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Posts posted by punky1989

  1. I remember him being dark haired abit skinny looked 17 or 18 maybe 19 he came out before mika and with a girl and someone else I think he went in mika van or next one by mika's

  2. oh yes that was a great show wasnt it and loved meeting him in person soo lovely was the lad who went in mikas van a very young he said mika stole his style was he fortune

  3. oh thanks I'm usless on these boards I never know what to talk about I have problems thinking up things to say to people and say the wrong things never mind online I hope he does have a concert here soon

  4. I think hes either gay or bi as one of my friends and support worker says he propely bi I cant really if someones gay myself didnt know until stefan told me he was I just thought he was different as he didnt like football and stuff like other boys in school as another friend micheal isnt gay and doesnt like other boys stuff which I perfer as I abit in middle girly but tom boyish too sometimes

  5. hi Catherine I heard that somewhere too and I gree with what mika says and he is right he not like the likes of mark out of westlife who couldnt say he was and then he did say and going with a boy he was worried about upsetting his girl fans mika doesnt have that worry I hope

  6. Hi I just wanted to say sorry about asking whether mika is gay or not it doesnt matter to me and I love him to bits and that wouldnt change if he is or not I personally think hes not but til he says he is or not I'll know for sure I have learning difficulties and Aspergers and not bad at reading and spelling but not on punction I went special school til 14 but left due to bullying as I not same as everyone else and like certain things others dont anyway hope I didnt offend anyone on here as I enjoy coming on here speaking with other fans my friends dont know what I see in Mika but to me hes funny talented and very gorgous both inside and out Catherine

  7. my friend stefan 23 is gay and doesnt care who knows and not embarressed about it and he says he doesnt think mika is gay and he thinks all males are in the closent it wouldnt put me off his music and still would thinks hes gorgous if he is gay but I think he would say by now if he was as its no shame in it his proper fans will love him no matter what I worry cos my friends wont be his fans unless he says he is or not and are waiting for him to some reason I'm waiting too just to find out know its none of people buinness but just curious

  8. I know it doesnt really matter but I been worrying about what people are saying on the internet about mika's sexaullity saying he should come out the closet I dont think hes gay or bi but because looking on his big girls vid and other pictures he seems not what do you think Catherine

  9. hes lovely I met him outside the apollo in manchester and he signed my pink top and asked me whats my favorite songs and I told him grace kelly stuck in the middle and love today and he gave me a hug he's soo tall I'm only 5ft 2 and look only 12 -13 and only came up to under his chest he was very kind too lovely then expected and his mum his lovely too wish I had mother miss mine she died when I was 7 she was 34 her name was marie

  10. oh thanks I looked and it just said its been sent thats it I realise hes a very busy person and properly doesnt get a good day off but its imporant he reads it I did ask could he reply when he can even if its just hi or thanks if you know what I mean if I dont then I will give it to him when I meet him again

  11. I wonder whats Mika's favorite food tv shows pop drinks etc I know he's a fan of hollyoaks and likes heroes but whats is his fave other tv shows or films and cartoons


    My favorite drink is diet pepsi


    my favorite food is chicken curry


    my favorite sweets are smarties and jelly beans


    my favorite tv is Hollyoaks.Eastenders and corrie and lots others


    my favorite films is bridge to tabatha and charlie choclate factory and also love horrors and thrillers


    whats are everyone heres favorite things

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