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Posts posted by 1kiwiabroad

  1. yes god!!!! But what about jess magickitten91? she 's god after all....mind you we could be like greek...and you know what they say about gods....if you gotta be one, be the god of sex and rock n roll....now thats mika : our benign ruler mika the sex god of pop!

  2. heya all again...well, the mikaville thread was so popular with so many people wanting to live there, that i decided to begin a residents of mikaville thread where MFCers can confirm their residency in our wonderful, mikafilled new town! Just justify your reason for wanting to live in mikaville and your in!And why not add your adress and house number in mikaville ?


    Mikaville resident #1: 1kiwiabroad( #3 LOve love lane)

    Mikaville resident #2: Kavi( #1 love love lane)

    Mikaville resident #3: Magickitten91 ( #12 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #4: sou

    Mikaville resident #5: ohwowitsnicka(22 chew chew avenue)

    Mikaville resident #6: GraceKELLEY76 ( 13 Lollipo lane)

    Mikaville residnt #7: bexxY

    MIkaville resident #8: Mika&RBDluvr101

    Mikaville resident #9: mariposa ( #1 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville reisident #10: my rainbow radio

    Mikaville resident #11: Droopsy (big girl lane 24)

    Mikaville resident #12: LebAngel (#7 grace kelley avenue)

    Mikaville resident #13: Iona

    Mikaville resident #14: Evelina(hehe very fitting!) ( #7 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #15: Canderson

    Mikaville resident #16: Liz( #16 happy endings circle)

    MIkaville resident #17: elisabethlovesmika

    MIkaville resident #18: bttrflykisses88 ( #24 happy endings circle)

    Mikaville resident #19: crazypom ( 17 treat lane)

    Mikaville resident #20: lollipopgirl92( teh only lonely one emerald forest

    Mikaville resident # 21: cazgirl (#4 love love lane

    Mikaville resident # 22: Cath85 ( 25 grace kelley avenue)

    Mikaville resident #23: lolliepopgirl( 18 curlyfry-fan anevue)

    Mikaville resident #24: JUlie ( #1 kerching close)

    Mikaville resident #25: esperia75 ( #1 sunset avenue)

    Mikaville resident #26: Mirtilla

    Mikaville resident #27: Sara ( #4 big girl boulevard)

    Mikaville resident #28: Frances ( #1 bulevard of curly hair)

    Mikaville resident #29: ThatRadFreak ( mansion of only lonely way)

    Mikaville resident #30: Eir (#83 braces lane)

    Mikaville resident #31: Marianne84 ( #22 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #32: nathalieexx

    Mikaville resident #33: MikaRMS ( stuck in teh middle of interperetation wvenue!)

    Mikaville resident #34: EnFa

    Mikaville resident #35: Becky (#3 big girl lane)

    Mikaville resident #36: Rosakiwi

    Mkaville resident #37: beryl( #1 identity way)

    Mikaville reseident #38: martine( #10 holy jhonny road)

    Mikaville resident #39: Ms.Mewiss<33 ( #19 lollipop lane)

    Mikavile resident #40: luna ( #1 Kerchinga street)

    Mikaville resident #41 : mel tinydancer ( 1234 lollipop lane) sorry, i only just found your request on the other tread - you are rightfully about #3!

    MIkaville resident #42: rosieLou ( #7 happy endings cirlce)

    Mikaville resident #43: MIKAontheweb ( 7 big girl street)

    Mikaville resident #44: Beryl (i think!) ( identity mad way)

    Mikaville resident #45: Grace Ally ( #2 Grace Kelley avenue)

    Mikaville resident #46: ImgievV

    Mikaville resident #47: esperia75 (again, i think... i'm confused)

    Mikaville resident #48: haylie19 ( #85 braces lane)

    Mikaville resident # 49: Jamakkronic ( #1 paradise square)

    mikaville resident #50: hotdlp ( lollipop lane)

    mikaville resident #51: annabelle

    Mikaville resident #52: Cassiopee ( 24 chew chew avenue)

    Mikaville resident #53: Mika Owns Me ( #1 boulevard of curly hair)

    <ikaville resident #54: lunafish ( #13 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #55: Sofia ( #29 suspenders avenue)

    Mikaville resident #56: nicole ( #7 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #57: lollypop ( #9 lollypop lane)

    Mikaville resident #58: Crina ( #1 billy brown lodge)

    Mikaville resident #59: Curly ( #13 perfect curls grove)

    Mikaville resident #60: Ringtailed sheepdog ( #30 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #61: lovetoday ( YOU should also be up the tiop - sorry, i'm really not good at this....) ( #5 love love lane)

    Mikaville resident #62: born4mika ( #2 curly fry boulevard)

    MIkaville resident #63: Holy Jhonny

    Mikaville resident #64: ruibinchives( #22 lillpop lane)

    Mikaville resident #65: Dangerous Kat

    Mikavill resident #66: Veronica ( #65 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #67: mellody ( #4 boulevard of curls)

    Mikaville resident # 68: lolliepop girl ( lollypop lane)

    Mikaville resident #68: Big Girl ( Holy Jhonny road)

    Mikaville resident #69: violet sky ( #3 boulevard of curl hair)

    Mikaville resident #70: Ju.Thulc-girl( # 28 chocolate flow avenue)

    Mikaville resident #71: JeyJen ( #26 chew chew avenue)

    Mikaville resident #72: Dngerous Kat

    Miakville reisdent #73: Crocodiel Tears ( #8 Big girl )

    Mikaville resident #74: Shezzy12

    Mikaville resident #75: beckar

    Mikaville resident #76: sonjalovestoday

    Mikaville resident #77: Mika forever

    Mikaville resident #78: CaroLollipop ( #10 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #79: stella (#12 big girl lane)

    Mikaville resident #80: monshi

    Mikavill resident #81: sheenastar

    Mikaville resident #82: helen100( #11 Grace Kelly avenue)

    Mikaville resident #83:Flyingpurplehippos( #20 lillipop lane)

    MIkaville resident #84: phlea

    Mkaville resident #85: finkster ( #8 billy brown lodge)

    mikaville resident #86: lillipopmonkey ( #32 Happy endings cirlce)

    Mikaville resident #87: sara Zumone Oz

    LnMikaville resident #88: LrdToxic

    Mikaville resident #89: vanessa

    Mikaville resident #90: Me-MI-Ka ( #45 lollipop lane)

    Mikaville resident #91: heineken22


    Official groups of mikaville:

    Mika's angels(angels' palace #1 little bit of heaven square)

    Proundmuts ( headquarters at #2 love love lane)

    Liz, mika's alternative phsychotherapist (16 happy endings cirlce)

    MikaLunatic Asylum: co-founders- Iona and Violet_sky and Eir

    Resident vicar: Holy Jhonny ( the temple of Mika holy jhonny road)

    Ultimate Big Girl Drink Fan club ( coke corner Big Girl lane)

    come join us! life in true mika style!

  3. mika's sister dawhack would have to design all the patterns...and we could have hidden murals like mika said he was staging all round london, that people have to find and take pictures of that we could have as competitions....

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