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Posts posted by sonjalovestoday

  1. Oh i am corny and proud of it! So i'm in!

    Everyone at work knows how much a love Mika and know that i'm going to see him. They've started to sing along with his songs that i sing all through the day. I even marked the day of the concerts i'm seeing on the calendar there, saying *think of Sonja* even though i'll quit working there 4 months before the show.

    And they're counting days with me! At breaks they often go "soo, now it's 115 days, right?"

    The other day the girl who works at the store next to the one i work at ran in yelling "Come over NOW! QUICK!" and dragged me over to "her" store because Mika was being played on the radio there! :roftl::roftl:

    So i guess i'm corny! :thumb_yello:

  2. I known Mika (or his music) for 5 months now and those 5 months have been amazing.

    Mika has helped me through so much. I was feeling so down and i really thought my life sucked. I heard Grace Kelly and was blown away. The day after i went to New York and while i was there i bought his album. I came back as different person. I know it's sounds so incredibly lame but it's true.

    Mika has turned my life around. He's done so much for me. Everytime i feel down i listen to him and he can turn the darkest days into the best ones. When i feel like there's no-one there for me i listen to Mika. If i have to let things go of my shoulders i listen and i cry. And i feel much better. Listening Any other world on repeat helped me through a tragedy that happened a while ago but i wouldn't let go. Every morning i start my day by listening to Love Today and my day is saved. I've always been sort of an outsider and been different from the mainstream but Mika helped me to be proud of it! His music always puts a smile on my face which i don't always notice, but others have started to do. :) And people i know can't understand me and why he means this much to me, but that's okay. As long as i understand i'm okay.

    I have so much to think Mika for that there are no words good enough. He's more to me than just a musician or a person.

    I owe him so much and i hope i'll be able to pay it back somehow.

  3. ya.... i wish my parents would stop making fun of mika for a change.....:mf_rosetinted:



    I wish my mom and my sister would too! I was practically yelling at them in the car the other day when they were trying to find "hidden messages" in his songs about his sexuality!! :sneaky2::mf_rosetinted:


    My mom just said the funniest thing, though! We were sitting at the dinner table about an hour ago and out of nowhere she says "Why does Mika keep saying 'suck suck me' in one of his songs?"


    I almost chocked on a potato! :shocked::roftl:

  4. GOLF.


    But only if its the cheap miniature lunar golf they have in the mall.

    Because its fun to laugh at yourself if your bad, and even if your good. i mean who's good at miniature golf?


    Watch him brush his teeth?:roftl:

    No thank you. I can't stand watching anyone brushing their teeth. they do it completely wrong and it makes me mad.


    Exactly!! :shocked::roftl:

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