a remplacé les foules en deuil. Sur une scène où « Big girls », échassiers, « lollipops » et toute une ménagerie en peluche offraient, cotillons à l’appui, des tableaux haut en couleur, le chanteur libano-américain, entouré de ses choristes et musiciens (appuyés de sept musiciens locaux), a révélé toute l’étendue d’un talent d’auteur, compositeur, interprète et de « mega-

    performer ». Dès son apparition sur scène, vers 21h10, après une séquence DJ en première partie, son Relax, Take It Easy allume le feu. Et c’est parti... Faisant écho à un Mika véritable « dynamite pop », bondissant, tourbillonnant, vocalisant sur ses célèbres Grace Kelly, Big Girls, Love Today ou encore Lollipop, ainsi que sur un petit emprunt au répertoire des Dépêche Mode des années 80, le public fait la fiesta, jusqu’au délire. Et jusqu’aux magnifiques feux d’artifice en finale. « La place est à nous ce soir, Beyrouth est à nous », hurle-t-il à la fin de son concert, et Beyrouth lui fait un triomphe !

    La veille, Mika, à peine arrivé à Beyrouth, avait donné une conférence de presse à l’hôtel Phoenicia, suivie d’un bref entretien accordé à L’Orient-Le Jour. Retour sur un week-end placé sous le signe – étoilé ! – de Mika.

    De Mika, on connaît à peu près tout.

    Sa naissance à Beyrouth en août 1983, d’une mère libanaise et d’un père américain ; ses huit premières années passées à Paris ; ses déboires à l’école à Londres où sa famille s’installe par la suite ; sa dyslexie ; le refuge qu’il trouve dans la musique ; sa voix de près de quatre octaves ; sa redoutable professeur de chant russe ; ses premiers enregistrements avec le Royal Opera House ; ses jingles publicitaires payés en monnaie de singe ; ses difficultés avec les producteurs de disques ; les paroles sombres de ses tubes aux rythmes euphoriques... Et enfin, en 2007, le fabuleux succès planétaire de son premier CD Life in Cartoon Motion, couronné de trois Music Awards, la même année.


    Six cents enfants invités

    Et rebelote, au cours de la conférence de presse, les mêmes questions reviennent : les origines libanaises dont il se réclame haut et fort, ses sources d’inspiration, sa voix, son rapport à la célébrité. Bref, rien qu’on n’ait pas déjà lu dans les innombrables articles qui lui ont été consacrés à ce jour. À part une petite information – mais qui en dit long – sur le fait qu’à la demande expresse de Mika, 600 enfants défavorisés (issus de familles soutenues par des associations caritatives) ont été invités à son concert, a révélé Nora Joumblatt, la présidente du Festival de Beiteddine qui, avec le Festival de Baalbeck et 2U2C, produisent cet événement. Et puis, on aura aperçu « live » la maman de Mika, brune corpulente au type très libanais, qui l’accompagne partout... jusque dans le clip de sa chanson Grace Kelly.


    Entre confessionnal

    et commissariat

    Du coup, pour ne pas rabâcher les mêmes sujets, lors des quelques minutes d’interview accordées juste après le point de presse à votre journal préféré, on s’est dit qu’un questionnaire – revisité – de Proust serait peut-être la formule idéale pour essayer d’en savoir plus sur la personne qui se cache derrière la star.

    Car Mika est une star. Une vraie. Il en a l’aura, la stature physique (1m90 et un visage d’ange couronné de boucles brunes), le fan club de 7 à 77 ans, les groupies surexcitées, la cohorte de photographes... Et surtout l’impressionnant service d’ordre.

    Ses gardes du corps et attachés de presse qui, dans la petite salle où l’artiste reçoit, l’un après l’autre (comme en confessionnal !), les représentants des quatre médias à qui il a accordé d’avance la faveur de dix minutes d’interview chacun, vous mettent la pression d’emblée, en vous annonçant, visage et poings fermés, que vous n’aurez droit qu’à cinq minutes d’entretien. Plus quatre photographes, de noir vêtus, qui vous mitraillent tout au long de l’entretien (sans vraiment vous donner le temps de poser sous votre meilleur profil !), tout cela contribue à donner à la scène une ambiance un peu crispée d’interrogatoire en commissariat. Sauf qu’au milieu de toute cette nerveuse agitation, Mika, lui, reste... Relax. Cool, simple, d’un naturel éclatant, il se prête volontiers à la traditionnelle photo que nous lui réclamons John Saad de L’Orient des Copains et moi-même, et se montre enthousiaste à l’idée d’une interview autrement. « Parce que je m’ennuie souvent en interview », dit-il, dans un français parfait. Le questionnaire de Proust est lancé (voir cadre ci-joint). Il répond du tac au tac à certaines questions, prend le temps de réfléchir pour d’autres et dévoile, par là, une authenticité, une sincérité encore préservées de l’emprise du showbiz. « Ce questionnaire me plaît, je m’amuse », nous dit-il spontanément. D’ailleurs, lorsque l’homme-chronomètre nous assène d’un ton sec que Time is finished, Mika lui rétorque qu’il veut continuer cette interview jusqu’à la fin. C’est-à-dire jusqu’à ce qu’il nous montre, la mine réjouie et le regard espiègle, les semelles rouges des baskets qu’il ne quitte plus : les fameuses baskets Louboutin faites sur mesure pour son mégaconcert au Parc des Princes à Paris par le célèbre chausseur, qui les lui a offertes gracieusement, nous assure-t-il. Vous comprendrez qu’après ce moment d’intimité partagée, avec Mika ce soit Love Today





    Le Questionnaire de Proust à Mika



    - Quel est votre principal trait de caractère ?


    - La qualité que vous préférez chez un homme ?

    La sagesse.

    - La qualité que vous préférez chez une femme ?

    La patiente sagesse.

    - Qu’appréciez-vous le plus chez vos amis ?

    La tolérance et le pardon.

    - Quel est votre principal défaut ?

    La trop grande sensibilité. Dans le milieu de la musique dans lequel j’évolue, c’est un défaut.

    - Votre occupation préférée ?


    - Votre rêve de bonheur ?

    Avoir un studio d’art avec toute une équipe.

    - Quel serait votre plus grand malheur ?

    Être en prison.

    - Quel est le pays où vous aimeriez vivre ?

    Voilà le problème, je ne sais pas !

    - Si vous n’étiez pas déjà Mika, qu’auriez-vous aimé être ?

    Un artiste visuel.

    - Votre couleur préférée ?

    Je n’en ai pas.

    - Vos héros et héroïnes dans la fiction ?

    Winnie The Pooh.

    - Vos compositeurs préférés ?

    Kurt Weill, Harry Nilsson, Stravinsky.

    - Vos peintres favoris ?

    Ça change constamment. En ce moment ce sont Peter Doig et Barnett Newman.

    - Vos héros dans la vie réelle ?

    Marcel Marceau et le prix Nobel de la paix Rigoberta Menchu.

    - Ce que vous détestez par-dessus tout ?

    La sayadieh !

    - Comment vous aimeriez mourir ?

    Pas en dernier. Je n’aimerais pas survivre à mes proches et aux gens que j’aime.

    - Le don que vous aimeriez avoir ?

    Celui d’écrire, vu que je suis dyslexique et que je ne sais pas épeler un mot correctement.

    - Les fautes qui vous inspirent le plus d’indulgence ?

    Les papotages des femmes.

    - Votre devise ?

    Celle de ne pas en avoir.

    - Et enfin, qu’est ce qui est le plus libanais en vous ?

    Il commence par répondre : « Ma maison, elle est typiquement libanaise. » Mais lorsqu’on lui spécifie que c’est d’un trait de caractère qu’on parle, il répond sans hésiter : « C’est la faculté à ne pas se laisser abattre par les problèmes, à toujours rebondir... »

  6. How can someone stand in the same hotel as Mika and left the hotel, knowing he is there, for some party !! I wouldn't sleep, I would try to know what's Mika's room and I would spen my night looking at the door and waiting for him to came out !!

    You have never been to Lebanon:roftl:

    Best partys are there!!

    how I understand her to take benefit of every single second spent there:wub2:

    with a little bit of luck, she'll end in the same night club that him:roftl:



    where is Cubitus?

    i'm worried

    lost in the tribunes... searching an internet point?


    he made a mistake with the venue and he is in Rimini?


    :roftl: he warned us that he wont be back until monday!

    no conexion :sad:


    :shocked:How can someone live without any connexion at home??????

    Too horrible to imagine!!!

  7. Politically, this is such a big thing to do; an act of faith in the country of his birth.


    And thank goodness it has been safe. There are 50 dead from yesterday's bombings in India where my daughter's friend is staying. And more than 30 dead in Turkey.


    So set Mika's concert against the backdrop of a mosque................




    And so you should. Tonight was very special.




    And there is only one thing to reply to that





    and just next to that Mosque there's a Church.

    without forgetting all the special meaning of this place (resistance and freedom) for all the lebanese people...

    that's a big symbol..

  8. I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!!!


    Guys, I don't think anyone can really know the meaning of the word "amazing" unless they've bean to this show... OMG! You could see how excited he was and how excited his Lebanese fans were to be there. It was like.. the most exciting day of my life! Haha!


    First, we parked our car and on the way I saw a poster of the show haha. During the whole car ride I had a stomack ache.. and.. wow. We went through the security check and stuff, and we waited. One random song after the other... Eight o'clock had past... We heard Sweet Dreams and that jeans song (haha forgot the name). Then the music stopped and this clown came in with ballons, big ballons. And more clowns came and girls dancing and it was soo exciting... And ofcourse, the band members came and started Relax.. The second Mika came you could feel all the croud jumping as if there were a wave of screams and excitement. It's like the world stopped. And after the song he talked arabic. Habibiiii he was soo cute! And his arabic was really good! I was really surprised! He talked a lot of french too. It was really nice. All these songs came and, as usual, we sang along and everything. There was also a part where he devided the audience in 2 and gave each part something to repete like papaprapapa (well.. whatever, you know:p) and, ofcourse, my side won, hehe! And when Love Today came and it was all slow I screamed: Love Today! And everyone was like what the hell? she's an idiot. This guy even said noo it's Grace Kelly. But they all were wrong hehe. And he was sooo energetic.. it's like he was never tired. Always jumping. Always scream. Always singing with that amazing voice. Lolipop was sooo good. They did the thing with the shadows and the bad bunny sign, soo funny. Evan for the little kids next to me that were bugging me. Oh crap, this thing is soo long. Hehe. Anyway, at the end, it was soo cool there were all this paper things and stuff as usual except this time there were fireworks! And wow! Amazing fireworks! I reaallly wanted to see Mika backstage so my dad was trying to get him and the security didnt let in then my dad said: I'm his uncle. And... guess what? we got in! Except Mika had left... But my dad shook Mickey's hand and said good job and he said thank you very much. Hehe.


    It was amazing.


    :yay::yay: :yay:

    Thank you for your report!!!


    waiting for the other stuff:wink2::roftl:


    lol everybody is everyone's uncle or relative in Lebanon:naughty:

    that's really nice from your dad!

  9. OMG! He's speechless!

    First time for everything:


    that cracked me up totally!! we got THE report over THE gig... :mf_rosetinted: yes, we are cool :mf_rosetinted:


    Yessss WE ARE!!!!:cool:


    Im very happy for him and so proud :tears:

    Im always happy when Leb ppl achieve great things and come back to their home land and are so happy to be back!!!

    It must be a Lebanese feeling, can't explain....

    Sorry I'm getting a bit emotional!

  10. The Golden Cage is a sectioned off area in front of the stage, best place to be, right in front of him.


    You could be right about that, maybe the giant ice cream is stuck in traffic!:floor:

    :lmao: knowing how awful traffic is in Beirut, that must be the real reason!!!


    The texts I'm getting are showing Lebanese time and I got that text at 21.45, so I think it should have started at 21.00.


    21.45 must be the U.E.A time zone---> it's 20.45 in Lebanon, because right now it's 21.30 in Lebanon.

    It's becoming a little bit complicated:blink:

    soo it should at 21.30 local time, ie now...


    Wait, *calculates* ... 20:00 is - 10pm? That doesn't sound too early to me :bleh:



    20.00 means 8.00 pm and 21.45 means 9.45 pm ;)

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