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Posts posted by sesil17aa

  1. LOL! But I guess a watch is less likely to be spot on in the crowd and even if you meet him and he looks you only in the eyes (or cleavage since he seems to look there quite often according to pics...)

    Yeah, possible. It would be for sure less striking than hoodie... or a curly wig :roftl:

  2. not on TV! listening to the music only :)


    at the moment its the tin can part on love today ...wishing i was watching.... LOL!

    Yeah, I understood that already :doh:


    Sometimes when I haven't listened to Mika for a while I calm down for a while, but the moment I hear him again I'm like "O gosh, I'm listening to a real genius!" :tears:

  3. I am going only to 2nd December gig, well I don't think I will be able to take part in a 'real' social meeting, such as going somewhere all together, but it would be nice to see you all at the gig and at least say hi. Most of us have flashin hearts or mfc badges, right? So we will recognize one another if we wear them ;)

  4. The other day, she bought me a copy of Life in Cartoon Motion. Then a few days later, I was watching TV, and I heard something blaring from the next room. She was paying bills / singing along to 'Love Today', which was booming over the CD player.


    And today, I didn't feel good, so I laid down in my room for a while. And what woke me up?




    This is both a happy moment, and a creepy moment.

    Aww, this is kinda cute isn't it? :wub2: I remember hearing my mum humming Love today for the first time. :yay: still it was also the only time :blink:

  5. Ummmm ... yes & no ..... CHARISMA is an energy .... some ppl are so called 'good looking' ... but no special energy exudes from them .... it's like you can FEEL someone from far away .... the other end of the street or smth .... :wink2:

    I have had this experience from ppl who are in no way stereotypically 'good looking' ...... it's just .... them !!!! :blush-anim-cl:

    I totally agree. Mika has this charisma and I'm quite sure that I wouldn't look at him as 'nobody' if I saw him on street. Moreover, he has both charisma and great looks, therefore I think I would be interested in him anyway. Of course, we don't know much about his personal life, but I think most of the people know the feeling when you see some stranger on a street and look back because there is 'something' about him/her, and Mika is definitely a person with this 'something'.

  6. Ah, so many people here who have experienced the same.

    It has happened to me, 6-9th grade was one of the worst periods in my life. I didn't get along with kids in my class, I had only one friend. When I tried to speak to other kids they always pushed me off, as if I had done something wrong, and there were some terrible people who made very nasty comments about me. At one moment I remember myself reading aloud at home not to lose my voice, because I talked so little. Now nobody's bullying me but I can't say that I would have very close relationship with my class-mates, all my best friends are not from my class. I don't know which is the cause and which is the consequence, but I really don't like spending much time with people and often movie or book characters are closer to me than the real people. It's strange that I can feel completely satisfied and even happy reading/watching films/doing anything I like when I'm alone, but meeting people often brings me down.Maybe it is wrong, but I don't think I can change this. I also would like to be a psychologist, but I know it is very hard and I'm not sure I could really help those people.

  7. thanks to anyone contributing to the discussion...we are all right and it's good we try to understand what will be our best behaviour when mika comes back to sing for us....


    personally, i experienced something in florence....after he sang - you know it was a festival - a bunch of screaming younger (than me, but not so teenish!) fans went to the side barrier waiting for him to approach....luke came first and they were mad, asking him for kisses! i realized immediately that the space was little and, if i had gone near them i would have been confused with them and their mad screaming.


    so i decided to stay behind, and all MFCers like me (but for a few exceptions, very well excusable).


    when Mika actually came near the barrier just for a few seconds, oh god! you cannot even imagine the screaming and the shouting and the pushing!

    Keiser Chief were already playing and...mika told the girls off for too much shouting! he told them to be quiet as another group was playing! and then he went after signing a small quantity of autographs.


    so he did not see me, i could not meet him...but i felt well! just at the thought that i was not confused with them!


    Am i too proud? maybe...but i'm sure i will never approach him in such a mess! and of course the mess can only be bigger from now on....


    self-condamned to never meet mika again! :sneaky2:


    i know, i'm out of topic! sorry mika, this thread was for you.....:wink2:

    Oh, I can imagine the mess. I think bonjourmika once told that when she met Mika, the crowd was very quiet, but that must have been a very lucky case. I think I would have done the same as you. I don't want to scream and push to the front when I see Mika, but then there is practically no chance to meet him. Still, I wouldn't be happy about getting an autograph or pic if I had been shouting, pushing and annoying Mika and other people to get it.



    Yes, I see that problem too. Thing is, Mika himself has set a high standard for himself when it comes to meeting fans. Expectations are high. We're kinda spoilt already. I guess a lot of people would be left quite irritated if he suddenly stopped showing up after his shows to sign stuff and pose with people. At the same time it will become more and more difficult for him to satisfy everybody as the venues he plays get bigger and bigger. It'll be hard to find the right balance. Plus, I hate to say that and I don't mean it meanly, he's not really in need of that much interaction any more now as he has become that big already. So I think keeping up that level of contact with fans will be more out of courtesy than due to the purpose of promo.


    Considering the size of venues it'll be quite impossible to get everybody an autograph or pic. Even if he wanted to do it he couldn't. Luckily pics and signatures don't mean so much to me so for me it is easy to step back and abandon. But there's a lot of people out there to whom this means so much and I feel for them if they get disappointed.


    That's well put, you are so right, and after all I am quite glad about the fact that he IS human.

    And maybe there will really be a day when it all suddenly comes down to the music alone.


    You are right :stretcher:

  9. I actually hope he liked it. I don't know why I am so insecure about it but I think it is because I know he gets loads and loads and loads of stuff from his fans and they're all creative and original and I don't know but thinking about diminishing marginal utility I fear there might come a day where another pair of hand stitched braces and another necklace with unusual things dangling from it or an additional card or drawing or letter may be nothing but dead freight to him. He will always dutifully say 'thank you' as he was taught by his admirable parents when he was a toddler, but I wonder if it all will still mean something to him. I wonder when this will stop and if this point has already been passed...

    Oh but nevermind, I'm talking bollocks as usual, you know me by now and as I feel that I'm sliding gently into a depressive mood I'll leave it at that...

    Oh, and I read this only now!!!!!!! That is exactly what I was wondering about and fearing!!! I mean, it must have been wonderful at the beginning, but now all this amount of things that are given to him... I think it is ok with the MFC project, because there are all those cards packed together, I think it's so much better that each fan trying to give their individual cards. What I was thinking is - I'm going to his gig in December and I was wondering how it will be, and also about whether I should give him anything or not. And I thought exactly the same - how much is not too much? It's funny that I want to meet him soo much and imagine it as one of the greatest moments ever, but in reality, for him it will probably be a huge crowd that wants Mika to do the same again and again - all those autographs, photos, presents. I mean, I would like to do smth that makes Mika happier at least for a moment, but the question is - wouldn't the best present for Mika be leave him alone without the loads of presents, cards and endless good-wishes? :boxed:

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