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Posts posted by AnnaMariaPetra

  1. Hi everybody!!

    I'm Simone and I'm italian!

    I love Mika and here in Italy has become an idol!

    Grace Kelly and Relax ( that actually is the current single ) are definetly two hits!

    Well..nice to meet y'all.

    I hope I speak english with less mistakes as possible...

    and whta else. I'm huge fan of chrisitna aguilera, I love listeining to music, sing it and I love sports too.

    I'v been doing lots of sports:roftl:

    mmm ok that's all!!!



    Hi! Sorry for the late welcome-reaction,but: WELCOME! I just noticed your name is Kalel: are you a supermanfan? And if so: which Superman do you like the best?:cool:

  2. Agreed 100%...this is so dumb I laugh and get soo furious at the same time!...

    How can you say someone stole your name?...Nobody had even heard of this chick before now...and I bet she still isn't popular (especially not here!!!)...

    Its all jealousy...but this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to ridiculous....

    Someone hit her on the head and knock some sense into her...


    Btw...she's really scary looking...like some monster from a horror movie...I'd be afraid her hair would come to life and eat me!!


    Oh come on: she's just reggae!:cool:

  3. http://users.skynet.be/sb340300/site/HTMeng/indexeng.htm


    I think that's her site. Let's contact her and send that list, and then tell her she sucks and she should get retired by now. Oh and than go stalking her even more.


    Who will send the list :naughty:


    Hi Milou and other (belgian)Mika-haters,

    I really do think that we MIKA-fans should not lower ourselves to things like sending hatemails or stalking anyone. Lets just enjoy the one and only real MIKA and don't let us be bothered to much by distressing issues.

    I don't mean to offend anyone, but I just think we should act adult about it.

    (And, above this: we shouldn't give the belgian Mika all this attention: that is perhaps the thing she mosts wants out of this situation.):mf_rosetinted::cool:

  4. Ok, I need to be honest with everyone here. When the forum crashed, I found myself better able to concentrate on everyday things... school,life etc. In a way, it was sort of a jolt of reality. Mika is my idol, but I can't go on like this. I need some time off from the fanclub. I love everyone to death but I have so much to worry about now a days. That doesn't mean I won't drop by to check PM'S and have a good laugh once in a while.


    But for me, the peak of my enamoration with mika I think has passed...for now. I just spent a long time recalling every word spoken between us the first time we met... lol.. This has to stop. I think the more I talk about him like this to everyone... in this sort of God like way lol...the less real he becomes. It almost degrades my experience with him. It becomes another "fan fic" when in those moments upon me seeing him in person, it was so much more than that. WE were just appreciative of one another... an unconditional love on my part atleast.


    So I have to say goodbye for a little while...because I need to concentrate on the things that will bring me closer to success. You know, I've never come across a more lovely bunch of people... Thank you so much to those of you who have supported my writing and my romanticism... It truley does make me feel on top of the world to hear that what I have written has brought you to tears ( in a good way of course :P)


    I love you all!



    Though we never met before I kind of regret your leaving, because you write so eloquent and wel thought. Bye for now and I hope you'll be back once. :mf_rosetinted:

  5. Hi everyone ,

    I'm patricia , i'm 26 years old . i'm married for 4 years and i have 2 boys from 5 (almost 6) and 7 (almost 8).

    I'm dutch and i like Mika so much.

    I'm going to see him at 11 november in Amsterdam.


    Hi, fellow Dutchie!

    Great that you've found the MFC. Welcome and enjoy. (Be careful: it is addictive...:wink2: )

    You can (and please do) also visit the Dutch Thread. You can speak Dutch there.)


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