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About noaa

  • Birthday 04/03/1985


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    lost into Mika's world
  1. Strange to talk with you in English too Thank you to the Jam Session team to give us the information. Why did I just read you and Pamette's posts. Now, I want to come with you!!!
  2. That would be so great to see him in a such small venue. I played too but, as French Deb said, it will be very difficult to be selected to go. Wait and see. Friday isn't that far.
  3. Sorry, I was talking about this picture. Anyone knows where it comes from?
  4. Hey, I wanted to know where does this picture is coming from. I didn't know this one.
  5. Only one word to say: wahouuu!! Really nice video. I love all the little effects like the wall, the plushes who are singing. I even wonder if the small things on the pellow are not moving too. I have to rewatch it again.
  6. Hey, I found a pic of Mika just right now and I was wondering if you know where it comes from. I think it was a Glastonbury but I am really not sure. Mika is wearing boots and is in a bedroom on a red bed with hearts. Is it coming from an interview? Which one? Here is a link (sorry I don't know how to do a direct link to the pic). This is the 3rd pic: http://mika-news.skyrock.com/3.html Cheers
  7. I read that Mika was ask to play in Hollyoaks, his favorite TV show. Is Hollyoaks and Shameless a single show or are they totally different?? Here is the article where they talk about Hollyoaks (sorry, it is in french). http://www.imedias.biz/television/actualite-mika-bientot-dans-un-soap-anglais-12525.php
  8. I found it on this website. I don't know whose myspace it comes from, perhaps Mika's relatives, but probably not Mika himself.
  9. Hey, I just watch a video where Mika is with his sister who is drawing the CD cover. I think you all already saw it, but in case, here is the video: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.channel&ChannelID=9668800 I have a question: do you what is the music in the background because I love it? Cheers!
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