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Everything posted by Kinga

  1. They're def too skinny, but now I think it's better than couple years ago. Now they're paying fines for having too skinny models...
  2. He is from Liban, just like Mika I know, me too, I can spend all day watching Fashion.TV
  3. Oh thanks You know, I don't know any word in Italian But maybe I'll see what's happening there And don't appologise, everyone can sometimes got lost
  4. HE ;P He disgned Halle Berry dress for the 2002 Oscars http://www.eliesaab.com/site.htm -> look here
  5. And one think she hadn't change is red lipstic She's still very pretty though I like her most without so much make up on face, just like in vid "Cool", with brown her. She was beautiful there...
  6. Oj staruszek sie odezwał Poza tym dla mnie język angielski powinien być drugim języiem w Polsce, w przyszłości napewno Ci się on przyda więc lepiej teraz się go ucz!
  7. Def Valentino, his dresses are :mf_lustslow:, Elie Saab has also good projects Yep, but he still have some good ideas... But I don't like make-up which his modls have, it too heavy for me, too theatrical...
  8. No wonder, Galiano is designing clothes for her
  9. Wiesz aż tak to nie chce mi się nabijać tych postów ;P Młody do nauki, angielski trzeba znać
  10. Nowadays everyone is being compared to each other, someone sounds similar to other... Horrible and every songs is the same, just like Fergie "Fergilicious" and Gwen Stefani "Wind it up"...
  11. Trochę cicho tutaj co nie? Tylko my się udzielamy jak narazie...
  12. Unfortunately yes... MTV kept playing their songs all the time... I used to like Nelly's "Turn off the light", and "Powerless". "Forca" was also good, but now she sounds like every 'pop star', everyone sounds the same.. Like Fergie, I hate her! Exactly, I wanna see them too
  13. Hehe nie tylko Ty... Nawklejałeś trochę Lucky'ego, widziałam...
  14. I'm doing the same, but still they're 'talking'... bleh... I know, too popular... Too... I don't have a word Welcome back
  15. Co Ty nie powiesz :bleh: Coś takiego... Hehe nie tylko Ty
  16. Kinga


    Hi Amanda! Welcome to the MFC, hope you'll spend here great time
  17. Hello! Welcome on the board
  18. They're overacting, I'm 21 and sometimes they treat me like a little kid... But I'm stubborn and I've said that I can't miss this concert. I don't care what they think now, it's my life. Oh yeah, they're overplayed, when I hear Nelly Furtado voice I puke... But Justins "Lovestone" is quite good
  19. Heh thanks, I hope so I know it's close but they still think that I'm too little go to another country just for a gig, where a lot of people is and almost alone. And they know that I can't speak German, I would get lost and so and so... Madness, you're right, everywhere "Relax" is played... I used to hate it coz everytime I hear that song it's in my head all day...
  20. I was thinking to go 3 or 4 to the concert but maybe it will change. Maybe they bring their friends, I dunno. Funny that they know only "Relax, take it easy", I wonder how they do that coz on MTV in every hour "Grace Kelly" was also putting... Wrrr my parents still don't wanna hear about Berlin...
  21. AAAAAAA And I was thinking why you're still online as you said you're leavin.... Sorry... Told ya I'm still sleepy
  22. Well if you say so... Aren't you afraid by planes? I would never get into a plane! I'd prfer travel on a ground In Deichmann they have ballerinas in vivid green, pink and yellow colour. And silver ones. I was thinking to by all of them but I didn't have enough money unfortunately...
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