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Posts posted by 1kiwiabroad

  1. i was just talking to kavi on the official body hair thread, when we got to talking about how cool it would be to have all mika fans living in one place, because then we could get together to celebrate his wonder - and everything in teh town would be planned so that it is mika related - even stop signs!!( a sign with a picture of mika topless and i shorts hehe).

    so i've made a new thread for us to start planning our own mikamania related town - all are welcome, so come and give us your ideas!

    for exaple, street names, shops, etc.

    someone's just suggested posting mikaville designs on the pictures forum - i agree completely! that way mika will know we love him so much that we have planned a humble abode for him that includes all of us!

    If you wish to become a resident, please go to the residents of mikaville thread and post your requests for residency and your reason and new found adress there and i will add tem to the list!

  2. definately a mutt - ma's amixture of south african, scottish, english, austrailan, american, canadian and zewzealander, and pa's all out maori. that makes me a southafrican - scott-english-australian-canadian-maori-newzealander!!! hehe, god i feel sorry for my kids.... but how do i become a proudmutt? does just posting this count? or do i have to do something else? can i put proud mutt #32 in my signature?

  3. he is very sweet when he laughs. have you seen the london zoo interview? i love the bit where the're going in, and he says : you've gotta hold my hand

    and she says : why?

    and hegrabs her and says: because we're going to the zoo!! and they skip off like little children! he's so cute....

  4. i completely agree too. and kavi's right, he does make me appreciate some things about myself. like being really small - i think it's allright to be really skinny (and trust me, it makes me look like a boy from behind) because mika is! and like she said, loving my haireven more than i already did because it's so mika as she put it!

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