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Everything posted by uhsofamous

  1. Welcome to MFC! The place where all the mika-obessed gather
  2. Welcome to MFC! I live close by you, in Calgary Enjoy!
  3. BWAHAHA sorry i just though that was funny
  4. me too,i was laughing like crazy! even Blair found it funny
  5. yeah, like she got $10,000 for a blank tape! LUCKKYYY and then she made the oral herpes donation in Chucks name hahah
  6. I really like Blair and Chuck together, I felt bad for Chuck when he saw Nate and Blair kissing afer the Debutante Ball he looked so sad... and my least fav charcter is Vanessa..
  7. yeah it would be akward for Dan and Serena if Rufus and Lily started dating. whos your fav charcters? mine are Dan and Chuck.. hehe
  8. i really liked it to, but i want Nate to find out about Blair and Chuck.. But Serena was so nice to tell the Dean it was her(even though she had a bad record), so Dan wouldnt get expelled. And I feel sad for Rufus...
  9. Yeah I saw it! When i first saw Gossip Girl I was like i saw him somewhere... then i finally found out it was in John Tucker Must Die. how did you like this episode?
  10. oh, was Gossip Girl on tonight for you?
  11. ahah i guess sooo... im too busy having a life bwahahah
  12. i have like the lowest post count on MFC it depressing
  13. im guessing that picture is back from his modeling days... so far season 3 is going good, but right now they are playing repeats because of the holidays but im sad because it doesnt seem like Reid has a drug habit anymore..
  14. hahaha i love how everyone is so in love with Reid. buts it so hard to contain yourself nerd are sexy COME ON PEOPLE WE NEED TO DISCUSS MORE CRIMINAL MINDSSS
  15. -Criminal Minds -Matthew Gray Gubler, from Criminal Minds -the movie Funny Games (the new one) even though its not even in theatres yet. and im ashamed to admit this but Hannah Montana.
  16. Yeah, i've seen the commercial like 500 million times DEBBIE GIBSON lhah
  17. I was watching tv today and saw one of those commercials where the kids sing popular songs.. And they sang Grace Kelly! I thought it was pretty interesting Although it only shows a little of Grace Kelly here is the link: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=ndAVCnoligA&feature=related Its at around :10
  18. In Canada its 18A but im not sure about any where else...
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