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Posts posted by Mika_Special



    this has been rated 16+

    While no-one is stopping you from reading this thread, please be aware that this thread contains MILD adult content.

    You have been warned.

    If some material may shock/disturb/disgust you, please turn away now.QUOTE)


    SEE !!

    THERE was a warning !


  2. You know you're obsessed when...

    1) You change your pet's name becuase its Mika's pets name.

    2) You (attempt to) play his songs on the piano ...fail miserably...but still revel in the idea that you at least touched some of the notes that he touches!

    3) When your slaving away in the gym, but your about to have a heartattack when his video comes on the hits channel and you put hand on heart, go EVEN redder and start blushing uncontrolibly.:blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl:

    4) When you have listened to LICM so many times that when you're in a restaurant (with faint music) you convince yourself that its GOT to be Mika.

    5) AND when you are in a shopping store and follow a tall curly haired man, in the hope that it could just be Mika.. and then become thoroughly diasapointed when it isn't.

    6) When you constantly re-tell parts of Mika's life to friends/ family.


    I'm sorry, i cud go on..but i think this is long enough and o congrats if you finished this far and haven't slept yet !!

    xxx:biggrin2: :biggrin2::wink2::boxed: :boxed:

  3. Just some quick news!

    I had some peeps coming from there.

    i played the album and she told me that they play it loads there !!

    I was SOOOO happy !!

    maybe he will actually come there !


    (sorry if this is a pointless thread but i was just so excited and happy !):blush-anim-cl:




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