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Posts posted by mercurygirl

  1. Ok, but I think this is about right....


    1.You need about 1 handful of rice per person and the same with the lentils


    2. 225g of the red kidney beans and of the chick peas (I'm asuming your food tins are the same sizes as ours:bleh: )


    3. about 1 teaspoon of garlic and of ginger


    4. 3 tablespoons of chopped corriander (or if you use the dried stuff then about 2 tablespoons)


    5. If you want to you can also add 1 teaspoon of chopped chilli.


    :naughty:Hope they work out for you... those are pretty rough guesses

  2. S'mores!! Yummmy! Me and my friend both got a sudden craving for them but didn't have a bonfire so we made them over a candle :roftl: Precision-roasted marshmallows.


    hahahahahahaha... precision-roasted... hahahaha:roftl::roll1:


    I got all creative last night and decided to try make this thing I'd seen on TV... for those of you who like carbs and starch as much as I do :blush-anim-cl: you will like these!


    They've got red kidney beans, chickpeas, rice and lentils in them and you blend them all together and make a stiff kind of sticky paste. Then you make little balls out of it and roll them in toasted sesami seeds and put them in the oven for about 10 min.... really really yummy!!:thumb_yello:

  3. I was watching Cinema Paradiso the other day and I realised that it is one of my favourite movies. It's fantastic!!!

    So I thought of creating a thread about the films we love. Which are your fave movies?


    hmmmm... it's a looooong list!!! I'll try edit it a bit :wink2:


    1. Pirates of the Caribbean

    2. Music and Lyrics

    3. Madagascar

    4. Flushed Away

    5. CATS (well that's a play and a movie....)

    6. Chicago

    7. Lord of the Rings

    8. Singing in the Rain...


    There are more... but I think that's enough for now, right?:naughty:


    EDIT: Have to add Grease....(Thanks for reminding me Isa :original: )

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That made me laugh...anyways, can you ask your brother to have a riffle for you and get you any Queen ones he sees?




    I have... but he always "forgets"... personally I think he just gets so caught up in his own riffling that he couldn't be bothered....


    But I don't have the heart to tell him that... we all know how hypersensitive grown men can be.....:wink2:



    Just cause Mandi's away, doesn't mean this thread has to die


    I have a couple of things.


    1. I am now the proud owner of Hot Space, The Game, and the Flash soundtrack--on VINYL


    2. I mentioned to my science teacher that '39 is about time travel, and he put it on! In science class! It was on his iTunes! It turns out he's a Queeniac too. I like him waaaay more than I used to now. He knew about Brian's degree.


    1. You're soooo lucky!!! My brother's found this guy who's got an entire garage full of old LPs and stuff and... and... HE'S TRYING TO GET RID OF THEM ALL!!!!:shocked: so he's selling them for like R20... ummm about $2.50... and he's got a whole lot of Queen stuff... but do you think I've had a single chance to go look for myself?????:annoyed_h4h::badmood:


    2. I've had few surprises from teachers like that too! hahahaha... have to admit that I still really dislike half of them, but at least I know they have taste in music!

    Lucky you to have got to listen to Queen in a science lesson!!! we usually get Enya or Dido....:boxed: But our English teacher once played brick in the wall for us... then asked us to analyse it *yawn*


    3. Adding my own little point:

    I got a Freddie doll/figurine!!! YAY!!! I've been carrying him all around the house. My parents think I'm looney, but I love him! It's brilliant!!!:wub2:

  6. Because you don't want old people looking better than you:roftl:


    Why are there radios?


    To channel secret alien communications to earth to brain wash all the humans to start liking brussell sprouts!


    Why does the earth rotate?

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