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Posts posted by punky1989

  1. I was soo made up to see mika wearing my bracelet I know mika likes lego as he said on dvd about how keys lke arrangment like lego my piano teacher used use colour stickers for the keys I couldnt read music either so he used certain colours for the C is red D blue I still do that or have some play the tune then I can play it

  2. its called fushsia or something like that its 2 girls who make them they have some great stuff different from the shops and things I've got few tops and bracelets and neckless from that site love it I hope mika got his from there too that would be cool

  3. I used be very chatty and read ok before my mother died but when she died I stopped talking for 2 years and went in myself the bullying didnt help and went further in myself so my dad toke me out school at 7 and half and I got home schooled for quite a while but I loved learning piano I couldnt read the music still cant but he help me find another way by following the humming or putting colours stickers on the keys I still love playing piano and writing my own little songs for myself

  4. Hi I just looked at some mika pictures when he in hmv and realised I have got the same braclet the colorful heart one I bought it off a website sometime last year I bought alot of braclets off there I even got a lego braclet I bet mika got one of those too





  5. being small has its advantages as I can hide from my brother in shops which I love to do especially in woolworths or asda as I like eating the pick n mix sweets abit bad but cant help it when my brother buy some sometimes I have eaten by the time barry finshed shopping in asda sometimes though I like just hiding from him and jumping out on him and give him a little scare I wonder if mika likes shopping in asda woolworths or tescos too

  6. I hate crowded places too as people tend to knock me or dont even see me especially in asda I am little only 5ft 1 or 2 so when I sit down in asda to read the mags people nearly stand on me when brother lose me in there he looks at mag section first lol

  7. Hi Thanks for all the kind comments they mean alot and I will date as soon I ready and hope to meet mika again as soon as I know he in north west or easy to get to my brother take will take me anywhere but me when he off work or at weekends I couldnt go to the big girls shot even though I wish I was there I always dance to the video and get excited when I put it on off his dvd Barry laugh cos I copy nearly every move he do on his music videos especailly big girls, grace kelly,love today barry say I love like that little girl in grace kelly , love today when I have my hair down I hope mika has some gigs or smaller concerts again soon I dont really like the bigs ones like other bands have sometimes like westlife theyre too big and crowded mikas last year were perfect as I panic in bigger ones and barry has to lift me to see as people taller but the smaller ones I could go front so that easier and full view of mika which is the best in one early mika gig mika saw barry lift me to see him better so I could take picture and did nice smile I love his smile soo warm and gentle and honest

  8. I have dispraxia too that what I meant by delevopment delay I I got dinosed wheh I was 8 and a half and disnosed of aspergers at 11 but I was in special school from 5 years old as was abit I hyperactive and emotional and stuff but it was only a mild special school most of the other kids had dislexia or other learning problems like emotional but only mild to moderate school next door to us the kids had sever learning problems but I always spoke to them over the fence as my other older brother gerard went there as he has sever learning problems and bad form of autisem he wont speak to anyone but me even when dad was alive he told me then I told dad he wont talk to his carers or anyone else my other older brother Barry 34 who hasnt got a learning problem is great he very understanding he very protective of me as I the baby of family but he much worst now dad has died especially about boys he worry I will get taken advantage off as I young for age if a lad or man try talk to me when he take me pub he embarresses me he stands in front of me that normally stands them running he 6ft 3 very tall to me I only 5ft 1 or 2 not sure exactley but he has wavy curlish hair like mika and I love putting 2 ponies in his hair when he lets it grow like lenth of mika's when it got quite longish but he would go mad if people knew that especially his friends but I have pictures on phone he great fun though and he toke me to meet mika 3rd time and I lost him the first time I met mika my support worker claire toke me and I lost her then when barry take me 3rd I lost him Mika's man had to takee me by my hand to my brother I was happy to find brother he got hold my hand barry he do that sometimes especially if he takes me to london or birmingham he say I wander off but he walk too quick and I get distracted and stop for something and he gone but it was me that time I got excited seeing mikas people come out by the time mika came out I had totally lost barry anyway barry got me hand so I turned around to wave by and mika laughed and smiled at me I blew kiss so did he now if that been anyone else barry wouldnt been happy he terrible he thinks I cant date til I 35 or 40 he says stick to dogs and cats and my love of zoo animals especially giraffes I have a toy giraffe that goes everywhere with me especially if we out liverpool it sits in barrys car it bit big about 19 inches so I cant carry around but it travels near enough everywhere but I hope to date someday soon but too shy now

  9. I looking for picture with Mika wearing the white strippy top I cant one I looking for it was on here middle of last year but cant find it I he had the strippy top but had pink top under that too I think it was when he went to Hmv or the vodaphone could anyone help me find it


  10. I still looking for picture with Mika wearing the white strippy top I cant one I looking for it was on here middle of last year but cant find it I he had the strippy top but had pink top under that too I think it was when he went to Hmv or the vodaphone

  11. I have had a person on here cant remember who but saying that I shouldnt post on here as nobody reads it and have a go at me as my grammer and spelling and stuff not good I spoke to mika when I met him 3rd time meeting him afew months ago he said he was disgusted and said that person horrible and on his fan site as he is dislexic I have mild form of dislexica too get letters wrong way round and stuff I was hurt when that person be mean to me about my grammer and spelling as I would think they would be understanding as mika has problems with dislexia and he hates bullying behavor I was bullied when I was 7 cos my mum maria died she was only 35 nearly 36 and I stopped talking for 2 years my dad had to take me out school when I was 7 and a half got a home tutor for 13 months and then got bullied at 13 so I left school for good I dont understand why people feel the need to bully a other person as I feel you have o treat people as you want to be treated which means with respect and kindness I shy til I know them well as dont want be treated harshly again so very wary til then people need to be understanding about learning difficulties as it not easy it very frustrating and cant be as indepentant as I would like but I know my own mind and have a right to be on this site just as anyone else I love Mika and thats why I come on here to try make friends and talk to other fans I dont often do out alone and need support with stuff but hope to need more independant but it first time I live in own flat always lived at home with dad and miss him terribly I very close to him he brought me up on his own from I was 7 years and I always abit behind other kids as my delevoplement delay and aspergers make me younger for age even now I 19 but mentally/emotionally about 12 years old but mika is abit childish himself in a nice way I very childish still love bouncy castles love fares but not high rides love going to disneyland in paris I going again in August for 2 weeks and love toys and colourful things for my flat it covered in paintings my support worker say I talented painter and should sell them maybe in future I will but not yet too shy for that anyway I enjoy coming in this site and hope people been understanding if my grammer and spelling not good as I have learning difficulties and hope that not put people off as I very honest about things sometimes too honest for my own good but that me






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    Today, 02:29 PM

  12. music has always helped me commucate how I feel as I have aspergers a form of ausiem and dont really express my feelings and bottle things up and get really upset I wasnt good at school stuff but picked up piano but I cant read music so I have to get someone to sing it on hum then I can do it but I know some songs on piano through that and remembering then keys but I cant read music either but I got a private music tutor ans he is good and just helps me learn withough music sheets he great tutor and doesnt get mad when I mess up

  13. my friends say I sing exacly like mika does in grace kelly amd love today and relax take it easy I can sing the hight notes well and do it loud my brother laughs say I sure I not related to mika but he would too my brother seriously daft at times

  14. Mika was very kind to me and talked to me and very effectate hug me again and signed my teddy bear and t shirt I had on he signed my pink top last year and he remembered me calling him back and hugging me then he joked I would run out of clothes for him to sign which made me laugh as my support workers say it too

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