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Posts posted by elise_xx

  1. First week of Mika's Tour... 18/10/09



    So..... I'm at the moment on the tour bus on the way to Mika's show in New York. We played Boston last night which was hench!!Montreal and Toronto the nights before which were also banging!! Really enjoying being on stage with everyone - it's alot of fun and I am still running around like a loon!! So my life at the mo is nothing like what it has been for the last 400 years!! I have been living in hotel rooms and bus!! Which is a lot of fun!! Missing some creature comforts - but the stage and the people and the crowds are making up for it!!! Oh yes!!

    I have been lovingly welcomed by Mika Fan Club - they are a fab bunch and are great - so thanks guys!!! Keep logging into the myspace videos to see all the vlog updates and clips from tour!! Kisses to you all!!

    iMMa dates TBA soon x


    she gave me permission to post these, isn't it lovely for her?


    ah that is so nice! :biggrin2:

  2. ohh very cool not too dissimilar to mine (which is an exact replica) I like it you look good in it :D



    And Elise, you remind me of Taylor Momsen from Gossip Girl.


    Except, you know, not as depressed looking. :roftl:



    thank you, thank you :blush-anim-cl:

    haha someone else told me that I look like her too :naughty: which I think is pretty cool, cuz I like her :teehee:

  3. I have two things!




    In my school we have Health and Fitness classes, and after getting everything ready, Miss realized she forgot the CD :doh:.


    So, she asked if anyone had 'dance-y music' with them. I raised my hand. I had my iPod with me, and I have a playlist, titled--- 'WAG REMIXES'.


    . . . :biggrin2:


    For an hour and a half we just listened to different WAG remixes, and at one point I ran up and just put it on a Mika playlist, and shuffled it.


    The best part was that NO ONE complained! :thumb_yello:




    I'm the charity rep. for my class, so I was asked to organise something. Someone suggested that whole 'Guess the name of the bear' thing, but my best friend shouted:


    "Oh don't say that! It's just gonna be called Mika!"


    So, we went with a cake sale. I realised that the cake sale would be on the 21st of September. And most of my school are Mika fans.

    We made Mika-cakes.


    To get about 50+ cakes, all having something to do with Mika.


    That was a great feeling. :wub2:


    We raised money, tons, because people just kept on buying them!



    *sighs* I love my school.... :blush-anim-cl:


    wow. your school sounds awesome!:mf_lustslow:

  4. Well I want to be a radio presenter and even tho alot of people don't have any belief in me that I could possibly do it as I'm very shy, some people do and I'm trying to take the confidence from the positive and gonna try my best and get an A in Media so I can do it! :thumb_yello:


    ..If that doesn't work out, I'm gonna learn to drive and get a job delivering pizza!! :naughty:


    sounds like a good plan! :biggrin2:


    I'm not sure what I want to do later..

    I know I want to do "something creative" but it is very hard to find something that I really really like.. I love movies & photographie, so I probably want to do something with that.. I just don't want to do something "boring"!

  5. My mom kinda likes him, she keeps saying that he'd be the perfect son-in-law haha, and she likes that he is very creative and that he makes me smile, but gets annoyed with me talking about him though :teehee:

    My dad is actually the one that made me a mikafan! He really liked Grace kelly and then bought the cd... and then I started looking him up on the internet and I found the mfc :wub2:

    My brother says he's gay. but I know he has mika music on his ipod!

    And I'm gonna try to make my little 2year old sister mika obsessed, so I have someone I can talk to about him :naughty:

    oh and my friends like him. well 2 of them do.. One friend hates him and we actually used to have fights about it haha, but not anymore. we respect eachothers opinions now. sorta. :naughty:

    One friend really likes him, she went with me to westerpark and she's coming to HMH. and my best friend is starting to like him more, she says she really loves the new album which makes me very happy :biggrin2: and she loves the WAG vid. oh and another friend says he officialy likes mika since the WAG vid :teehee:

  6. hehehehe brilliant!!


    my nan was on a roll today


    nan: so you like that mika then huh

    me: yeah :doh:

    nan: tell me, is it a girl or boy?

    me: :roftl:



    nan: how does he get soo high?

    me: i dunno

    nan: he must either have someone standing behind him stabing him in the bum with a knitting needle

    me: :naughty: or??

    nan: he has a bit of string around his unmentionables which he holds the other end of so he can tug it a bit to get the right note

    me: :roftl:




    *walking home from shops holding a toaster and listening/ dancing/ miming Love Today, three guys in hoodies walk toward me, i panic and turn the music down and stop dancing coz i feel intimidated*


    dude1: i feel intimidated

    dude2: why man, she's shorter than us

    dude3: coz she's holding a toaster, and listening/ dancing to mika

    dude2: woah, she. is. scary man

    dude1: *real quite* yeah, and i bet she can hear us


    me: :lmfao:





    these are frigging brilliant.

    especially the last one :teehee:

  7. When were you happiest?

    De day before a mika gig, the day of a mika gig, the day after a mika gig :biggrin2:


    What is your greatest fear?

    Never achieving anything.


    What is your earliest memory?

    When I was 2, Eating chocolate with my mom,dad and brother.

    It is also the only memory I have from when my mom & dad were still together.

    What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?I can feel very sorry for myself :naughty:


    What is the trait you most deplore in others?

    If they are too happy when other people around them are not.

    Like, when someone goes: Why aren't you smiling?! when you are just feeling very sh**ty. Cuz it makes you feel even worse.


    What was your most embarrassing moment?

    uhm.. The only one I can come up with right now is grabbing the wrong persons hand when I was little..


    Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought?

    My camera! oh no, wait, I had a horse once.. that was even more expensive.

    What is your most treasured possession?My mika sweater:wub2: ( and the rest of my mika stuff.. oh and my ipod )

    What do you most dislike about your appearance?

    My nose.


    Who would play you in the film of your life?

    Sacha baron cohen.:naughty: or helena bonhem carter.


    What is your guiltiest pleasure?



    What is your most unappealing habit?

    I can give deadly looks :teehee:


    Where would you like to live?

    London or Amsterdam.. a big city anyway.


    What does love feel like?

    I would like to find out.

    What was the best kiss of your life?

    Can't remember.. That probably means that I've never had a very good kiss :naughty:

    Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

    haha that reminds me of someone's tweet:

    Don't you ever worry that if you could invite 5 people to your perfect dinner party, you'd be the most boring person there?! :roftl:

    anyway, I'd invite: Tim burton, Mika ofcourse, Yasmine, Lady gaga and Johnny depp. Oh and Madonna!


    What is the worst job you've done?

    The one I'm doing now.. cleaning a restaurant. the work sucks, but I get paid well :teehee:

    If you could edit your past, what would you change?

    I would have ignored all the stupid people at school that yelled hurtful things at me, and I would have worn the clothes that I wanted to wear to school.

    How do you relax?

    I go on the mfc! and I eat chocolate, drink coffee, watch movies. I love movies.

    What is the closest you've come to death?Falling on my back & not being able to breathe afterwards.


    What single thing would improve the quality of your life?

    Having mika as my best friend :biggrin2:

    or boyfriend.. ^^


    What do you consider your greatest achievement?

    The poems I've written I guess..


    What keeps you awake at night?

    I worry too much. about stupid little things.

    And I always have lots of good idea's at night, like :

    Oh I should draw this.. and then I immediatly want to do those things.


    What song would you like played at your funeral?

    Remember me by diana ross, smile by MJ and other MJ songs, mika songs...

    Jeez I've thought about this too much :blink:


    What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

    There will be an answer, let it be.

    And I you are positive, you attract positive things.


    Where would you most like to be right now?

    At a mika gig! :mf_lustslow:


    Tell us a secret.

    I buy songs on Itunes, but the account is on my moms creditcard.

    she hasn't noticed yet!

    - ok, that sounds kinda bad. I've only bought three songs! -

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